Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm

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2012/06/20 01:40:44 (permalink)

Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm
Ok here in OZ The University of Newcastle is running a competition called The Time and Space Concerto competition.  I thought I'd better put up or shut up.
This is a three movment peice with a coda.
Movement one is almost all classical, except for the devolpment phase which has electric guitar and a 303 synth, there is also the sirens song and some sea sounds.
Movement two is music concrete, lots seagull sounds, whale noise, wind, thunder all put through various effect processor's.
Movement three is a a Pink Floyd style slow build up, but with strings and more guitar and 303.
The Coda is a string quartet and again with some music concrete.
All the strings were written in Notion 3 and rewired. 
Notion 3 is the bomb.
Opinions on this would be good because it is for a competition.
Peace Ben

Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/20 02:11:45 (permalink)
    nice piece dude,id like to hear the crash a little louder in the first two parts of the piece,imo the rolls were perfectly leveled to mix with other instruments.

    the seagal sounds im not to fond of.
    but you did a really good job on this,i like that its different.
    i dont like that i can tell its a keyboard and not real instruments(synphony instruments)..i know,i know its hard to play all these
    but maybe a better string selection might have done it..please understand im a knit picker ben.

    ill tell you what i reall y,really liked...the part at 8:57 where it comes into that really cool riff,its almost got a beatlesk sound to it,i was really digging that part.

    you should be proud of yourself,this is a really nice piece,
    its not often i listen to a song this long but it kept me captured with the harmoneys and the flow,like i said before it dragged a little bit on the ocean/seaguls part,but hey,theres got to be an interlude in there somewhere.

    good job...liked it.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/20 10:04:42 (permalink)
    I've enjoyed the eclecticism of your music before, and this doesn't disappoint.  As Chuck said, this sounds very MIDI to me, but I can see your game plan.  I wish you well in this competition.

    All the best,

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/20 18:26:35 (permalink)
    Hey guys thanks for listening and the comments the cool thing about this competition is if and its a big if, a real orchestra would play the orchestral parts and I would dejay the rest.  If and once again a big if, I know I won't it's a 10,000 dollar prize.

    I just thought it was importent to put something up.

    It's also only my 2nd attempt at really using Notion 3, I'm not too sharp with it yet.  What is really cool about this instrument it is teaching me music theory at the same time.


    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/20 22:01:31 (permalink)
    I listened to the entire composition. My impression was that it was rather long and monotonous with random sounds thrown in. I would suggest that instead of droning so long on the same tones and notes, it should build a story to add interest to the listener.
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/21 15:27:52 (permalink)
    Interesting one Ben, quite some project. I liked the first movement, the 2nd I had to skip through, it was too tedious, sorry. Quite liked the 3rd with the theremin type sound and the waves, reminded me of the soundtrack to Myst. The Human League type bass pulses didn't really work for me, they seemed to hold the piece back from expanding on the themes.


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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/21 19:18:07 (permalink)
    Thanks for listening James and thanks for not being too judgemental, I know I have been a mad raging egotist on these boards at time.

    I really don't know about this peice, I will have to wait and stand back and look at it again later.  You know how it is with art!!.

    The good thing is the Time and Space people (the people who are the comp) have sent me a twitter message saying, it's sounding great have I entered yet??  I haven't even finished filling the entry form out, I don't know how they got my twitter account.  I hope they haven't read too much of what I say on twitter.

    I won't win but it gave me such heart to get a compilment from the organiser's of the comp.

    PP, mate I have to accept your opinion with humility but you are not a nice person and I will refrain from going at you but you are not welcome around here.  There I said it.  I'm not the forum moderator, this forum is free and for everyone but what you have been saying to the people who post songs is not welcome and unforgivable.

    For the most part the people on the song forum are good, sensitive artists who could be affected by the negative diatribe you spew forth.  I for one will not stand for it.

    If you are angry with the world, or with failure or with whatever, come and take it out on me, I can take it.  I am an angry battle dwarf and I eat people like you for breakfast.

    Just rememeber I am on the hunt for your posts and everytime you post I will counter it, I will put you down and use my verbosity, knowledge and intellect to show you up for the mean surly peice of @@@@ you are.

    Prove me wrong, post something, join in.  This is a supportive community, if you want to bicker then bicker about techniques in the techniques forum.  I do.

    But consider yourself warned.

    Sorry friends, I love the song forum and I am amazed at the talent, do I like every peice.  No, that is silly and I tell the truth but PP is a troll and I have always gone into bat for my friends, this is no different for me.

    Love Ben

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/21 22:25:51 (permalink)
    Ben, I really am a nice person. I am sorry to hear that you think you are an angry battle dwarf. I took the time to listen to your song and give you my sincere professional insights. I could have said it was garbage or whatever to incite an argument, but I did not. I gave you my thoughts and a suggestion to improve your song. That's what I do these days. Perhaps you should chill out and enjoy life more and not be so angry at the world. I did and I am much happier.
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/21 23:31:36 (permalink)
    I think this is an interesting Philip Glass like composition. I would work on the instrumentation more, but I like the ambience and feel the the piece. Good work, and good luck.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/22 00:25:00 (permalink)

    Ben, I really am a nice person. I am sorry to hear that you think you are an angry battle dwarf. I took the time to listen to your song and give you my sincere professional insights. I could have said it was garbage or whatever to incite an argument, but I did not. I gave you my thoughts and a suggestion to improve your song. That's what I do these days. Perhaps you should chill out and enjoy life more and not be so angry at the world. I did and I am much happier.

    Ok pete, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, I was just trying to say, hey you have come on to this song forum and said some very blunt things and I'm not that way inclined here on the song forum.  I'm pretty protective of the song forum, so sorry but just try and be a little less blunt if you don't like something by all means say it but try and be constructive.
    I have no problems wit what you said to me and can even see your point but the peice is what it is and I've even said hey I'm not sure, this is new territory for me.
    Hey Shad, thanks, yes Philip Glass was in the back of my mind as well.
    Peace Ben

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/22 19:35:14 (permalink)

    I listened to the entire composition. My impression was that it was rather long and monotonous with random sounds thrown in. I would suggest that instead of droning so long on the same tones and notes, it should build a story to add interest to the listener.

    i can understand how one can try and help by being constructive.
    i dont know ben,i dont know you,but i didnt find anything constructive about this post,
    sure its a free world,but this looks like one of those cases where if your post was all negetive...why even bother posting?
    i wouldnt find anything helpful out of a post like this,i cant imagine he would either.
    trying to interpt this with an open mind,why would you even post?
    please dont post on my songs,im not intereseted in your comments.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/22 20:21:06 (permalink)
    Thanks Charlie, it's good to see the brotherhood of the song forum stand together and say hey this is not acceptable.

    I'm trying to give pp a chance but if the negative invective continues pp will know about it.

    So if pp you read this, give yourself a chance join in, if you don't like something, sure say it but always be constructive.

    Hey I don't like everything, but I can always find something positive to say, you know I don't always relate to say a blues peice some of the members put up but, I can appreciate the playing or singing, or the production.  There is always something positive to say.

    This is a mighty community with more talant than I think even some of the members give themselves credit for, you know or you should know how it is.  Artists whatever stage of their careers tend to be sensitive and I see no reason to shoot down any of the people on the song forum.

    Finally this is subjective art, music.  So whilst your negative opinion may be yours, I might love a song, I might think its gold.  So might a million others, you might just end up alone with your opinion on a desert island.

    Sorry guys.

    Peace Ben 

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 09:54:56 (permalink)
    I know I'm probably the last one you want to hear from Ben, but to be honest, I felt the same way as Pete did when I heard the piece and felt that he really said it the way I would have. I might not have worded it the way he did....but my feelings would be...

    I felt the song has potential. I felt it was a little repetitive and some of the things that I heard sort of sounded like maybe they WERE thrown in just to be there. Like I couldn't find a "cause and effect" reason...if that makes sense? Like the random sounds didn't do anything to make the piece better...they just were sort of there, know what I mean? I too would have liked a bit more of a story behind it. You know, beginning, middle, climax and an end sort of thing. Sure that's not always a formula that needs to be used, but I felt it could have possibly been a nice enhancement to what you already had.

    So in a sense, as you can see, my opinion is a lot like Pete''s just not worded the same way. I have to say, I felt his comments to you were the best I've seen him give anyone. Maybe a bit blunt, but I didn't feel it was negative enough to where it would upset you the way I hope my comments here are not upsetting to you. Honest that is not my intent.

    At any rate, good song with potential here. I'm also glad you're giving Pete the benefit of the doubt. I'm all for sticking up for people when someone may come on too harsh or may just be a bit mean in what they say on here....but I honestly didn't feel he did that in this instance. I've not shared many of his feelings on other peoples material due to me just not feeling the same and feeling his delivery was definitely in need of some work. But in this case, I think he was spot on. I hope that doesn't offend you once again.

    post edited by Danny Danzi - 2012/06/23 09:56:38

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 16:10:34 (permalink)
    No you haven't Danny, nor did pete for that matter I can hear and understand what both you are saying. I'm not sure I agree with you both about the sea sounds and the story telling.  There is def a story in there.

    Normally I would map a tune like this a little more, you know a certain amount of bars for each section but I did really tack things together.  I was running out of time. I was also learning music theory and how it works in notion 3. But no excuses.

    As for Pete, you are right again Danny he was not as harsh with me as he had been with some of the others I just wanted him to realise enough I can handle the slings and arrows, some might take what he says and this is extream but never write another song.  

    I just wanted Pete to be more constructive, yes like you Danny.


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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 16:53:32 (permalink)
    Hey Ben i enjoyed the fusion parts more than the straight classical stuff. i think you were obviously more comfortable there too. wondering what this is a concerto for though? a concerto is a showcase for a particular instrument against an orchestral background (usually - for example Bartok and Lutoslawski have produced Concertos for Strings) whereas this seems to be mostly legato strings. minimalistic/repetetive motifs and nature sounds are quite common in modern classical (Part et al) and link in a lot to prog/60s stuff, and this is where your skills lie; however here i think you haven't quite done yourself justice as we know you can. oh, and the second part is definitely NOT musique concrete!

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 20:29:52 (permalink)
    Hey mark thanks for listening, yea I know the point of a concerto is to showcase an instrument.  I didn't know that until I started to put this together and Danny's observation of the peice feeling a bit tacked together is correct.

    My problems were that I was rushing to put this together, I only have to the first of July to enter, the second was I'm still learning music theory and the notion 3 program.  This was my only 2nd peice using this program.

    The good thing though is though I've entered into the innovation category, the comp is divided into proper concertos and an innovative category.

    So not music concrete, how about music of the futurists?

    Thanks anyway mark

    Peace Ben 

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 21:16:03 (permalink)
    I was nice and did not mention the lack of an instrumental showcase. But I am now asking myself, what was so innovative about 13 minutes or so of music that doesn't go anywhere?
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/23 21:49:20 (permalink)

    I was nice and did not mention the lack of an instrumental showcase. But I am now asking myself, what was so innovative about 13 minutes or so of music that doesn't go anywhere?

    I'll play nice because Danny has pointed out to me that you wern't being too harsh but just remember Pete, I won't put up with any bile.
    Ok to answer your question about it doesn't go anywhere, well it does.  We start off in the storm, perhaps it's a dream, your on a ship and your thinking of a previous voyage and storm.
    After the storm we are glideing on the sea, it's a beautiful day, then the reality, a storm hits the ship, hence all the legato strings.  I am trying to simulate the rolling of the ship.
    Then the eye of the storm, it's an Odysseus moment, your encountering the sirens on the rocks, perhaps you have been transported to another world. 
    Then back to the original storm, perhaps the first time this part is played is the forboding of this moment.
    Then the 2nd movement represents the underworld, you have passed into the next world perhaps but you don't know. 
    The third movement is the remergance perhaps you are fighting your way out from Hades, but in the end you realise you have really crashed upon the rocks and hence the end and the coda.
    Peace Ben

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 08:40:16 (permalink)
    With all the storms and rolling ships, I feel like I am getting sea sick  Ah! So that's why I felt like puking when I listened to to the song.   
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 09:03:17 (permalink)
    Ah c'mon man...why couldn't you have just stuck to the fair critique you gave the guy the other day? Then you followed up with you really are a nice person, then had to fire back with what you didn't mention in another this. I feel like an absolute idiot for giving you props on your comments even though I felt similar with different wording. I don't know why you feel the need to be so harsh, Pete.

    Seriously man, is it really called for to the extent to where you are degrading someone like this? I've been trying to accept some of the comments you make as possibly being blunt and a bit opinionated, but you're slipping back into that harsh stage again. Why man? I just don't understand why you have to take a hurtful stance. I know you could care less what I say...but for what it's worth, some of the stuff you say in your posts has merit...but when you turn it into a pompous, high and mighty bash on a just totally makes your credibility drop. I honestly feel bad that I gave you props for your initial comments here. I'll never do it again.

    Ben: I'm sorry...I really thought the guy was going to show us a different side of himself. Serves me right for sticking my nose in this. Apologies brother...from the heart.

    post edited by Danny Danzi - 2012/06/24 09:04:36

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 09:17:50 (permalink)
    The thing the remember about Pete is he is from Brentwood, TN. When reading his posts, I first apply a thick, inbred, redneck, bubba accent and then its all just funny (and makes sense). You all know why he is called Pistol Pete right? Cuz like most bubbas he has a gun, and like most bubbas with a gun, tends to shoot off his toes every now and then. But, Maybe I am being too harsh... to bubbas.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 10:00:08 (permalink)

    The thing the remember about Pete is he is from Brentwood, TN. When reading his posts, I first apply a thick, inbred, redneck, bubba accent and then its all just funny (and makes sense). You all know why he is called Pistol Pete right? Cuz like most bubbas he has a gun, and like most bubbas with a gun, tends to shoot off his toes every now and then. But, Maybe I am being too harsh... to bubbas.
    Come on Shad... don't go there... please... I resent the implication, that because he may be from Tennessee he's automatically a redneck, gun tote'n bubba... that stereotype is just so played... just because he may appear rude, ignorant, and vitriolic... doesn't necessarily make him a southerner... I've been all over this great land, and I see clowns like Mr. Pistol everywhere I go...
    Ben... while this is not my favorite of yours... I do appreciate the effort... and at the very least, you are being creative, and productive... well done...   
    post edited by notnat - 2012/06/24 10:18:11
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 10:05:13 (permalink)
    Yeah, a bit mis-judged that, Shad. PP is a troll, doesn't matter where he comes from. He likes to latch onto someone and pick at them to get an argument going, that's what trolls do. My advice is just ignore him, he'll go away again eventually.


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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 10:49:51 (permalink)
    You guys are right. I meant it tongue in cheek, but I see what you are saying. My apologies.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 11:11:28 (permalink)
    see danny.

    i thought your post was honest and thoughtful.
    you even took the time to explain why you didnt care for certain things.

    but its obvious the true colors of this guy are comming out.

    he's a troll.
    @shad, i didnt take your post to leteraly,i took it as you were trying to lighten the situation up a bit.
    it was ment to be funny guys...
    post edited by chuckebaby - 2012/06/24 11:14:30

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 11:18:40 (permalink)
    Sorry, I couldn't resist the easy opportunity.
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 12:43:09 (permalink)
    Hi Ben, 

    I like the composition overall.  I realize that I'm nit picking, but I thought I should mention two spots that you may want to look at.  They're technical rather than artistic in nature, but they're the kind of things that the judges of the contest might notice.  I'm sure they're easily fixed, if you think they're worth doing.  

    At the beginning of the second movement, there's a brief silence as the music does a quick fade-in, I thought I heard an artifact of some sort that didn't sound like it was part of the music.  It's the kind of sound an old real-to-real would make if you moved the real by hand.  It's very low and may not be worth the trouble, but I thought I'd mention it so you could decide.  
    In a similar vein, as you fade out the "sea gull" sounds at the end of the piece, I can hear some looping artifacts.  They're faint clicks.  

    Otherwise, well done.  

    Good luck with the contest,

    post edited by Old55 - 2012/06/24 12:44:14

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 16:03:04 (permalink)
    Nothing I can add that has not already been constructively said.  

    Listening through to the end there is potential in the piece.  I do not know whether you have tried running the humanise CAL script over this that can remove some of the MIDIness and add some feel.
    Thanks for sharing Neb.

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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 19:17:31 (permalink)
    Thanks so much guys, apart from deadbeat pete.

    We'll leave Pete to his bitterness, it doesn't fuss me what he says.  It's the rest of you guys who put heart into your opinions that count.  It doesn't matter if you like something or not.  It's the constructive way you guys critique a song that is the importent and I appreicate Danny you listening and putting all the crap behind us.  It means a lot.  Ps I'm listening to what your saying.

    Peace Neb

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:Concerto No1 Cry of a Storm 2012/06/24 20:08:38 (permalink)

    Sorry, I couldn't resist the easy opportunity.

    and this one sentence sums up who you are as a person.

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