Re:Console Stopped Working V-700
2011/06/15 12:17:51
If you use this turn on order you will not lose the V700 R & C. Turn on the V700R, turn on the V700C, boot the DAW-PC to the desk top. Then turn on any Midi Controllers-ie- keyboards, percussion controllers, etc. You must establish the V700R&C as your default-sound card-interface-controller when boooting the PC. If it's not there when windows boots, windows will grab another driver as the default. Whatever is active. Open Sonar after you have followed this turn on order. I have a A 800 Pro, a PCR 800 hooked up via USB, and a Handsonic 10 and GW7 workstation hooked up via a Midisport 4X4 router via USB and the Console remains the primary controller and both keyboards will work with the Console and Sonar without glitches. Transport, volume faders, pan, etc.
If you turn off the VS700 while Sonar and Windows is active you will lose the driver and windows will replace it which screws up your in/out midi ports and your track inputs/ouputs.