Continued: Glyn Johns Drum Set up with added close tom mics and Out Kick
I don't have time today to record a sample of how this sounds but I did have time to set up the mics
This is leaving my Glyn Johns Mic set up the same but adding close tom mics to toms 1 2 3 .. .. and adding an outside mic to the kick
My Question before I record tomorrow with this set up
How would you change current Mic placements if at all? Track 1 Kick Out (Edge Kick drum mic)
Track 2 Kick In (Cad Pro7 Kick)
Track 3 - Snare (Cad pro 7 Snare)
Track 4 (Overhead above snare 40 inches Glyn Johns) MXL 990 Mic
Track 5 (40 inches to the right of snare above the floor tom Glyn Johns) MXL V67 Mic
Track 6 Tom 1 Cad pro 7 tom mic
Track 7 Tom 2 Cad Pro 7 Mic
Track 8 Tom 3 Cad Pro 7 Mic