Control Sonar with your android phone

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March 13, 11 12:23 AM (permalink)

Control Sonar with your android phone

Found this a couple of days ago:

I thought it would be a cool thing to have if you need to record something and the mic is too far away from the record button.. :)

You have control over faders, solo and mute as well..
I installed it this morning and almost everything works as it should. I have no problems assigning ex. mute, solo or fader to the app.

I can't get the transport buttons to work though.. ..and using it as a transport controller "unfortunatelly" was my main goal when installing this app.

Anyone else tried this out and got the transport to work?



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    Noel Borthwick [Cakewalk]
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 13, 11 12:38 AM (permalink)
    Nice! I have to check this out.

    Noel Borthwick
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 13, 11 1:04 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, cool! Do it! :)

    Here's the official site for the app:

    And I just found a similar app that seems to have even more controller possibilities:

    Haven't tried that one out yet though


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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 13, 11 2:13 PM (permalink)
    The transport buttons dont work because it seems to send randomly changing values for those. Most likely a bug. In landscape mode it sends one thing and in portrait mode it sends somethign else. If you record the the MIDI input port its sending to via MIDI yoke you will see the incorrect values.

    Noel Borthwick
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 13, 11 4:04 PM (permalink)
    Ah ok..
    Will you send a mail to Borce Trajkovski (the developer) and tell him about your suspicions?

    Or I can do it, it doesn't matter. It just would be nice to get it fixed and I think it would feel better if the guys with the knowledge about these things spoke directly..?  :)


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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 13, 11 5:13 PM (permalink)
    For basic transport control (app mimics keyboard) Remote Droid works quite well.

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 14, 11 8:12 AM (permalink)
    hmmm....a bug!
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 14, 11 10:45 AM (permalink)
    hm, touchdaw worked perfectly with Nuendo :) fun. this will be awesome when i get my motorola xoom. Couldnt get it to work with sonar (yet)

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 14, 11 10:55 AM (permalink)
    Hope someone makes an app like these for WP7 soon.
    Muziekschuur at home
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone September 28, 12 5:58 PM (permalink)
    I bought the full version of touchdaw. Seems to work really nice...

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 02, 12 5:59 AM (permalink)
    I bought TouchDAW full as well. It works very well, some minor issues but I haven't tried to correct them yet. It requires rtpMidi (free) if you don't have it already. I was surprised how much functionality I got right away from it, and I installed on a Kindle Fire! I almost bought a nanocontrol for these features and my Fire does it already. Have to say I would prefer to see CW release an app of their own, they should put something out on IOS and Android, I always hear about all the CW "firsts" and that market is exploding.


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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 02, 12 9:02 AM (permalink)
    I have used TouchDAW on Android and AC-7 on ipad for a while.. usually ok, though sometimes Sonar hangs up at "connecting" to the control surface..  so you have to go and delete ctrlsurface.dat and ttseq.ini and start again...

    HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 24, 12 9:16 PM (permalink)
    When using these tools, such as Wireless mixer, which control surface do you configure in Sonar?

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 24, 12 9:22 PM (permalink)

    When using these tools, such as Wireless mixer, which control surface do you configure in Sonar?

    they are usually setup as mackie control..

    HPE-580T with i7-950, 8G, 1.5T, ATI6850, Win7/64, Motu 828 III Hybrid, Motu Midi Express, Sonar Platinum, Komplete 9, Ableton Live 9 & Push 2, Melodyne Editor and other stuff, KRK VXT8 Monitors
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 24, 12 9:49 PM (permalink)
    Thanks. I tried all three Mackie panels but none of them worked. I selected Generic Cakewalk and went through each of the settings for channel 1 and got it mostly working. I was just hoping one of the defaults would work. I think TouchDaw worked with one of the defaults.

    Win 10 (64 bit), i7-2600k 3.4GHz , 8 GB RAM, SATA III (500GB SSD - System, 2TB WD Black - Data), Sonar Platinum x64, m-audio Profire 610

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone November 07, 12 7:01 AM (permalink)
    I just tried the free version of TouchDaw and got it working in X1 this morning, after a bit of tinkering. You have to: 
    • make sure Apple's Bonjour service is running
    • enable two sessions in rtpMIDI -  they both appear in rtpMIDI's 'Directory panel
    • enable TouchDaw as a control surface in Sonar as Mackie Control (not XT or C4)

    First impression is that it seems to work well. 

    Hope this helps
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone November 07, 12 8:33 AM (permalink)
    There's also TouchDAW.  I have not had the time to try to use it though. 

    Computer: Intel i7, ASROCK H170M, 16GB/5TB+, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Sonar Platinum, TASCAM US-16x08, Cakewalk UM-3G MIDI I/F
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone November 28, 12 12:21 AM (permalink)
    Dave, I have that setup with X2 on Win8. Works nice. I use a new phone. The Samsung Galaxy S2. This phone can handle 5 fingers. So I can play multiple drums, multiple fader movements and multiples keys.

    For people who do not know Touchdaw. It is a Mackie controll on a set of midi channels. It has a second MIDI I/O for either a keyboard or touchpads. Works well. It's nice when you do not want to grab all your gear... Or when you have your laptop and soundcard setup with mics and you are behind a synth or piano somewhere in the room and now you can use the phone for remote controll. 

    Cakewalk Sonar Platinum Windows 7 32bit & 64bit (dualboot) Gigabyte mobo Intel dual quad 9650 & 4GB Ram RME DIGI9636 & Tascam DM24.  M-audio Rbus & SI-24 Alesis Pro active 5.1 & Radford 90 transmissionline monitors. Roland RD-150 piano Edirol UM-880 & alesis fireport.
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone November 28, 12 12:24 AM (permalink)

    Works great here.

    And btw, you DONT have to install nasty Apple Bonjour crap to get this working.
    Muziekschuur at home

    Dave, I have that setup with X2 on Win8. Works nice. I use a new phone. The Samsung Galaxy S2. This phone can handle 5 fingers. So I can play multiple drums, multiple fader movements and multiples keys.

    For people who do not know Touchdaw. It is a Mackie controll on a set of midi channels. It has a second MIDI I/O for either a keyboard or touchpads. Works well. It's nice when you do not want to grab all your gear... Or when you have your laptop and soundcard setup with mics and you are behind a synth or piano somewhere in the room and now you can use the phone for remote controll. 

    Sonar Platinum 64 bit > Pro tools 10.3.2 >Intel i7 3770K > 16Gb Ram > Gigabyte Z77-D3H Motherboard> NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2 GB > ATi RADEON HD5700 > 240GB OCZ Agility 3 SSD> Win 10 home 64 bit> Delta 1010 > MOTU Audio Express > MA-15D's > NI Ultimate 9 > NI Kontrol S61 1.1 > NI MAschine Studio 2.3 / KORG MS-20 Mini - Arturia MicroBrute > KORG SQ1 - KORG Kaoss Pad KP3 > iPad and IO Dock 2 running various bits > Bunch of guitars >

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone December 10, 12 2:24 PM (permalink)
    I purchased TouchDAW and was working with it over the weekend. It has a cool, semi-documented feature that allows you to "misuse" it as a wired-to-wireless MIDI router. With an OTG adapter and a class-compliant USB MIDI device (I used an ION mini MIDI keyboard) you can plug the MIDI device into your Droid device and route the USB MIDI IN to wireless MIDI out. I did have to provide external power for the keyboard as my tablet can't power it but I could probably rig up a small battery to be completely wireless. 

    Here's how to do this (assuming you already have a working wireless config with TouchDAW):

    1) connect your class-compliant MIDI USB device to your Droid device with an OTG (host-mode) adapter. This should cause an OS pop-up to appear.
    2) select TouchDaw from the pop-up. This assures that no other app grabs the USB device.
    3) Launch TouchDAW and make sure the (General Settings/MIDI) MIDI RELAY option is checked
    4) TouchDAW allows for 2 MIDI connections, one for the TouchDAW control surface and one for MIDI Utils. For one of them, set the MIDI connection to a working wireless (rtp/multicast/bluetooth) MIDI connection and the other to USB from your wired device. 

    That's it! Note that the function (TouchDAW or MIDI Utils) you set to use USB will not work as MIDI is now being generated my your USB-connected h/w. I have hotten this to work with rtp and multicast connections. I hope it works via bluetooth but I haven't been able to get that type of connection working yet as my laptops can't seem to connect using the TouchDAW Thru PC client. 

    After all my playing with wired-to-wireless MIDI, I barely had time to try TouchDAW as a control surface to X2. When I did get it connected, I found while the faders worked, the transport controls didn't. Not only didn't they work, but it seemed like TouchDaw was continually sending out a stop/pause message and I couldn't even start playback from the PC without it stopping immediately as long as the MACKIE-1 control surface was active.

    I see some here mention having transport issues yet others seem to have it working?

    Oh, one other thing I've learned: If you use rtpMIDI and Bonjour, turn the services off from SERVICES.MSC whe you don't need them. I found that on my laptop DAW, rtpMIDI will occasionally hog the CPU when the PC resumes out of sleep mode. 

    See my dialog with "humanic" here.  I'm using Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" and Galaxy Nexus phone.

    UPDATE: Was able to get a successful connection via Bluetooth. Best $5 I ever spent...

    ---- Gary ----

    post edited by Stringrazor1 - December 10, 12 4:55 PM
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone January 01, 13 11:58 AM (permalink)
    Nice thread TouchDaw up in running in 10 minutes thanks to y'all.
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone January 01, 13 9:47 PM (permalink)
    I can't get it working as a surface in X2 or 8.5. It never connects and I get a "no response" message on the tablet. I know the MIDI is getting through because I can bring up MIDIOx and see it so it seems to be a Sonar problem. I tried deleting ctrlsurface.dat and ttseq.ini but that didn't do anything to help. Any ideas?
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone January 01, 13 10:36 PM (permalink)
    Huh...well,for one thing I don't have x2. But I suspect its similar.
    So u see the new device in ur midi devices I sonar from the rtpmidi program?
    I made new surface as a Mackie device , selected the midi device fromrtpmidi.after that I hit the nc in touchdaw and poof.
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone January 02, 13 0:39 PM (permalink)
    I have it working on my laptop with rtpMIDI and SP8.5 but not with TouchDAWthru and LoopBE. I was hoping to not have to install rtpMIDI and Bonjour on my DAW but it looks like I'll probably have to.

    UPDATE: After much testing, I have at least gotten TDAW to work with X2 but only via rtpMIDI. I've posted a Q on the humanic forum. I'd really like to get it working with TDAWThru so a Bluetooth connection would be an option....
    post edited by Stringrazor1 - January 02, 13 7:54 PM
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone March 26, 13 6:50 PM (permalink)
    I use Guitar Pro on my Droid Razr All you have to do is open a file in Sonar then save it as a midi file, then open Guitar Pro and import the midi file edit it the way you want it and then save it as a gpx. Then use your USB cable or email or upload file to your Droid and you are good to go. I play SAX, and use it staff to read the music as the band plays and It just fun to use the phone to read the notes and play or JAM! Fred
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 05, 17 9:47 PM (permalink)
    ok, i must profess my incompetence here and request some clues.
    I used to use a Tranzport but a recent alkaline battery incident left the unit a total loss.  sigh.
    All i need is something to remotely stop, start, record, and rewind SONAR so that i don't have to race back and forth between the drums to the computer.  I do not wish to control keyboards or anything with the TouchDAW
    i have done the following:
    • installed rtpMIDI on my PC
    • i have (allegedly) created sessions and directories in rtpMIDI such that they point to the PC, are enabled, and are connected
    • Set SONAR control surface "ACT MIDI Controller - 1" to the 5004 rtpMIDI session.  This leads me to believe that rtpMIDI is functioning
    • installed the full version of TouchDAW on my kindlefire, set the "DAW controller" to "SONAR", and the MIDI port to the the 5004 RTP session.  I presume the kindle must be able to connect to it since TouchDAW sees the rtpMIDI session names i made up
    • After pressing <OK> for the last time in TouchDAW i sat patiently waiting for some signal that TouchDAW was communicating with SONAR but no signal was visible.  Periodically i see a message about "initializing DAW" at the top of TouchDAW but there is no eureka moment
    Any thoughts on what i missed?
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 05, 17 11:13 PM (permalink)
    I use a wireless QWERTY keyboard and keyboard shortcuts for the transport. Works like a champ, cost me $20 or so from Office Max.
    Don't know how far your drums are from the computer, but I do narration and the mic is sensitive, so I'm about 20 feet from the problem with QWERTY keyboard range. I could probably be further away but haven't tested it.

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 06, 17 8:13 AM (permalink)
    For TouchDAW you should use MackieControl ("ACT MIDI Controller" should also work, but you will need to "teach" it and there will be no feedback). Check that rtpMIDI is really working (you can see what is going on in the interface).
    Alternatively, you can try (TouchOSC is not free but not too expensive).
    Or a transport "toy",288.0.html

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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 06, 17 12:49 AM (permalink)
    I have been spinning up a somewhat more elaborate version of Alexey's layout/preset combo, with help/advice from him (mainly he had to persuade me that it wasn't sufficient to just muck about in the preset and try things out without really understanding what they do, as much instability can result... which you would think would fall into the Duh category but I'm an inveterate mucker-abouter in things I don't really understand). Based on the AZcontroller plugin and TouchOSC, and on his basic preset/layout combo, but oriented horizontally and with more buttons and knobs, more tablet-friendly. To me it's nicer than TouchDaw because of the feedback to the device, and because it's customizable. It's coming along nicely at this point, almost ready for someone else to try out, if anyone's interested... 


    tobias tinker 
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    Re:Control Sonar with your android phone October 06, 17 5:46 PM (permalink)
    I would be interested. I use a bit simpler version of the template. Best thing that we added last year was the ‘Undo’ button. Saved me numerous 5 meter walks to the computer. Can you post it on Alexy’s site under The TouchOSC topic? Or whatever is convenient. Thanks!!

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