Re: Controlling VSTs in Sonar using Minilab
February 09, 18 8:16 PM
The simplest way is "MIDI Learn". Right click the knob, select "MIDI Learn", turn knob on controller, done.
The only problem is when that message is already controlling something else... then you should find what that "else" is. That is VST specific.
Sonar 8LE -> Platinum infinity,
REAPER, Windows 10 pro
GA-EP35-DS3L, E7500, 4GB, GTX 1050 Ti, 2x500GB
RME Babyface Pro (M-Audio Audiophile Firewire/410, VS-20), Kawai CN43, TD-11, Roland A500S, Akai MPK Mini, Keystation Pro, etc. - Control Surface Integration Platform for SONAR, ReaCWP, AOSC and other accessibility tools