Cool Peter Gabrial app I heard of today

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2013/01/24 23:50:12 (permalink)

Cool Peter Gabrial app I heard of today

Today listening to XM radio jockey - just after a Peter Gabriel song he said there is an Apple app that allows you to remix some of is songs - here is the description:
The MusicTiles app allows everybody - novices, musicians, and expert composers - to remix songs in a playful manner using virtual modular tiles. In a 25-years celebration of the iconic So album, Peter granted RoboProfessor Henrik Hautop Lund unparalleled access to his multi-tracks and stems to create a So 2.0 experience that allows fans to create MusicTiles mixes.
Wow what next ? Don't have Apple, but it sounds fun

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    Re:Cool Peter Gabrial app I heard of today 2013/01/24 23:55:17 (permalink)
    IRRC you could do something similar on his website a few years back. Don't know if you still can, I would have to check. I recall thinking it was both a very cool idea, and rather progressive of him.

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    Re:Cool Peter Gabrial app I heard of today 2013/01/25 04:39:09 (permalink)
    I remember there was a 'Shock the Monkey' remix competition a while ago.


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