Copy Session Drummer 3 presets and / or banks from pc to pc.
More 32 -> 64 bit drama
Since I can't open the projects from a 32 bit image with Session Drummer 3 in them in 64 bit sonar without removing Session Drummer and re-inserting it, I am trying to get the way Session drummer is setup in 32 bit to 64 bit via presets. But on my 32 bit drive if I save session drummer presets and/or banks I am unable to successfully open them on my 64 bit boot image.
On the 32 bit version I get them from c:\users\daw\appdata\roaming\cakewalk\Shared Presets\{hex string folder}
On the 64 bit version I put them in c:\users\DAW\appdata\roaming\cakewalk\Shared Presets\{hex string folder}
When I try to open the presets which are files with no extension, I get an error that they are invalid preset files.
When I try to load in a bank .fxb, it tries but goes into the windows wait spinning circle and Sonar Hangs. Over and over.
This isn't going well. Why can't I do this?