Re:Cover.......Thank You (for letting me be Myself)
2011/04/17 21:45:17
Thanks Beagel...............It was recorded with a Alesis HD24.
DB-25 cables from a Mackie Onyx so I can utilize gates and compression on the drum mics
in the inserts and what ever I use on the vocals. DB-25 is post inserts. Then transfered into Daw for mixing.
I'm using my live mix off the board also<~~~~allways use this.
Live remote recordings is mostly all I do.
Scottytunes(string jammer)...... I'm a retired musician LOL. All I do now is live sound enigneering
and Remote recordings. These guys "are "a blast to work with. We do have fun.
I do alot of shows with these guys.
mcourter..........Thanks, yea Donnie is a great guitarist. They have over 250 songs they cover.