Crash when deleting nodes [8.5.3]
Today when I deleted envelope nodes on an instrument track, Sonar crashed. I did it again, and Sonar crashed again. It seems to happen if I try to delete the last node in the envelope.
I've been using 8.5.3 for years and haven't had the problem until now, so I suspect it has something to do with recent changes in how I work.
For one thing, I'm using instrument tracks. Also, I cloned one instrument track to another, and I see duplicate envelopes. If I move a node up in one, the other envelope's node mirrors the change.
Any idea what is causing the crash? Is this a known bug with instrument track envelopes?
(And by the way, by "instrument track" I mean simple instrument track, where MIDI and Audio are represented by the same track).
Sonar Platinum + Komplete 9
Win7 SP1 64bit, Intel i7 950 3.07GHz, 12 GB RAM, M-Audio Delta44 (for Sonar), ASUS Xonar DX (for everything else), Nvidia GTX970, 2xSSD, 3xSATA