Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!!

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June 20, 11 9:45 PM (permalink)

Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!!

Don't get around much...Too busy perfecting technique... Maybe one day!!!

This is as close as perfect as I have gotten... Subjective of course!!! 

Graced by appearance of Joop Wolters... World class guitarist...

Check out the link from youtube...

Comment on the mix please!!! Playing is self explanatory... Just a lot of guitar!!!


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 20, 11 10:07 PM (permalink)
    That was highly enjoyable.  Excellent guitar playing all the way around.

    Mark Wessels

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 20, 11 10:09 PM (permalink)
    I'm not sure how people can do that to/with a guitar.

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 20, 11 11:48 PM (permalink)
    Yowza! Nice stuff


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 21, 11 10:22 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the kind words guys!!


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 25, 11 8:06 PM (permalink)
    Wow, smokin in every way,
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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 26, 11 10:40 AM (permalink)

    Wow, smokin in every way,

    Thanks!!! I appreciate it!!! I take it the mix was good also??

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 26, 11 11:13 AM (permalink)
    That was great!
    Excellent guitar and production!

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 26, 11 3:56 PM (permalink)
    Wow!  Incredible playing and production!
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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 26, 11 8:36 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Dan & Janet!! Had a great time mixing and producing it!!

    post edited by StudioCat57 - June 26, 11 8:38 PM

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 27, 11 11:33 AM (permalink)
    Well done in all aspects! Playing is incredible and mix just shines!

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 27, 11 3:13 PM (permalink)
    My speakers are smoking from that   Seriously well played.
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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 27, 11 5:01 PM (permalink)
    @lhansen...Thanks!!! My main concern was the mix!!! I don't think playing is an issue for us....LOL!! Been doing it for too long!! Recording and mixing are my weak points!!

    @PhilZ....Kinda sounds like Phil B.!!! Thank you for the kind words and please don't send me a bill for the speakers!!! LOL!!!!


    Phil B.

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 27, 11 5:52 PM (permalink)
    Awesome playing and congrats on the track.


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 28, 11 4:55 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Vicente!!! We have more in the works and more collabs in the future!!


    Awesome playing and congrats on the track.

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! June 30, 11 7:45 PM (permalink)
    Just got the word that Joop is playing the Jason Becker Benefit concert in Europe with Guthrie Govan, Mattias Eklundh, Kiko Loureiro, Daniele Gottardo, Stu Hamm, Atma Anur!!! What a line up!!!

    We are blessed to have had him play on our song!!

    thanks to all that listened to our tune!!! We have more collabs in the future with amazing shred masters coming up!!


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 01, 11 3:50 PM (permalink)
    This is very pleasant and presents very nice.  The opening groove is very engaging reminds me a little of Ozric Tentacles.

    My only mix observation is the snare is a little forward and too wide in some parts, but that is probably just me.


    Thanks for sharing.

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 01, 11 9:35 PM (permalink)

    This is very pleasant and presents very nice.  The opening groove is very engaging reminds me a little of Ozric Tentacles.

    My only mix observation is the snare is a little forward and too wide in some parts, but that is probably just me.


    Thanks for sharing.

    thanks for the listen!! I will re-examine the snare being out front. Being a drummer, I hate drums buried in the mix which seems to happen a lot...LOL! Might just be me though too!!

    Peace brother!!

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 13, 11 4:41 AM (permalink)
    Hey, Phil,

    Been away a couple of days and I wandered over to Page 2 and caught this killer song!

    Very creative songwriting, and the entire band's performance was dynamite.  The production and mix sound great, and your drumming is excellent.  The guitar tones and shredding were also fantastic.

    Really nice job on this, Phil, have a good one, buddy!
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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 13, 11 10:55 PM (permalink)
    Well, you cats certainly can lay down the tracks.

    The mix was weird for me. There were times it sounded spot on, other times it sounds really narrow (other than that snare). I would get some sort of widener on the guitars to give them a bit more separation and present their goodness across the sound field better.
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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 14, 11 10:37 PM (permalink)
    @Bob... Thanks for the listen and the kind words!!! Keep rockin brother!!
    @Jamesyoyo...Thanks for the listen and the critique!!! I just remixed the song lowering the verb on the drums, backing the snare down a bit, widening the rhythm guitar, keeping the leads centered and the bass guitar. I rolled the bass off a little @ 60...

    Attached is my soundcloud link...


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 14, 11 11:29 PM (permalink)
    Ok interesting, I kinda like it but it vears a little too close to the 80's.  The mix, well for the drums are they parallel compressed, they need a bit more punch for this sort of music, or you could turn the guitar down and the drums up.  Another thing you could try for the drums to get punch and I do this all the time is use the tape sat effect, I think it is still included with Sonar.  Put this on the kick and snare and toms.

    I just looked at your last post and you said you lowered the reverb, you could also try putting a compressor over the reverb setting it to around 10:1 ratio and just open up the attack and release time, this will give the verb punch and the drums punch and really giving it that big 80's reverb sound.  Also try using the HP and LP filters setting the to around 80hz and 4000khz respectivly, this will clear up any lingering tail.

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 15, 11 4:37 AM (permalink)
    That eerie windpipe sound and that searing tremoling guitar really gives me a "curse of the troll feel". Listening on a crap laptop so cant really disect and mix details, but the instrumentation is top notch.


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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 15, 11 10:40 AM (permalink)
    some sweet playing, the youtube mp3 player doesn't help but there were a few issues for me, wasn't overly enamoured with Joop's tone, and the rhythm guitars were a bit naff. but the ambient bit were very good and airy, it's a hard ask to get that super-compressed hi-gain lead sound to mix with the other bits...but worth it for the track!

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    Re:Curse of the troll w/ guest guitarist Joop Wolters!!! July 15, 11 7:20 PM (permalink)
    @Ben... Thanks for the tips!!! 80's is my time... Actually 70's so yeah, major influence and I have zero liking of modern music except prog or fusion...

    @Whack... Thanks for the listen!!! More to come!!

    @mgh...Not gonna mess with Joops tone!! It's his sound and it's Joop Wolters!!! We are not worthy!!! LOL!!! He is one of our idols!!! Have known about Joop for 10 plus years!!! He has played with some of the best and graced our song gratuis!!! I can't touch a thing of his!!! AS far as the rhythm guitars, what does naff mean??? Not sure!!! Anyhow, thanks for the listen!!


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