If we could all see this issue the way you do, the earth would be a much better place.
We were slowly evolving out of cannibalism when the last ice age took us back several hundred thousand years in our diet, ultimately inflicting profound retrograde effect on spirit and mind as well as body. My opinion only, but the gradual change in our preference for food was taking us in an ordained proper direction toward a more subtle source of nutrition and a more universal outlook, empathy with all life forms. On the physical level, we are trying to get back to sunlight or as close as we can be. A plant based source is more compassionate to other evolved life forms doing their thing and not happily surrendering their life to fill our gut. We got to kill something to live, but plants suffer less than sentient animals and their families. Your thoughts about caring for other entities as a duty was clearly part of a higher native American cosmology which we destroyed quite effectively for the present.
Jyotishvarii, you just invited another tirade... so here it be...
At your leisure, check me out on these claims. Think they are correct and should give you some ammo trying to educate sense into the zombie corpse eaters. Land mammals can be sectioned off into fruit eaters, grain eaters, meat eaters and omnivores. Omnivores overlap in some of the characteristics, but the carnivore adaptations are largely absent in a human. Purpose is to objectively look at physiological structures side by side and draw an unbiased conclusion. No good guys or bad guys. No religious crap.
The incisor teeth in a human are related to the structure in a gazelle as a prototype, not a carnivore. Architecture is for grabbing branches, swinging the neck and removing leaves. Not ripping apart flesh.
Some stuff I forget about stereo vision, short field accommodation to reach out and grasp things like a fruit, and hand configuration in higher forms absent in carnivores that are focused on a herd of animals in the distance.
The developed carnivore incisors are integrated into a dental structure well evolved for the task with other modifications common to carnivores that the human lacks, but shares with the herbivore. Take my tirade forward as humans and herbivores are like this, carnivores are like that.
Hinging of the jaw is open and shut with a carnivore and the molars are less evolved. Sideways movement of the jaw to grind grains isn’t there because the function of the carnivore is to rip and swallow.
Still in the mouth, a couple artifacts of interest.
Carnivores mostly crouch in a hidden area scanning the horizon. They go out and strike with speed and drag off the prey to a den to devour or make quick work of the kill on a plain and retreat. The herbivore is out on the plain eating grass all day in the sun. Cooling through sweat is less a priority for the carnivore than the plain vegetarian, so the sweat glands are poorly evolved in carnivores. The animal carnivore by design turfs cooling when needed to heat transfer through the tongue. You have seen a dog panting with tongue hanging out. Other things about the mouth structure not able to suck water given the carnivore optimization, so the true carnivore laps water with the tongue, but can’t suck thru a straw.
Presence of salivary amylase present in humans and herbivores for pre digestive breakdown of starches. Not present in carnivores because useless in their diet.
Vitamin C dependence. Dog doesn’t have to take vit C tabs because the body produces it. Human body relying on fruits gets the source there and thus relies on fruits or we have bad things happen in the deficit.
Acidic environment of the stomach is way more harsh than a human or herbivore because of the assigned task of breakdown of bones, hair, gristle. Inflict the stomach acidity of a carnivore on a human and you will be quickly reaching for the Tums.
Intestinal structure is a major departure across the groups, and we fall squarely in there with the herbivores.
There is no such thing as fresh meat, fresh fish. Once the entity is dead, you got a decaying corpse with all the terrible rot and the ramifications of eating putrefied death. The blessings are quick to follow.
The carnivore intestine is about 3 times the length of the body and lacking evolved convolutions in the passage. Intent is to ingest the corpse, extract the needed nutrients and shoot it out of the body as quick as possible before the rot of decay products could even poison a carnivore.
Humans and herbivores have a way more long and complex intestinal tract made to extract nutrients from a vegetable source in a more efficient way, about 12 times the length of our bodies. Slower by design since vegetable diet decomposes more slowly. The food can pass slower and not be nuked by the poisons in a rotting piece of flesh.
Some other stuff but losing focus after my 4
th beer.
Curse for the cadaver eater goes beyond the mindset of insensitivity. Terrible chemicals and byproducts, names like cadaverin, putrecin, other carcinogens are being absorbed taking our life down quicker than we can poison ourselves with the last quarter pounder.
If any advice, listen to Eph. He done in one sentence what it took me too long to make a case for.
Jyoti, if you need anything more as far as studies, chemistry to put the fear of fire and brimstone into the cannibals, I’m as far away as this respected forum.
Curious. Where are you now in your presentation tour. Thought it was over for you and you could finally go home to the rocking chair.
edited... to add the observation that a carnivore has almost unlimited capacity to process and deal with cholesterol intake. Dump that load on a human and very bad things quickly happen
post edited by JohnKenn - 2018/06/14 23:24:49