"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!!

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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/08 23:20:57 (permalink)
I also wanted to mention that I ended up not using the guitar track my friend recorded. It just didn't seem to fit the style. So I'm not a jerkface credit stealer. Lol.

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/09 02:52:01 (permalink)
The drums are a loop track I built, so I didn't have the liberty of singling out the bass drum. But, I even boosted the bass frequencies in the drum track by a lot, and they weren't coming through the rest of the mix. I don't know why this is. 
Then those drums need to be rebuilt. The whole point of mixing is to mix individual sounds/tracks to make it all sound whole. If things are pre-mixed, then you can't mix it properly. First thing then is that you need to separate the kick, snare, hi hats, etc. into separate tracks. This is a must.
I also have a question - how do you properly compress things? It seems like I understand what a compressor is supposed to do, but I can't use it like it should be used.
You have set to attack/release/threshold correctly so that it sounds good. Reference tracks and you ears are the key. There are no rules.
I removed a lot of the sss's and whatnot, but apparently I didn't get them all! :P
"shh" sound is a little different. How are you removing them anyway? Sometimes mic placement will help get rid of them. How close are you to the micrphone? What side-chain compressor are you using to get rid of them?
How would I go about removing the nasal-ness from the acoustic?
Remove somewhere between 1-2k until it goes away.
I'm afraid that the guitar I recorded with (my guitar) is a really thin-bodied acoustic-electric, and it doesn't sound that great in the first place. I would go direct (it has a great Fishman electronics), but that's too harsh for my tastes. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Direct signal is typically not good for acoustics. Mic'd signals are much, much better (google on how to mic an acoustic properly - you can't just use any old mic position). If you want a thicker sound though, record the direct and mic'd signal at the same time, and then blend them in to create a fuller sound. There are things you can do to keep just the body of the direct signal without the harshness of it.

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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/09 17:14:30 (permalink)
Sounds like acousticgod is well on the case as far as mixing tips go and seems very knowledgeable, so I'll just say that I liked the song a lot, but to my ears the mix sounds a little narrow and the guitar could do with doubling up or being panned differently or maybe both.
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/09 20:10:13 (permalink)
I like it, as is. Nice work.

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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/09 22:01:26 (permalink)
Oh! Okay - that makes sense, acoustigod. Thanks, man! I'll go fiddle with it a tiny bit.

And thanks for all th encouragement, everyone! (and I might try that next time I record an acoustic, paulo!)

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/10 10:58:24 (permalink)
Hi Nick,

Nice song! Many far more knowledgeable people than me have offered plenty of advice so I'm just listening and enjoying.

Good job, man.


'There's two kinds of music: good and bad. I like both.' - Duke Ellington

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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/10 21:36:23 (permalink)
Thanks, bro! I should have something new here soon.

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/11 01:53:21 (permalink)
So, I went back and re-recorded my song after getting so much feedback from you and other trusted musician friends of mine. I worked really hard on it - hopefully I didn't just make it worse! It would be great if you listened to it.

This is the best song on the site that I've heard.

I find it needs more mud and scratch. It has very deep low end just enough (as my SUBWOOFER reveals), but it's lacking just lacking in mud, warmth, scratch. The highs are a bit too high for the low end systems to pick up although they do sound nice on my monitors.

If *I* was to do the song.

I would compress the vocals more. Add a bit more reverb. Heaten them up. So everyone else here can learn, can you tell everyone exactly your mic type, placement, and the whole chain. Especially the signal spl volume when it was recorded? I'm not sure the compression can fix it well. If it does, then you might need to add too much. Just so we can all learn.

I wouldn't put 'worshop' in the song. People want 'love' more than anything. Try to be unique with the wording.

I feel things need to be louder in general. More compression all over the place. The strings are nice, but double them up with octave lower and compress them with stereo reverb for that thickness.

Run compression over the whole track after that.

There was another artist that had the same problems, and when she got a deal and got it professionally recorded, they did the same thing to her track. At first it was mastered very much like yours... what track is that? See below and try to use that as a reference moving fwd:


But that's just what I would do personally.. just like if it was ME that's all..
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/11 21:38:38 (permalink)

So, I went back and re-recorded my song after getting so much feedback from you and other trusted musician friends of mine. I worked really hard on it - hopefully I didn't just make it worse! It would be great if you listened to it.

This is the best song on the site that I've heard.

I find it needs more mud and scratch. It has very deep low end just enough (as my SUBWOOFER reveals), but it's lacking just lacking in mud, warmth, scratch. The highs are a bit too high for the low end systems to pick up although they do sound nice on my monitors.

If *I* was to do the song.

I would compress the vocals more. Add a bit more reverb. Heaten them up. So everyone else here can learn, can you tell everyone exactly your mic type, placement, and the whole chain. Especially the signal spl volume when it was recorded? I'm not sure the compression can fix it well. If it does, then you might need to add too much. Just so we can all learn.

I wouldn't put 'worshop' in the song. People want 'love' more than anything. Try to be unique with the wording.

I feel things need to be louder in general. More compression all over the place. The strings are nice, but double them up with octave lower and compress them with stereo reverb for that thickness.

Run compression over the whole track after that.

There was another artist that had the same problems, and when she got a deal and got it professionally recorded, they did the same thing to her track. At first it was mastered very much like yours... what track is that? See below and try to use that as a reference moving fwd:


But that's just what I would do personally.. just like if it was ME that's all..

Best song on the site? Wow. Praise God!

Thank you so much for all the advice, man! Like I said before...compression is one of my weakpoints. I don't really fully understand how to use it effectively. But I will definitely work on it.

Thanks again! This is all super-useful (and super encouraging!)

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/11 23:40:07 (permalink)
Yeah man no problem hehe..

You understand good song writing and good song structure. The public don't like a re-invention of the wheel. You are using a formula that works.

The A and R people are looking for 'singles'. Radio singles. Songs that don't stick out anywhere. A song that is very well rounded and everyone would generally like.

Your voice is very listenable. The song writing is good, the structure is good. It's well rounded.

Your song is really, really GOOD!

A 10/10 is something like from the beatles. A timeless classic.
A 9/10 are most of the good songs on the charts. Like a Rihanna song.
An 8/10 is a really good song with chart potential. Most people cannot write these songs.

Yours is an 8/10 which is a good solid song that has chart potential.

For it to be 9/10 it would have to be another song.. Bittersweet Symphony, 1234, etc are all examples of a 9/10. Something extra catchy that the people like.

Actually, I'm not sure if you are aware of this site, but since you can already write songs, you might want to check out http://www.jpfolks.com/fo..ubbthreads.php/ubb/cfrm

This forum is southern based.. lots of country artists. Huge community and very 'song writer' based.

It all comes down to the song writing at the end of the day and YOU can write songs so you might want to check out the forum for fun.

God bless my friend and good luck in your future in music.
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Re:"Day By Day" - Revised and Re-Recorded!! 2011/02/12 15:12:44 (permalink)
Thanks, Crush! Wow. That means a lot!

I'm open to whatever God wants me to do. My goal isn't so much to make a hit as it is to just bear testimony to what Christ is doing in my life and give Him praise in it! And I'm not just saying that to "be Christian" - that is my heart's cry.

"Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!" - Psalm 98:1

My music: Nick Marsella @ Reverbnation
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