Dead Rose - rehearsal recording

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2012/03/20 14:38:46 (permalink)

Dead Rose - rehearsal recording


this is one of the songs I recorded with our band. As mentioned in this fred:
I know it might sound godawfull to many, but hey: gotta start somewhere.
Well at least I withstood the temptation to use Ozone 

Please give your comments:

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/20 14:51:25 (permalink)
    Im with ya there on the startin'.  These guys are great in getting ya' help learning the software. I use nothing but X1 and have came along way in 1 year.


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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/20 15:01:47 (permalink)
    Been messin with it for some time now, but I didn't get anywhere, so I hope this will help me to get some things done in Sonar

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/20 20:04:36 (permalink)
    This is a good song for sure, but the mix isn't quite there.  I could barely hear the bass guitar, and the drums were pretty low in the mix, too.  I noticed that you made a point of saying you avoided using Ozone, but I'm not sure why.  I had to turn the volume up quite a bit to hear this song, and even though I'm not an advocate of the volume wars, this needs some mastering.  Whether you use Ozone or something else, mastering could bring this to life; just don't overdo it.  Another pass or two and you could have something to really be proud of here.

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/20 20:43:53 (permalink)
    I like the production you made of making the acoustic low before the electric came in.  very Led Zep'ish.

    I don't like the vocal processing, sounds like it's trying to hide a bad performance.

    bass guitar is too low, mix is very "muddy" and dull sounding - not enough high end, drums are very dull and lack some punch, luster and presence.

    keep at it.
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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 02:43:15 (permalink)
    Lynn: Well I know I could have used Ozone on it, and it would have made the mix louder. And I know how our ears respond to louder = better, but I wanted to have feedback on the base sound.

    I'll get back to the drawing/ mixing board and see what more I can fix.

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 11:41:55 (permalink)

    Sounds like some good playing int there.  The band sounds good. 

    My suggestion is to tune the lead guitar a bit better.  

     Not a bad tune though.... good job. Keep at it.

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 12:47:45 (permalink)
    This sounds like it was recorded live with an ambient mic.

    I saw the thread on how this was recorded.

    I think you have volume/phase and mix issues.

    VOCAL: dull, muddy, lifeless.

    Guitar: Hot, interesting but there doesn't seem to be a groove that everyone is playing till the drummer starts the 1/8th notes on the open hat. Even then, it still feels sloppy.

    Bass: No definition. A track like this - it should be brimming with mid-tone and attack, depending on taste. Think Alice In Chains - Would?

    Drums: I think this is where your track sounds the weakest and is probably the reason you have all the bleed and phase issues. 

    I'm guessing that when you turned it up or mixed it hotter the phase issue became super obvious?

    The mid-side channel tools plugin can help some with phase issues. Ultimately, I think everyone would need to know more about your mixing process to be helpful.

    As far as the song goes; 

    It's got some cool parts, but there's nothing memorable about it. No real hook to speak of. Nothing really stands out. that's not to be harsh and say nothing is good about it, just that nothing is about it is exceptional. And it seems, that's what things need to be in order to be memorable.

    Joshua Barnes
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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 13:48:53 (permalink)
    Some more info about the mix:

    It was all recorded at once in the rehearsal room. With this set up:
    - Kick
    - Snare
    - Overhead L
    - Overhead R
    - Bass (DI)
    - Guitar 1
    - Guitar 2
    - Vocals

    The vocals were amplified over  a PA, and we did not have a monitor for the vocals, So I guess the PA was louder than you normally would want.
    And of course we had all amps cranked up (causing the bleed)

    I used two busses: One for the drums + bass ('rhythm' ) and one for the rest ('music' )
    And sends on each track for the reverb

    I split the guitar tracks:

    Guitar 1:
    - clean(ish) sound
    - crunch sound
    - distorted sound in the bridge

    Guitar 2:
    - Lead sound
    - Crunch sound

    Then I started to play with some PC presets, added som Amplitube to the guitars and bass.
    And used chorus en delay on the vocals.

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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 15:08:22 (permalink)
    OK - having been in that situation here's what I would do.

    Play the music with your band and run your vocals through an aux port, so everyone can hear you singing, but don't send the vocal to the main - if possible for your board. This way - everyone can play along and hear you without getting tripped up in the arrangement.

    Then, go back and record your vocals solo while you listen to the isntrumental. You'll get a much better mix this way.

    Also, put the bass and the kick on the same channel and your clean guitar and your snare on the same channel - chances are good, you'll be applying the same EQ to both of them or at least it won't be opposite.

    I did that for these recordings here and you can see they came out pretty well. It sounds life, but it's not.

    I had a yamaha board that had sub-groups and a main channel selector, so I could technically record seperate mixes.

    Joshua Barnes
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    Re:Dead Rose - rehearsal recording 2012/03/21 19:31:08 (permalink)
    Work on your mic placement and how you got the amps set up, the way you have them angled.
    It can help with mic bleed.     If you have limited channels for your drum's, look into Glyn Johns drum mic set up. Just google his name, you will find information on his technic.
    Mic bleed can be your friend if used right and "if" your recording in a good sounding room it really can !     Just about all I do is live recordings.  The entire band on one stage, usually a "small" stage and the vocalist standing right over two floor wedge monitors and another wedge by the drummer blasting the entire mix of the performance.  So I have to deal with mic bleed all the time.
    I don't claim to be a killer engineer, I'm a electrician frist, that pays the bills.  But I am getting better at my live recording skills....I think, LOL .       The drums in this live rehearsal recording was done with Glyn Johns set up, but I use a bottom snare mic instead of a top.  I get enough top from the OH.      This mix's has 8 channels................. as listed .

    4 mic setup on drum's
    57 bottom snare
    D112 kick
    Oktava 012 OH's
    1 Guitar cab....Sennheiser e609
    1 Bass cab......MD 421
    1 Roland cab,  Keys....Sure 57
    1 vocal mic.......Sennheiser  e945

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