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Digitech GNX4
I've seen a Digitech GNX4 in a local pawnshop for $150. Seemingly good condition. Worth it or just getting too outdated? Better options for not too much more? Or worth just getting the wallet out to newer tech?
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 6:34 AM
Although I am not a expert here it sounds like the asking price is pretty big considering the unit is about 10 years old and might have gotten some beatings and sauces thrown at it and there are similar units at a sameish price range available. Best to move on or tell them to lower the price significantly. Just my thoughts nothing scientifically proven stuff.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 7:01 AM
Do you need all the extra features of the Digitech (drum machine, built-in recorder, mic preamp, USB computer interface) or are you after a guitar amp|cab modeller? If the latter, then something like the Vox Tonelab might be a better bet (more modern, has valves, far more compact).
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 7:21 AM
Thanks for you thoughts gents - perhaps some further research to do. I don't need it @ston :) ... but a definite appeal was the drum machine and layerable looping capability. I have preamp/interface solutions already. I saw it as a bit of a way to lay something down prior / enroute to the DAW and independently/live (home studio - not stage). Historic reviews appear overwhelmingly positive. But I was more hoping (not expecting) for a response that hasn't come .... e.g, 'jump on it now!', 'really capable device for that price' ... so pretty much reconsidering , esp considering the potential 'beatings and sauces' :).
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 8:05 AM
The GNX4 was released around the same time as the GNX3000, and after comparing the two for a while, I got the GNX3000. This link has a good breakdown of the features of each, and I think the focus of the GNX4 was more from a DAW perspective, where the GNX300 was more "effects controller." I have not actually used the GNX3000 for DAW work or re-amping, but simply to jack it into a clean amp when the mood strikes. For that purpose it has gotten its money's worth and then some. I did not realize until I found that link that the amp modeling is 3:1 different between the two models though, and I cannot speak to the GNX4 at all, but personally would go with the GNX3000 again (for my use). For live work, many lauded the GNX4 due to its internal looping feature (and many considered the GNX3000 a bad alternative for this); so much depends on your intended usage. The pawn shop part makes me very leery, as you would definitely want to give that a workout before you bought it. I am not sure if they would allow such, but I would definitely want to test not only the amp out, but headphone out with my own guitar (if they have amps there) before I would even consider a purchase. Physically things may look okay, but when electronics are concerned the proof is in the pudding.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 8:27 AM
Interesting specs @Mettelus. I was keen on the looping (I know new one's didn't come with the CF card (required for recording). I do have a couple from an old HP iPaq PDA - remember those things :) - got it shortly after my Minidisk Player/Recorder :).) Phantom Power, for a Condenser Mic makes the GNX4 a bit of an all-in-one (minus amp, guitar, guitarist). Yeah - I hear ya re pawnshops. Touch wood but the couple of purchases (FXmixer, amp) I have made from pawn have proven successful. They have guitars and amps and allow testing (they supposedly test themselves) ... and I bet they'd even let me take my own guitar (whilst thinking 'what a weirdo') :). Actually I think this pawnshop sees themselves as a bit of a music shop - the sales head of that area used to work in a music store and after stints in Metal outfits currently plays with a modern folk gathering :)
post edited by ShellstaX - March 26, 15 8:38 AM
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 9:15 AM
I've still got my .NET Minidisc Walkman, patiently biding its time until the technology becomes popular again... I just had to go check out digitech's website to see what they're up to these days: Now that seems pretty cool as an instant-jam tool. Fortunately for my wallet it doesn't appear to be available yet :-)
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 10:24 AM
FWIW after having owned a Digitech RP1000 for quite a while, I picked up a BOSS GT-001 (desktop version of the GT-100). IMO the effects and amp/cab models sound far superior in the BOSS units than the Digitechs. Yes, I know this is all very subjective ... just saying it might be worthwhile to do some comparisons.
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 26, 15 11:02 AM
Sorry I don't have anything to really add, but this thread just reminded me that I have an old Digitech RP-1 sitting around somewhere in storage and wondered if I could use it's midi to control/trigger soft synths on my DAW....
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 27, 15 5:17 AM
This guy thinks you're onto a winner @Mesh. Surely any MIDI signal (thru a MIDI Interface as it has no USB) should be controllable thru ACT huh? Not something I've spent any time on. Have fun. Well - thanks everybody ... but I got GAS anyway and bought it ;). $150 AUD = ~ $120 USD. 3 month warranty if faulty, They'll buy it back at 50%, within 7 days, if I decide it simply isn't suitable - well, I guess they are in business :P Working thus far - just gotta learn how to use it properly. For that - in Anderton I trust. Stumbled across a comprehensive tutorial series by none other than the aforementioned. Thanks Craig.
post edited by ShellstaX - March 27, 15 5:29 AM
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 27, 15 8:31 AM
ShellstaX This guy thinks you're onto a winner @Mesh. Surely any MIDI signal (thru a MIDI Interface as it has no USB) should be controllable thru ACT huh? Not something I've spent any time on. Have fun. Well - thanks everybody ... but I got GAS anyway and bought it ;). $150 AUD = ~ $120 USD. 3 month warranty if faulty, They'll buy it back at 50%, within 7 days, if I decide it simply isn't suitable - well, I guess they are in business :P Working thus far - just gotta learn how to use it properly. For that - in Anderton I trust. Stumbled across a comprehensive tutorial series by none other than the aforementioned. Thanks Craig.
Congrats Shellsta on the new toy!! The one great thing about youtube is that it has all these tutorials available at our fingertips..........thank you for posting that link, I'll check it out. Have fun jamming and looping!! :))
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 28, 15 9:46 AM
24 hours in ... and this thing is ridiculously good. I've only touched the surface - lots to explore yet. I didn't expect it to have all the amp/cabinet modelling that it has (and I'm sure i'll be able to grab further IR from the community - I've seen user presets online, yet to download any. FX are sweet and an expression pedal - totally configurable. Intuitive onboard controls and additional foot action shortcuts. I've got the X-Edit 2 software running on Win8 (albeit as a 32bit exe) which presents setup even more clearly and seemingly all aspects editable. It's also enabled me to grab a backup of all the settings. I haven't actually loaded the drivers (nor the beta ASIO drivers) yet. I may do later after further research - nowhere does it imply they are supported by Win8. But I'm not sure I'll have to - ... USB Audio devices have been picked up (auto) - I've been able to record into Sonar. Latency is all but non-existant (5.8msec) using VoiceMeeter virtual ASIO ( I could probably get it lower). I had an old 64MB CompactFlash - that's good for 12 minutes onboard record/loop. But I've ordered a 2GB CF off of Ebay ($7.75 AUD) - 6 hours + of record and/or for use of mp3 backing track input. It's only supported to a 2GB card as that's all that's referrenceable in the required FAT16 formatting. So fingers crossed - but looking like a worthy investment.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 28, 15 9:53 AM
Congrats on the nice investment.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 30, 15 2:41 PM
ShellstaX I didn't expect it to have all the amp/cabinet modelling that it has (and I'm sure i'll be able to grab further IR from the community - I've seen user presets online, yet to download any. FX are sweet and an expression pedal - totally configurable.
I forgot this part, but yes there is a massive community which shares patches, which is rather nice. Ironically, the GNX3000 and GNX4 cannot be shared which left me scratching my head since they are the same vendor. Another utility to check out is an app they made to edit the parameters on a computer (is a GUI to tap into the pedal via its USB cable). That app alone (I forget its name), was nice, since it removed the need to manipulate all the tiny buttons and menus on the pedal itself. I will probably get pounced on to say this, but I got a hard core tube amp years ago, since tube modeling (at that time) was in its infancy and I took the stance of "real tubes" and "digital processing is easy to come by." The parameters in the GNX4/GNX3000 are pretty "standard" in that they are not obsolete, but rather the mainstay of digital emulation (i.e. the "must haves"). I remember you asked this in the OP, but those do not go "obsolete" IMO. I got my GNX3000 to replace an RP-10 which had a drift on the pedal, and even the factory bank in the RP-10 is still quite usable.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 30, 15 10:13 PM
Yup - more than happy Mettelus. It would appear I've come across a classic rather than yestertech. I can't believe this is 10 year old tech - it's new discovery for me and a step up in hardware (albeit digital) fx and control: - multiFX / expression pedalboard - amp sims (2 channels + Warp Channel. I have 26 AmpSims and and 22 CabSims - so perhaps some gifts from the previous owner(?) - your list above suggests 15. ) (EDIT: Oh no - 15 Guitar, 1 Acoustic, 10 Bass = 26). - highly configurable - drum machine - recorder / looper - audio inteface / mic + phantom - speaker / headphone or amp out - extendable with other footswitches - good hardware and software control (X-Edit 2 - there ya go - more than just pedal control) - apparently / seemingly good community resources - solid build Negs - A PITA for analogue purists(?) :P Lots to play with.
post edited by ShellstaX - March 30, 15 10:25 PM
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 31, 15 8:13 AM
Good for you ShellstaX!!! It's always nice when your new/old gear is surprisingly more valueable than you expect!! Of note, I just realised I have the Digitech RP-10 and not the RP-1 as I stated, I think I've also on my way to looking deeper into using this new/old foot controller.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
March 31, 15 7:23 PM
+1, there is definitely a lot to play with in that box. It will keep you busy for a long time to come. The RP-10 is no lightweight either, and the only issue that ever occurred with mine is the pedal cal would drift frequently (is over 20 years old now). The menus have to be tabbed through more than the GNX (I wonder if a GUI was made for this as well now), but it is simpler in some ways too. The RP-10 just seems more "stomp-worthy" from playing with both, since the switches are very similar to a true stomp box. I was always leery to actually stomp the GNX since the switches have so much play to them (they physically moves like 0.75"). In both cases the headphone out alone makes practicing more fun, since you can get the "high amp gain" feel without upsetting everyone in ear shot.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
May 11, 15 2:43 PM
Wanted to put a quick update in here for Mesh on the RP-10. I tore mine apart and used Deoxit D5 on all of the connections/switches (many switches was just getting Deoxit into the surrounding gap and cycling several times). The board had been sitting unused (and turning into a Chia Pet) for over a decade. There are two cards in the device and the top has a "trick" to reassembly (due to the stem on the volume pot), which is to put it in diagonally to get the guitar input through its hole before lying it flat (and also have the hole for the volume stem off the table). Another VERY curious thing was there is a piece of cardboard (box shaped) on the bottom end of the CC Pedal. Of course I pull this off and the CC Pedal is an opto-isolator (LED feeding a photo-transistor)! Not sure whose "brain child" that one was, but it is open to the atmosphere (via the slot on the top beneath the pedal). I cleaned both the LED and photo-transistor with isopropyl alcohol and put it all back together. I am very confused by this choice of component for that function though... There is nothing whatsoever wrong with this board (was made in May 1995), and it even had my modified programs still in it. I totally forgot how well this sounds, and a little cleaning did wonders for it. I had to dig for a manual online to remember how to reassign the CC Pedal, but other than that little glitch, all went smooth. It wasn't until I found the manual that I realized how dynamic CC Pedal can be used. Back when I used this I was clueless about MIDI, but that pedal can be assigned to anything internally/externally (up to 10 parameters).
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 05, 15 7:13 AM
I have been messing with the RP-10 since the last post, but pulled out the GNX3000 last night and began to run it through the ringer. I never did much DAW work when I got it initially, so never realized all it can do. I had to dig into the manual to find out about the mic input, and that is phantom powered and always on, so this guy needs all connections made before the power switch is ever thrown. Latency is decent (10-11ms) for it being over a decade old, and it runs 4-in/2-out. I remember I ran this through my Saffire to cut the latency down when first tried using it a couple years ago, but it will transmit a nice variety (stereo w/FX on one pair, and guitar dry + mic dry on the other seems to work rather nicely). I still feel like wrapped in spaghetti using it, and the "X-edit 2" software is a must for easy of patch manipulations (I hate all the tiny knobs and buttons myself), but thought I would share. It never really clicked with me until I checked out the back panel last night that this is a full-blown audio interface (with MIDI ports even).
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 05, 15 9:24 AM
Still luvin' my GNX4 / with X-Edit 2. Yes - I was aware it is a full-blown Audio/Interface ... but I've never used it as such (despite it perhaps being more 'capable' (e.g, 4-in/2-out) than my Behringer setup. There is +48V phantom power switch on the GNX4.  (The GNX3000 has +15V phantom power). I'm not saying one's better than the the other - just passing on some possibly interesting info from a quick internet poke around ... (second-hand info): 1. GNX 3 / 4 / 3000 Comparison ([pdf] - 55KB (small) download - virus/malware scanned as clean (I encourage you to do your own checks)). 2. GNX4:8-Track recorderCF card for presets, mp3 and custom midi tracksMP3 Player3 control pedals (3 links each)True +48V phantom power for micGNX3000:More amps, better algorithmsUnivibe effect+15V phantom powerLearn-a-lickMore ergonomic switches? Personal preferrence I suppose.No V-switch sensitivity adjustment(source: Digitech Forum link)
post edited by ShellstaX - September 05, 15 9:44 AM
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 05, 15 3:05 PM
Yeah, I never quite got the 15V thing (maybe why no power switch). Second piece of gear I have with those that I will never use. Right now I am focused on the glorified DI/stompbox aspect since I have been on this "baking binge" to minimize post-production work and can pass both wet/dry signals in. The downsides thus far as physical cabling I need to make/break for setups, and that I am swapping driver modes in SONAR more readily (although I am finding that SONAR switches itself properly if it can only see one device at a time).
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 06, 15 8:57 AM
Great that this worked out. I'll keep my eye out for one in the used market. One can never have too many Noyz Toyz
Bob -- Angels are crying because truth has died ...Illegitimi non carborundum --Studio One Pro / i7-6700@3.80GHZ, 32GB Win 10 Pro x64 Roland FA06, LX61+, Fishman Tripleplay, FaderPort, US-16x08 + ARC2.5/Event PS8s Waves Gold/IKM Max/Nomad Factory IS3/K11U
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 20, 15 8:32 PM
Quick update to this one just to better close out where I went with this (GNX3000 unit). Drivers - The "ASIO" drivers that came with this appear to be similar to ASIO4ALL. WDM is actually faster, and programs came up with "GNX3000 not connected" when starting them. Latency is a "no go" in 95% of the cases, and since this "ASIO" driver is intrusive I uninstalled the driver set. As an "audio interface" this is not a recommended option. X-Edit 2 - The GUI to "program the guts" works without the drivers (thank God), and is pretty indispensable for initial setup. As I intend to use this as DI/Solid State stomp box, I focused on setting up the first 5 user presets to be "normalized" on all amp channels (the channel switch has options for up to 1, 2, warped (mixed) and for all 5 presets I chose all to have 15 variations available). Setup for this takes a while, but when completed, the USB umbilical can be unplugged. Additionally, within X-Edit 2 there are options to simulate Humbucker->Single Coil and vice versa, as well as "simulating an amp performance through regular speakers." Nice features, but a huge con to these is that I have yet to find how to program into the stomp box potion (along with reverb which also seems "baked"). Another con is that the FX are set by preset, not channel, so all 3 channels of the same preset have the same FX in them - more of a nuisance as HB->SC is a nicety that would be better with a quick on/off. Connections - As my main use for this ATM is straight into my Saffire, I choose a headphone->L/R TS connection (Y-split) cable. As many patches internally generate stereo, this seemed the easiest way to capture both (and the volume knob on the unit is handy). For amp use, can simply run the mono amp output to a clean amp channel. Thus far, the expression Pedal has yet to be (custom) programmed for anything, but will take up to 3 FX so want to think about how I would employ this going forward. Wah-Wah (enabled/disabled by pressure on the toe switch) and/or volume are programmed into many presets by default.
post edited by mettelus - September 20, 15 8:46 PM
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 21, 15 1:17 AM
You may want to have a look here concerning presets : have an RP 500 xlr out into LS56 mono. There are sound communities for most digitech setups and you can download the presets and tweak them with X-Edit, then load them to your unit. I also have a Boss ME80 which is far more complicatd to set up (nice sounds) and i still use the digitech when playing live. Would love to get a "Heritage" model like yours ! LOL Don't understand your comment re Asio4All ? My RP 500 Asio works ok in Sonar, but my preference is to use via the LS 56. Cheers, Jerry
post edited by joakes - September 21, 15 1:27 AM
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Re: Digitech GNX4
September 21, 15 8:38 AM
Yeah, I was going to mention the online presets as I downloaded the zip file a while ago (like 638 total). There are some useful ones in there, but the issue I had was the "normalizing." What I mean by this is many of them are way hot, and I spent a lot of time getting the channels to have consistent levels with the distortion on/off. I didn't want to have to adjust any gains while playing. The drivers can be used for audio interface functions, with just a bit more latency than I would use (and do not need). The ASIO4ALL comment came from me shifting driver mode between WDM and ASIO (which I do often, and I only know of going through WDM to shift between two ASIO devices). That pop-up of the "GNX3000 not being connected" came up in multiple programs (not just SONAR) even with my Saffire as the only online device. The point where I removed those drivers was during a driver shift and clicking on Preferences->Audio->Driver Settings (just on the left tab) in SONAR would cause SONAR to crash. Thankfully, both the "Playback and Recording" and "Devices" were both accessible so I could get out of using it, but after I triggered that driver conflict twice I simply decided to remove it. I think most users would not see this, however, since it required a shift from WDM->ASIO mode in SONAR to trigger it.
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.