Displaying single notes rather than multiple tied notes....

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August 30, 15 2:46 PM (permalink)

Displaying single notes rather than multiple tied notes....

Hi all,
I feel as though this is a simple problem and that the answer is probably straight-forward, yet still eludes me. For the purpose of displaying (printing) it is desirable sometimes to have multiple tied notes display as a single note. For example, within a measure that has syncopated rhythms, a quarter note inserted in Staff View might display as two tied eighth notes. Is there a workaround or alternative to force the two tied eighth notes to revert back to a quarter note. Though they are essentially the same, sometimes I prefer one over the other. Thanks!
post edited by NyceGuyATL - August 30, 15 10:34 PM

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    Re: Displaying single notes rather than multiple tied notes.... August 30, 15 5:36 PM (permalink)
    This is no help but it reminds me of CPA 9 days back in the 1990s. Can't believe it still exists as a problem. The score for a song that I once wrote for piano was printed off and given to my daughters piano teacher and he played it - however it was unrecognisable. 20 years later!
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    Re: Displaying single notes rather than multiple tied notes.... August 30, 15 9:26 PM (permalink)
    the staff view is not something that you could compare to something like Sibelius or Finale.  it's basic stuff only just for getting your ideas down.  you can't expect a DAW which costs less than $50 to have a full featured notation program built in.
    if you want quality notation, buy Finale or Sibelius.

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