Re: Ditch the sound treatment??
2014/11/04 14:15:25
Oh I see it's already been beaten into submission... I'm more amazed that the word suspicious is not allowed. I can see what the four letters omitted spell out but that's plain ridonkulous Platinum - Win 8.1 x64 - Haswell 4770k - ASrock Z87 pro3 - 32gb ram - Fractal design R4 case - 3x HDD 1 USB 2.0 external 1x cr M4 ssd for samples - Octa-capture - Sontronics Aria - Sontronics STC-1s - BX8 monitors - ARC 2 system - Kawai CA63 piano - Kawai MP6 Stage piano - Fender custom Telecaster FMT - Yamaha LL6 - Fender P bass