Re:Do your Part to Save the Bapu Shavings!
October 04, 11 10:45 AM
Not the 1st time. Bubba edits himself frequently. He's been told not to do that in public.
One should not shave their becan. Doing so runs the risk that the smaller pieces may fall off the plate where they may land on one's clothing. Once one walks away, blissfully ignorant of the miniscule, microscopic becan shavings they carry on their person, their doom awaits. This is one of the reasons why animals attack. One of the other reasons, of course, is putting them in Halloween costumes and posting their pictures on Facebook.
The other reason becan shaving is not practiced in enlightened societies is the fact that once the becan is in hand, one's instinctual Becan Reflex kicks in, prompting one to eat it quickly, while keeping watch for those who would seek to purloin it. There's no shame in this. It's our nature.
I also don't like getting all those cuts on my tongue from licking the razor.