Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone?

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November 21, 18 1:58 PM (permalink)

Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone?

Title says it all.
Damn, this GAS is killin' me...

Tom Deering
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? November 25, 18 5:26 PM (permalink)
    Yes, and it is, without a doubt, one of the best purchases I've made for the studio.
    First off, it is a remarkable microphone, even without the software. It just sounds great on vocals, guitars, and even hand percussion. It is a little too honest on my mandolin, but that thing will rip your scalp off without a microphone<G>!

    Second - the ability to do post processing can be a life saver if you are not working in a top notch space, probably even if you are. You can craft the exact sound you are looking for 4 times out of 5 - this doesn't mean you can ignore proper microphone placement, but it will solve a lot of problems.
    And last - some of these emulations are frighteningly cool. I can't swear to the accuracy of the ELA 251 M, or the tube type U47, or others for that matter, but I can tell you that they add a touch of class, for lack of a better phrase. There are a couple that are very similar to microphones I own or have used often enough, and I mean really close. The Coles 4038 is especially impressive - how did they get a condenser element to sound like a moving ribbon???

    The only place if falls short, to my ears, are the small capsule emulations, and I think that is a matter of geometry, and even though they don't sound "right" they still can sound quite nice.

    It ain't cheap, but it is a very useful tool if you do a lot of recording. I am seriously thinking about getting a second one. I'll probably still be thinking about it this time next year, but I am thinking<G>!

    -- Bill
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? November 25, 18 5:32 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for your input!
    I have some pretty decent mics and pres, but gas is gas.
    I'm teetering, couldn't get Sweetwater to budge on the price.
    But I can respect that; so much of what we buy isn't "worth" the retail price because its on sale all the time.
    UPDATE; I bit on this one, couldn't help myself!
    I'm blaming it on you Bill, usually I tell my wife its all Ed's fault!
    That and I had a colonoscopy this morning and was told I couldn't drive and shouldn't make "important" decisions.
    I'm totally "covered" on this...................
    post edited by DeeringAmps - November 26, 18 7:35 PM

    Tom Deering
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 14, 18 2:44 AM (permalink)
    So.... whatayathink???

    -- Bill
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 14, 18 5:39 AM (permalink)
    So far so good. I don’t get the 180 “stereo” though. Or maybe I’m missing something.
    It is on its own a fine microphone.

    Tom Deering
    Tascam FW-1884 User Resources Page
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 21, 18 2:12 AM (permalink)
    DeeringAmpsSo far so good. I don’t get the 180 “stereo” though. Or maybe I’m missing something.

    Not sure what you mean, if you want to pick my brain feel free.

    DeeringAmpsIt is on its own a fine microphone.

    I think that's what sold me - without the software it is a really nice microphone. I have toyed with the idea of getting a second one.

    -- Bill
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 21, 18 3:07 PM (permalink)
    I need to work with the "180" plugin some more. I think one of the youtube videos I watched described
    it as "quasi" stereo. I had high hopes that I would get an almost "Blumlien Pair" effect with the mic offaxis
    and the 180 plugin. Not really so much.
    IIRC, the resulting recording (with the mic off axis) still yielded a lot more level in the left channel.
    The track for the 180 demo they provide is pretty balanced, not at all left heavy.
    Am I disappointed?
    And for a true "stereo" recording I can use the Sphere and any one of my ribbons or LDC's in a Blumlien
    setup. I don't have two of anything, well 57's! :-)
    Thanks for chiming in and keeping an eye on me, I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions.
    I'll keep you posted.

    Tom Deering
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 23, 18 1:43 AM (permalink)
    hmmm... are you using a preamplifier with variable gain? Have you tried the calibration procedure? There is a video, which if course I can't find at the moment, and a pretty well written one-pager HERE. I'll send the link when I find it.
    As far as Blumlein - or any stereo configuration for that matter, matched microphones are pretty much the way to go, except sometimes using different microphones works well. I've used a TLM-193 as the cardiod microphone in an M/S pair with a bi-directional ribbon and with figure-8 patterns on LDCs. Sometimes it sounds awesome... sometimes, well, not so awesome.
    The L22 works really well with a C414 in Blumlein, or with a TLM-193 in M/S.

    Have fun!

    -- Bill
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    Re: Does anyone actually own a Sphere Microphone? December 23, 18 1:53 PM (permalink)
    Actually I'm bringing the 22 into my UFX Mic pres so they are matched as per Townsend instructions.
    I get the impression that for "stereo" the mic is rotated so the diaphragms are sideways not back and front.
    I'll do some research and play with it. Maybe I have to add some gain to the right channel.
    Typically for the Blumlein pair I use a Royer 121 and AEA 84; that has always yielded pretty good results.
    I'll give the 22 and one of the ribbons, or as you suggested the C414, a try.
    I was hoping for a "quick and easy" stereo track for acoustic guitar.
    That's why I fell into using the Blum pair, easier than copying a track, flipping polarity; I'm lazy!
    The good news, the 22 is very clean and accurate; thanks for steering me in that direction!
    Take care Bill.

    Tom Deering
    Tascam FW-1884 User Resources Page
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