I'll try:
I'm talking only about the Midi editing features of Music Creator.
In the events view you can see that all midi notes have a length of
x amount of clock ticks, anywhere from 0 to thousands of ticks depending
on the durationn of the note. In the Events View, it would be the
collumn fully to the right side of the screen. When I edit a midi file I
split the drums up into seperate tracks. A note of 0 ticks can exist in the track
but will not sound the note. Now a channel 10 midi drum note will need at least
one tick of length to sound. I'm trying to edit a track of low ride cym notes
with a length of 0 ticks duration. The values can be changed one at a time, but who
wants to do that to a thousand cymbal notes. In the old Cakewalk Pro series of
Sequencers this was an easy fix. You just used a lemgth edit and change all
the values by a percentage OR by an exat amount such as 10 ticks. In Music Creator
you only have the choice of percent edit. Ofcourse a percent change to a
value of 0 gives only 0.. I need to change all the clocks to a number like
10 ticks. Thanks for the help.