Edit Filter Royal PITA on FX Buss

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2011/10/05 01:25:33 (permalink)

Edit Filter Royal PITA on FX Buss

Yeah, I know I've complained about this forever... but here's another example of problems...

I need to use two automation envelopes for changing both left and right Factor in the Sonitus Delay... So I open one with the Edit Filter and make my settings, then I open the other which closes the first (no longer visible) so I can't see the first to duplicate it's nodes...

Is there a way to copy the envelopes or have them both visible at the same time?

Going back and forth is requiring the constant long-winded method of changing the edit filter so that I can look at one, place a marker, switch to the other create my node, then repeat....

This has gotta get fixed! The current envelope system has become a nightmare for me more often than not...

Sorry to be belly-aching about this once again, but it's now been a year of this and I'm really very ready for it to be fixed!



Keni Fink
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Deep Space Records
Out Of My Head Music (BMI)

SPlat/MacPro/Dual Xeon 3.06GHz 6-core (12 total)/64GB/Win8.1X64/Presonus 1818VSL/Soundscape SS8IO-1

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    Re:Edit Filter Royal PITA on FX Buss 2011/10/05 03:51:01 (permalink)
    See my reply in your other thread Keni. It's in the TV Menu View->Display->Display Ghosted Data
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