Exponential Audio Updates
Updates available for PhoenixVerb, R2, M7Control and Excalibur
...and they're
free.What's New? - PhoenixVerb 3.0.5
- R2 3.0.5
- Excalibur 2.1.5
- M7Control 1.1.5
There are lots of fixes and improvements. You'll find release notes in the installer packages.
Where? You can get them at the
download area Who's eligible?If you've got a valid license for the plugin(s)--regular, student, promotional, demo, NFR--you're eligible for the free upgrade.
Anything else? We recommend that you keep your previous installer in a backup area. We do everything we can to make sure upgrades are compabible. But just in case, you should always have a backup of previous installers. We make older versions available for a revision or two, but we don't keep them forever.