FX chains in X2a vs. VS-700
I tried to dig into using the new FX chain / ProChannel functionality from X2a, but had to realize that this is yet another new feature that probably never was developed for / tested with the VS-700.
Not really usable from the VS-700, you've got to keep your finger on the mouse
Hence, I filed 2 problem reports.
FYI, to spare you the same wasted effort ...
Summary: FX chain parameter cannot be properly adjusted from VS-700 Channel Strip Control
1. Insert a "FX chain" into an FX bin and try to control parameters from VS-700 Channel Strip Control
2. Alternatively, insert a "FX chain" into the ProChannel and try to control parameters from VS-700 Channel Strip Control
Expected Results:
- if inserted in FX bin:
+ all parameters seen on FX chain GUI (6 knobs, 6 buttons) must be controlable from the VS-700 Channel Strip Control section
+ knobs must be assigned to VS-700 rotaries
+ buttons must be assigned to VS-700 buttons
+ the order must be identical to what is on the screen
- if inserted into ProChannel the same is expected
Actual Results:
- if inserted in FX bin:
+ some parameters are controlable, but when new ones are added to FX chain, they are NOT available to the ACT control unless Sonar is restarted
+ the order of ACT assignment does not follow the order on the FX chain GUI
+ if the ordering of knobs is changed in the GUI, the ACT mapping does not update
+ some knobs get assigned to rotaries (no proper control possible!) and some buttons to rotaries
- if inserted in the ProChannel, the same happens only even more screwed; some parameters are exposed to the EQ control section, but terribly messed and not usable !
Summary: Cannot insert Fx Chains from VS-700
1. Follow steps on page 74 "Controlling Plug-ins from the VS-700C Console" of the VS-700 manual
2. Try to insert "Fx chain"
Expected Results:
"Fx Chains" should show as regular plugins do; inserting should work in the same way.
Actual Results:
"Fx Chains" are not appended to list of regular plugins do; inserting "Fx chains" is not possible from VS-700, only via mouse.