Quick answers....
Does it sound better? <> Does a dalmatian have spots?
Is there any secret sauce? <> Check your buns
Is there a demo? <> of course
I like the original just fine. <>not after you try this one...
Analysis of answers
#1 Can't go wrong answering a question with a question. But considering that 80% of dalmations are deaf or close to it - it's either a snarky comment about musicians, a poorly thought out response or who knew that orange juice is actually fake?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuYPdTvqitg #2 this response is probably rude and definitely in poor taste.
#3 of course there is - why would I kid about this? There's even a link for a 30 day trial in the OP.
#4 I assume that your definition of "fine" conforms with local standards and is compatible with the standards set forth and adhered to in this forum. In that case no - the original isn't
just fine, it's awesome!
Can we ever have too much awesome? I don't know about you but there are sure times when I could.
Will you like the new version more than the $69 dollars the update will cost you?
If you thought the original was
just fine - probably not, if you thought the original was awesome - probably.
Analysis of Analysis...
Probably should have spent my time working on my song writing instead...