FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too.

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August 14, 08 3:21 AM (permalink)

FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too.

So I ended up buying an M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB for my laptop. First I noticed when I got home that there are no M-Audio drivers for 64-bit Vista, not even on their website. I really hope they will be available soon.
However, upon plugging in the USB cable, I discovered that Vista had drivers for it, and they worked in Sonar.

I don't get to use the Fast Track outside of Sonar because it doesn't show up under the Audio devices on control panel. So I can't listen to mp3's with my studio monitors without plugging them into the headphone jack...annoying. Also, the SPDIF in/out on the card deosn't work even in Sonar, they don't show up under the Audio options drivers section.

Does anyone have any idea when there will be drivers for this thing? It's only been like almost 2 years Vista has been out. Or is there another way to get this to work? If I should take this card back, is there any card that has good drivers for Vista 64-bit?

Also, I have some other questions about settings:
1) Under Audio Options, what should I set Audio Driver bit depth to? It's set at 16 now, but can go up to 24.
2) next to that, there a checkbox for 64-bit double precision engine. Should I check it?
3) Under global / Audio Data, Record bit depth is set to 16, and Render bit depth is set to 32....should I change these?

I do record in 44100 if that matters. Sorry for the onslaught but I thought it would be better to ask everything at once.

Thanks a lot!

"he who still has all his marbles hasn't flicked them around enough"

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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 7:11 AM (permalink)
    Had we known..... I would have suggested staying away from this device for Vista64. The holdback for them may be the PT compatibility.


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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 7:23 AM (permalink)
    Also, I have some other questions about settings:
    1) Under Audio Options, what should I set Audio Driver bit depth to? It's set at 16 now, but can go up to 24.
    2) next to that, there a checkbox for 64-bit double precision engine. Should I check it?
    3) Under global / Audio Data, Record bit depth is set to 16, and Render bit depth is set to 32....should I change these?

    Yes, Return the card and get an Edirol Fa66 or an Echo card

    #1 set it to 24
    #2 yes you can or you can just enable it durring mixdowns and exporting
    #3 yes if you are recording in 24bit, change the bit rate and keep the render rate the same
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 11:09 AM (permalink)
    OT slightly: sorry

    I'm mainly using soft synths. I have a couple of older hardware models but havn't got round to hooking them up yet.
    I've got M Audio 2496 sound card but no pre-amp to get inputs from synths. If I were to get a little USB M Audio Fast Track (not the pro model) would I be able to use this for audio in and the 2496 for audio out/ MIDI, or would there be a driver clash...... ?
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 12:37 AM (permalink)
    Thanks guys. I'll buy the Edirol FA-66 I think, I need mic inputs and the Echo's that I saw did not have any.
    The Edirol FA-66 says it has SPDIF inputs, but on the picture of the back, I see DIGITAL ins that aren't RCA-shaped, so does it really have SPDIF?
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 2:40 PM (permalink)
    fA66 Has better digital inputs than the spdif inputs, there optical. Spdif is one of many way to transfer digital data. I prefer ther lightpipe or optical way better than spdif.
    What are you going to be hooking up digitally??? You do know if you hook up something throe the spdif or other digital means, your stuck with its sample rate and bit rate.
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 3:25 PM (permalink)
    Lightpipe may be better, that doesn't matter. Devices I own only have SPDIF. I have a TC Electronics G Major, and my amp (Line 6 Vetta) has SPDIF as well. Would I be able to use either of these with the Edirol? Again, the Edirol says that it has SPDIF on the website, but I don't see it on the jacks on the back, unless those inputs 3-4 that look like RCA are SPDIF inputs.
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 3:28 PM (permalink)
    you can still use them with the edirol, just because a devic has spdif, does not mean you need to use it. Just use analog outs to analog ins
    Cj - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 3:34 PM (permalink)
    Yeah I know I can use analogs....that just sucks that it doesn't support the kind of SPDIF that I have (non-optical, RCA-looking jacks). I was used to using SPDIF on my Delta 66. Is there another good product out there that does support that?
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 14, 08 3:40 PM (permalink)
    Motu's have spdif and there great cards. as little more procey but way way worth it. There pre amps are impressive and you might not want to use spdif with them.. but you still have the option
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 15, 08 5:10 AM (permalink)
    Repost: sorry.
    OT slightly:

    I'm mainly using soft synths. I have a couple of older hardware models but havn't got round to hooking them up yet.
    I've got M Audio 2496 sound card but no pre-amp to get inputs from synths. If I were to get a little USB M Audio Fast Track (not the pro model) would I be able to use this for audio in and the 2496 for audio out/ MIDI, or would there be a driver clash...... ?
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 15, 08 7:21 AM (permalink)
    You would be better off getting one card that fits your entire workflow. 2 cards can cause problems because they each have there own clocking.
    Hardware synths dont need a pre amp, you can just hook then into an input on your maudio. Those synth are powered already most likely
    Cj - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 15, 08 9:05 AM (permalink)
    getting one card that fits your entire workflow. 2 cards can cause problems because they each have there own clocking.
    Hardware synths dont need a pre amp, you can just hook then into an input on your maudio. Those synth are powered already

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    RE: FastTrack Pro USB drivers? settings questions too. August 15, 08 9:51 AM (permalink)
    As a follow up.... M-audio rushed this device out and PTm wouldn't work on it so they had to issue a patch after the product was in the consumer channel. I had one for exactly one week an returned it. I have a bunch of M-audio devices and just heard from my deal that since the 410 FW was discontinued a new 610 will show up in about 60 days --- BTW - I'm a firewire interface freak - I have zero USB interfaces...

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