AnsweredFaulty Playback

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April 26, 16 1:27 PM (permalink)

Faulty Playback

I have two measures of quarter notes. In playing them back only every other note plays.
Assuming four beats to a measure, only the first and third note play.
Any suggestions?
post edited by robert_e_bone - April 29, 16 3:32 PM
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Re: Faulty Playback April 26, 16 2:27 PM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby GBB April 26, 16 3:16 PM
Assuming this is a question about MIDI, try increasing the "Prepare using nnn Millisecond Buffers" parameter in Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording from 250 to 500 or 750
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Re: Faulty Playback April 26, 16 3:02 PM (permalink)
I set it to 500.
Worked like a charm.
Thank you!
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Re: Faulty Playback April 27, 16 11:31 AM (permalink)
500 USED to be the default for it, but some time ago they changed the default to 250, and sometimes folks run into what happened to you, at that 250 setting.
Soooooo, lots of folks have just gone in and altered those settings back up to 500, and just like what you found, the dropped notes stops happening.
Bob Bone

Wisdom is a giant accumulation of "DOH!"
Sonar: Platinum (x64), X3 (x64) 
Audio Interfaces: AudioBox 1818VSL, Steinberg UR-22
Computers: 1) i7-2600 k, 32 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro x64 & 2) AMD A-10 7850 32 GB RAM Windows 10 Pro x64
Soft Synths: NI Komplete 8 Ultimate, Arturia V Collection, many others
MIDI Controllers: M-Audio Axiom Pro 61, Keystation 88es
Settings: 24-Bit, Sample Rate 48k, ASIO Buffer Size 128, Total Round Trip Latency 9.7 ms  
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Re: Faulty Playback April 28, 16 1:42 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby jimfogle April 29, 16 2:14 PM
I set it to 500.
Worked like a charm.
Thank you!

 Hey, GBB - Would you mind either flagging the thread as Answered or perhaps edit the subject line of your original post of the thread, to add something like 'Solved'?  It makes it easier for others to know this thread actually shows a solution to the issue - if folks are searching on how to fix this issue, and it also lets others who  want too help know ahead of time that the problem was resolved - rather than them reading through a bunch of posts to see if they could help, only to find out it was already resolved.  Thanks - it's kind of a nice guy thing to do. :)
GLAD you have this working now, for you. :)
Bob Bone

Wisdom is a giant accumulation of "DOH!"
Sonar: Platinum (x64), X3 (x64) 
Audio Interfaces: AudioBox 1818VSL, Steinberg UR-22
Computers: 1) i7-2600 k, 32 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro x64 & 2) AMD A-10 7850 32 GB RAM Windows 10 Pro x64
Soft Synths: NI Komplete 8 Ultimate, Arturia V Collection, many others
MIDI Controllers: M-Audio Axiom Pro 61, Keystation 88es
Settings: 24-Bit, Sample Rate 48k, ASIO Buffer Size 128, Total Round Trip Latency 9.7 ms  
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