Find a new daw, stop using Band in a Box
My work flow until now has been composing a song in Band in a Box, laying out the chords and lyrics on the chord sheet, rendering temporary instrument tracks, dragging them onto Sonar audio tracks, placing markers for the song sections, and transferring the chord symbols and lyrics to the staff view. While recording, I'd watch the staff view docked at the bottom of the track view and record audio and midi of my own instruments and vocals into tracks above. That worked with Sonar Platinum, but was very tedious getting Band in a Box information transferred to the staff view.
Since I'm deciding on buying a new daw, I'd like to find one where I can type in a chord track in sync with markers and my midi Addictive Drums track. The chord symbols need to be adjustable to a large font size. Under the chords, I need a lyric track-- again with an adjustable font size, putting words where they need to be under the chords. Then, I'd record my midi bass track while watching the chord and lyric tracks move along the timeline. This is how I would like to lock down the basic structure of a song in one piece of software and stop using Band in a Box, which is very limiting.
All the other features people are asking for in a daw are important also, but not as much as what I outlined above. Can someone suggest which daw could serve my needs for composing songs like this? Thanks.
--- Jim