Zeta problem

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April 15, 07 1:42 PM (permalink)

Zeta problem

I have been updating the studio and eventually got round to the zeta 1.5 update. I read the information and dutifully removed the DLL files from the VST folder and installed 1.5 I loaded in my previously saved .128 files that I had spent hours compiling and hey presto. There are about 10 setting (so far) that have all the data there but no sound and some of the more arp presets like the FTGH bass which I adore sounds like it's on speed. When I play a number of other bass style arps they too have the same addiction. So I uninstalled 1.5 and went back to the 1.4 original version and the fault is the same. I am using Windows XP pro service pack 2 Athlon 3000+ and 1 gig of ram and Live 6 and even tried in FL studio. When I did a search I did find the DLL zeta files on an external hardrive would that have made any difference. Do I need to purge my complete system and start again. Another problem too. when I had the 1.5 version on on one sound there was a high pitched whoosh too as you changed the preset.

I have to be honest I wish I had stayed with what I have got. Also I loaded zeta a few weeks back to my laptop no probs at all. Still works fine with 1.4 I'm assuming that putting 1.5 had done something or probably me not getting rid of the other DLL on the external hard drive.

Any help as I love Zeta to bits

Cheers Cosy Pete


Just to fill you in while I'm waiting

I have removed every trace of z3ta+ and then installed the 1.5 with the factory presets. I tried the FGHT bass and it's still on speed.

I uninstalled the 1.5 and loaded the 1.4 and same problem

Any thought gratefully received

Cheers Cosy Pete

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    RE: Zeta problem April 30, 07 5:38 PM (permalink)
    help anyone ???
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    RE: Zeta problem April 30, 07 6:20 PM (permalink)
    This may be nothing, but have you tried to set your audio card sample rate to 44.1? It may be that z3ta is confused as to what it thinks the card is set at and what z3ta is set at...make sure they both match.

    Long shot, but maybe...

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    RE: Zeta problem May 01, 07 6:43 AM (permalink)
    thanks mmarsh

    I will check that but I am using the same soundcard that I have used for years and it has always been a 24/96 one but I can check.

    Thanks for taking the time

    all the best

    Cosy Pete
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    RE: Zeta problem May 01, 07 4:58 PM (permalink)
    OK, let us know...
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    RE: Zeta problem May 05, 07 12:47 AM (permalink)
    Cozypete, I too have been experiencing Z3ta problems, 1.5 that is. It is true that some presets within the banks cannot be heard for some odd strange reason, more toward the arp region of sounds. I have also expeirienced frequent dissapearing acts of S6.2.1 while just trying to browse through each preset. Sonar6 just dissapears and I have to do a reboot to execute the application. I have also seen that when a song finishes with Z3ta selected that arp type presets go wild and ply 3X the speed when you press a key on your controller. There are more weird things going on aside from what I have mentioned. I will be in touch with tecxh support, as this really cramps my work flow when I have to keep rebooting or resetting the audio engine so that Z3ta can run as intented. I feel your pain, giving this synth is really in a eague of it's own.
    post edited by BriGuy - May 05, 07 12:49 AM

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    RE: Zeta problem May 16, 07 2:47 PM (permalink)
    hi johno here.im new to the forum. i too have been having the same problems with z3ta in making waves.
    i have only just bought z3ta and just updated it. and updated making waves at the same time
    so i thought the problem was with making waves.
    as it was saying there was an access violation when auditioning sounds in z3ta.
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    RE: Zeta problem May 17, 07 1:35 PM (permalink)
    i now have some error codes from making waves when auditioning sounds and are as follows.
    exception error in preview thread. error code 10020-3:0coe-s1540
    next one is as follows.integer divide by zero error code d0084-s1540
    i have no idea what they mean but maybe some one on here will.
    all the best. johno
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