CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar

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May 18, 07 3:36 PM (permalink)

CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar

Hi -

Does anyone know where I can find info on what Sonar is mapping to the Motor Mix control surface? I can figure out the basics but some stuf not so much...



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    Bob Damiano [Cakewalk]
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 18, 07 3:44 PM (permalink)
    I'd start with the help file for the Motormix surface Plugin. I think it explains the alternate modes for the switches and such pretty well.

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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 18, 07 9:16 PM (permalink)
    Hi Bob -

    Thanks for the quick reply and forgive my torpitude, but where can I find that file?

    Thanks again,

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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 18, 07 9:26 PM (permalink)
    Found it, thanks! For those also looking it's in the Shared Surfaces folder...
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 19, 07 12:32 AM (permalink)
    Hi !
    I also Have the MotorMix. Sadly it doesn't incorporate as well in Sonar 6 as it did in Sonar 5. By the way did you know that by going on the MotorMix's web page you could get your MotorMix rebuild for 175$ US ?? If Cakewalk plans to support it better in the next version of Sonar i might go for it. What do you think ??


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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 19, 07 12:45 AM (permalink)
    For that money, it might just be worth gettting a bcf2000, which does it's stuff via mackie control emulation

    Blades  - Technology Info and Tutorials for Music and Web
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 19, 07 3:57 PM (permalink)
    I have a friend who owns a BFC2000, and frankly i wasn't very impressed.There's no track labelling and though he wasn't using with Sonar, i'm not sure that you have all the same features. But hey , i will take a look at it just in case. Thx
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 19, 07 4:06 PM (permalink)
    Sadly it doesn't incorporate as well in Sonar 6 as it did in Sonar 5.

    I didn't use it in 5 so I can't speak about the difference. 6 seems to use it quite well, in my opinion, once I understood how it was implemented (thanks to Bob for pointing me in the documentation direction). The motorized faders and the track scribble strips along with the rotary encoders all make for a great device for mixing in Sonar.

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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 20, 07 9:22 PM (permalink)
    No track labeling is right, but there is a little application that puts an LCD strip on the screen that you can move wherever (though it doesn't yet work in Vista).

    It is a pretty device once you get accostomed to it. Just seems like a lot of money to put into an old device. Another benefit that I don't know if works or not with the Motormix is the ability to link multiples of them, so you can have more channels.

    Blades  - Technology Info and Tutorials for Music and Web
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 20, 07 11:43 PM (permalink)
    Cool i didn't know about the liitle strip on the monitor. It's definately a plus. My friend will be glade to know that this feature exist. Yes you can link the motor mix to up to 3 units i think to add more faders. The machine is not that old, maybe it's because i bought it use. Anyway thx for the tip !

    The faders and the pan pot are worrking pretty well but the bouton for the Aux on/off, in my system, is not working properlly and sometimes once the write automation mode is enabled, i can't get back to the Rec mode without having to shut it down. In Sonar 5 it was working flawlessly in my system. I still use it but i wish that Cakewalk did the fallow up on controlers when they did the new version of sonar. Are you having the same problems ?
    post edited by alxi - May 20, 07 11:48 PM
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 21, 07 2:16 PM (permalink)
    Hey Alxi -

    No, I don't seem to have that problem. In one old project (Ithink it was from Sonar 3) the mute buttons 'stuck' on the MotorMix - that is, on some tracks the light would not go off, but they did actually toggle mute.

    Just seems like a lot of money to put into an old device.

    To each his own, I guess. I bought the Motor Mix last year for use with my Kyma and thought it would be cool for mixing in Sonar. I was right!

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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 21, 07 11:31 PM (permalink)
    Hi, I have a Motormix too, works well for me for mixing and plugins control but with some projects full of fxs and instruments motormix start to lose some controls, like dead faders or some leds reamins on or I have to turn motormix off and on.
    It's a common problem?
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 24, 07 1:36 PM (permalink)
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    RE: CM Labs Motor Mix and Sonar May 24, 07 2:19 PM (permalink)
    Hi Cea.
    We all seem to have our own particular problems with the Motor Mix. Like is said, mine was working perfectly in Sonar 5 but in sonar 6 i experiment some problems every now and then and i do to have to restart it from time to time . I guess they didn't revised the protocole in Sonar 6 or whatever might be the problem. I know that it's supposed to be well implemented also in Protools but i never tried it. As anyone out there had the same problems in Protools ??

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