Behringer T1952

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May 24, 07 2:22 PM (permalink)

Behringer T1952

Anyone familiar with The Behringer T1952 Tube Composer? If so, what are your thoughts? I've read a bit on it and it seems to get pretty decent marks for that perticular price range. Any thoughts pros and cons would be appreciated.


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    Max Output Level: -76 dBFS
    • Total Posts : 746
    • Joined: 6/4/2005
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    RE: Behringer T1952 May 24, 07 3:26 PM (permalink)
    I have one, but I honestly don't use it that much. It does give a little bit of tube warmth and has a lot of features. Sometimes I like to use it to control dynamics a bit for acoutic guitar. It can also beef up vocals for singers with soft voices, but I have software compressors that have better sound quality. What is it you want to use it for?


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