CD Like Guitar

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August 21, 07 8:44 AM (permalink)

CD Like Guitar

Hey people,
I'm using Sonar 6.2 Producer edtition with an M-Audio Fastrack USB recording at 24bit, 44.1khtz. I am using a Epiphone Les Paul to record the guitar. So far i'm finding it hard to get CD like guitar in terms of distortion. It sounds very bitty and thin. I'm gonna link a few samples here so you can see what I mean. I'm tryin to get it to sound crisp and clean as best as possible as I know the interface isn't exactly the industry standard. If any of you have any tips or advice on achieving this it would be most appreciated.

Heres the Links to a few of my samples. Best tracks to listern to are lip gloss and black and One Step Preview.

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 8:52 AM (permalink)
    Are you going directly in or using a mic and amp? Choice of mic can make a big difference as well as choice of amp. It's hard to advise without knowing more details of your recording chain. This has been discussed many times before so try doing a search for recording guitar in this forum. You may be closer than you think.

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 8:55 AM (permalink)
    Get a smal, low wattage tube amp. Put a SM 57 right up against the grill at the center of the cone. Crank the low wattage amp to 5 or so - not too much clipping.

    When you record, record twice. Pan one 3 one 9. Put compressors on and bring up hard. Slight room reverb - not a ton. maybe add a very small amount of bump around 4-5k depending on where the bite of the guitar is. Maybe EQ a little different left to right. Maybe add a very small amount of delay to one side, with the delay panned to the other side.

    Some people call me Maurice
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:46 AM (permalink)
    Sorry I wasn't too specific. I am using it Directly imputted and recording it dry and adding distortion using GUitar Rig 2. I do have a Marshall 15DFX (not very good i know) but I don't have a good enough mic. I have also tried using my Zoom G2 Effects pedal plugged in to it using it on the line in setting on the box but I wasn't too happy with how that sounded. I'm have little/no knowlegde of how to use compressors or EQ's so maybe thats why it doesn't sound too good.
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:51 AM (permalink)
    Sound like a job for AMPLITUBE.

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 11:42 AM (permalink)
    simple way to set a compressor (maybe overly simple)
    1) Set the amount of compression - maybe 4:1 for a guitar - maybe more if you want to really squish it
    2) You have some freedom on attack and release depending on how you want the part to sound. I like a slower attack on a guitar.
    3) Move the threshold down until the meter starts to show 3-4 db of decrease on the louder parts. Somewhere around here you should be bringing up the lower parts, but not crushing the higher parts too much. Bring it down too much and you will flatten the guitar sound.
    4) Move the gain up until you have a good quality signal out

    That is way over simplified. Use your ears.
    There are tons of good articles

    Some people call me Maurice
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 12:31 AM (permalink)
    Direct guitar tends to sound very thin and bright. The sound we all are used to has gone through a speaker cabinet, which is essentially a complex low pass filter. Not to mention the sonic stamp of electronics, tubes, transformers etc.

    You absolutely need to use speaker/cabinet emulation as a first step. Roll off those excruciating highs.

    I listened to your clips and the sound you are getting is generic nu-metal. Is that what you want? You might try dialing down the distortion a bit, trying some speaker emulations if Guitar Rig has them, and see if that helps the guitar sit in the mix better.

    Myself, I'm way old-school. I need to get a good tone going in to inspire me. I'm OK with shaping it after the fact, but it's got to be at least halfway there when recording.

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 12:33 AM (permalink)
    Get a real tube amp and a Shure SM57 mic. That's the first step. Then, start searching the forum about getting good guitar sounds. Here's one good recent thread on the subject:
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 2:34 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the replys guys. The sound I want it heavy like nu metal but I want it crisp as in if you heard it on a CD it wouldnt sound out of place if you get what I mean. I know my kit isnt great. I've tried doubling tracks etx and settin the other track say 40 milliseconds delayed and paned over to the other side. That sounded fuller but still bitty and didnt sound commercial.
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 5:37 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Maddy2k6`

    Thanks for the replys guys. The sound I want it heavy like nu metal but I want it crisp as in if you heard it on a CD it wouldnt sound out of place if you get what I mean. I know my kit isnt great. I've tried doubling tracks etx and settin the other track say 40 milliseconds delayed and paned over to the other side. That sounded fuller but still bitty and didnt sound commercial.

    It's just that, bluntly put, you have a long way to go. It all starts with the player's technique and tone, and continues with the instruments, the amp (not software based), recording gear (mic, cables, preamp, audio interface) and ends with your DAW (mixing). It takes all of these things to be able to deliver a final profesional product of the highest quality. It also takes time to develop all of these things because not only do you need to be good at your instrument but also you have to be good at finding "that" sound from your gear, have good mic'ing techniques by experimenting with different mic/room placements, and ultimately be good at mixing but not necesarily at mastering. The gear, as in mic, cables, preamp, etc., are important because it will assure a higher quality recording but most will agree that this is of a lesser impact then the feel, tone and technique of the player. Still, it is an important part and the reason why profesional studios have expensive gear.

    I know lots of people are gonna say that you can get quality recordings using an amp simulator like the one you used. But, to me, they sound exactly as you've described it compared to the real thing...thin. If you read the link I posted (I know it's long but it's also very informative) you'll see what it takes to get there and produce that sound. The sound that makes the song come alive and makes you feel like you're there in front of the band.
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 6:59 PM (permalink)
    Amp simulation may work best with a Hi-Z preamp(like M-Audio Audio-Buddy).

    I listened to Lip Gloss and Black, it may be interesting if you could try it with less gain or drive to get a more present guitar sound. Check your favorite guitar player, he may use less drive than you think you hear...

    I am happy with the result i get with Amplitube 2, but i think i could be getting better result with a good amp at his best volume,with great mics in a good room. In my reality, even a 5w tube amp with a real 12'' sound could disturb the neighbourg,and i could also get weird noise from the streets, the air conditionner, etc .Anyway, if i ever get signed, it will always be time to take the original signal and reamp it in a great studio!!!
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 7:09 PM (permalink)
    try to add some mids to the guitar. sounds like youre using a scooped mids type sound. another reason the guitars may not sound full enough is that the bass guitar is completely buried. lower some of the high end a bit. it is very possible to get a great sound with guitar rig alone.

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:42 PM (permalink)
    Lots of great info for you here. Two things I consider very important when recording vs. playing

    1. When playing metal it would seem like cranking the gain up is the answer, but in actuallity, lowering the gain quite a bit, and using more attack with your picking hand, will provide way better results. Technique beats out equiptment for the most part, not to say a great guitar and amp are of no value.

    2. When recording 2 guitars, try having one almost clean, not only will you notice more blemishes and technique to be worked on, but you'll also bring out some clarification of the distorted track. I personally have the almost clean guitar barely in the mix, just enough to compliment the distorted guitar.

    O.K. 3 things, save up some money and get a tube amp and a $89 SM57 mic. You'll never look back. I love using Amplitube and my Line6 TonePort for scratching ideas down, but when I'm ready to finish some tracks, nothing will hold up to my amp being mic'd, plus I leave alot of feedback trails in my songs that I can't do properly with software yet. Having said that you can still produce some amazing sounds with software that the average Joe will never know the difference.
    post edited by APC3 - August 21, 07 10:21 PM
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:48 PM (permalink)


    Having said that you can still produce some amazing sounds with software that the average Joe will never know the difference.

    Dude, APC3 is right. I might not be able to tell the difference...

    All seriousness aside, Line6 now has a little pocket POD that might be just the ticket for you. When you really want to roll your own, then it's probably best to amp and mic it yourself...

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:51 PM (permalink)
    Just buy this:

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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 9:52 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Jose7822

    Get a real tube amp and a Shure SM57 mic. That's the first step. Then, start searching the forum about getting good guitar sounds. Here's one good recent thread on the subject:

    If you want a real sound, you need to use real gear. It is what it is, although technigue is something you need to take into consideration, and also performance. Even if you mike a tube amp with a mic, you still need good technique and a good performance. although, i do get great sounds with or without mic'ing. So i guess you also need to experiment also.
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 10:31 PM (permalink)
    But if he has an amp, an SM 57 or the likes is cheaper than getting guitar rig or amplitube or similar products. Oh, you will also need an xlr cable and a boom.

    I record most of my stuff with a Kendrick Texas Crude Roughneck

    Listen to the demos.

    Mic'ed properly, it can sound thunderous. You can mic on axis, off axis, on the edge, in the back, against the grill, away from the grill, add an ambient mic....

    Spending money on software emulators is only necessary if you have to be quiet all the time, but again, a 6 watt amp can make huge sound.

    I have 11 amps at home. I could chose vintage Fenders (a 52 tweed princeton, 66 blackface deluxe, 69 super six. 67 Princeton Reverb), vintage vox, marshall, other kendricks (two more), or an old gretsch 6120 from 1960, plus something I forgot. I usually reach for the little kendrick. Only a volume control. No tone - that is in my guitar, pedals and technique.

    The point is, that with the right mic, you can make a puny amp sound huge. Page used something like a Champ as I recall for early Zep stuff.

    Some people call me Maurice
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 21, 07 10:54 PM (permalink)

    May I borrow a couple of those amps, pretty please?
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    RE: CD Like Guitar August 22, 07 4:17 AM (permalink)
    Wow.... I was gonna write something, but Jose already did it for me (or so it seems).

    edit: Halexx, Duojet and APC3 wrote good stuff too.
    post edited by FredrikGroth76 - August 22, 07 4:29 AM
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