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Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
Hi guys Ok, back again and still frustrated, even after a local "boffin" tried to help us unsuccesfully to load the CW TTS-1 and Roland Groove midi tracks. Please someone answer this one question. The Sonar Home Studio 6 comes with Cakewalk TTS midi's and Roland Groove. Does this mean that the soft syths are available in the standard package I bought, i.e. can we include these in tracks that are being recorded? or do we have to purchase extra/additional software to utilise these midi's that are in the standard package. I need to know this as we are struggling, as novices, to get them to load and record, even after going through the tuturials. A simplified answer to a dummy would suffice as we got the impression from the "boffin' that they are not available.
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 3:34 AM
Are you trying to ask if they can be used outside of sonar?? If thats your question, then No. If you cant get it working, i would review your past thread, theres enough info in there to make it work. Cj
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 3:42 AM
Thanks for your reply Cj. No, not outside Sonar HS6 but within. So the answer is yes, they are available within the standard SHS6 if we use the software as it intended? If this is the case, then I will go through the threads and tutorials again as I am missing something.
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 5:16 AM
tutorial 8 is your guide here - loook in the help file....yes tts-1 is available, or should be, it should appear in the folder program files>cakewalk>vst plugins, if you did a standard install it should be there. and if you're not aware, there are loads of free vstis better than tts-1, look at www.kvraudio.com - and of course there are much much better paid for ones. tts-1 is basically a GM2 softsynth which is useful for sketching out pieces etc , but you prob won't want to use too many of those sounds in the actual tracks you record...
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 8:16 AM
Cj and mgh Thanks for your replies. mgh - you're a star, have it as a standard installation and will follow your advice. Will check tutorial 8 and at www.kvaudio.com.
Ode to a rising rock star All of a sudden a new band "Since 1913" where he takes a major stand “KevinM†is my name My passion for my music is what I am South Africa Home of the brave
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 8:55 AM
cool it should appear under the insert menu, or open the synth rack and click on the asterisk type icon, abd then in the menu tts-1 should be there. if you download some plugs from kvr, you'll need to place the .dll file in the folder i mention above, an then restart shs6 - same for vst fx...have fun. i particularly like organone, crystal, superwavep8 and most of the krakli synths - for fx the mda and classic series from kjaerhus are a good start, and the free voxengo plugs are uniformly excellent!!
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 11:32 AM
hmm you know I have not really bothered but two of my synths will not open one is the groove synth can't remember the other. I only can use the rgc and tts-1 I have tried to insteall these other synths but I get a message saying that the synth is not available or it is just plain not there. any advice would be welcomed as I am not the only one who has had this problem. I suppose he easiest solution is to buy a red hot synth but I would have to save a bit for that. thanks in advance.
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 11:39 AM
hey dappa you seen the special this month on rapture?? i think groove synth is only used for the metronome hence why you can't find it.
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 11:43 AM
I have heard something about rapture prey tell what are the details. The roland groove synth? is the reason why people are having difficulty in locating it. And I have to ask; "how do you use it then with the metronome"? I know, silly question but hey!
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 11:58 AM
it loads automatically, you know ifyou go into the metronome dialogue and you can choose different sounds for the metronome, it's the GS playing it, i think....i could be talking balls too though! and CW have started a thread on the producer forum re the special offer..
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 20, 07 1:44 PM
no i lied, groovesynth is another gm synth but only monophonic....the metronome thing is groove something though!
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 21, 07 2:34 AM
Hi guys I am now gatvol and the moer in (South African - had enough and seething). mgh - thanks for your tips, I looked in the cakewalk>vst plugins and there are few files there, but not cakewalk TTS-1 - what files should be there for a standard installation? Been through tutorial 8 for the tenth time - when it says the cakewalk tts1 synth should play it does'nt. I am now convinced there is something wrong with the software, even reinstalled it 2-3 times. Checked if I can reinstall the soft synths only but there is no allowance for this in the software - also checked through the files. Is this a case of false advertising? The easy way in which the tutrial video does the trick? The normal procedure to get help through cakewalk took almost a week (you can die of frustration in 1 minute) to reply back on my first query, then only to advise me to read a FAQ that I already read, did not help me as it was a soundcard problem. Damn - "I'm all alone, no one beside me", "but you gotta have friends". I am sending a copy of this to the normal help support and am insisting they help me properly.
Ode to a rising rock star All of a sudden a new band "Since 1913" where he takes a major stand “KevinM†is my name My passion for my music is what I am South Africa Home of the brave
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 21, 07 3:22 AM
ok my bad the tts-1 is in the >shared DXi folder. what you trying to do? open a new project, under insert go to >insert soft synth. in the menu that comes up, tts-1 should be there, along with groove synth and a few others. if not, there's a problem. when you insert a soft synth, are you ensuring that the output on the midi track is set to the softsynth, and that the output on the audio track associated with that softsynth is set to ur soundcard? this is one of the most confusing aspects of shs6 initially. (to see the inputs/outputs ensure the 'all' or 'i/o' tabs are pressed at the bottom of the track pane...
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 21, 07 3:42 AM
Thanks mate. Have checked all inputs and outputs numerous times according to instructions. Still convinced a software problem and will check the shared dxi folder tonight when at home.
Ode to a rising rock star All of a sudden a new band "Since 1913" where he takes a major stand “KevinM†is my name My passion for my music is what I am South Africa Home of the brave
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 21, 07 3:47 AM
ok sorry to hear the probs you are having...keep trying it'll be worth it in the end!!!
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 22, 07 2:29 AM
Ok guys, I starting to get after spending some time again last night. Bottom line is I do all the correct stuff to get my midi linked to Cakewalk TTS and ensured all inputs and outputs are correct. Inserted soft synth and tested CW TTS1 synths ( a number of different sounds). Checked they were being picked up and pressed spacebar (play) to listen - nothing. Armed the tracks for recording - both, only MIDI and pressed R for record - only got my metronome but no synth playing. Checked and rechecked all connections again. Then opened a file from a recording done by somebody else with CW - checked their connections - and was able to play their tracks. Am learning a lot but at the great expense of time. mgh - and others, any further suggestions? Maybe not a software problem but a hardware one? Also I do not see a midi input but only an output in my computer? But I assume this is when you install an external midi device.
Ode to a rising rock star All of a sudden a new band "Since 1913" where he takes a major stand “KevinM†is my name My passion for my music is what I am South Africa Home of the brave
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 22, 07 4:50 AM
spacebar is stop dude. and you can't listen unless there is some midi information for them to pickup. how you trying to record? you got a keyboard/midi controller linked to ur pc?
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 22, 07 8:22 AM
ORIGINAL: mgh spacebar is stop dude. and you can't listen unless there is some midi information for them to pickup. how you trying to record? you got a keyboard/midi controller linked to ur pc? Spacebar is stop AND start. What do you mean "armed the tracks for recording - both"? You should only be able to arm the MIDI track for recording. Synth outs don't record.
post edited by Slugbaby - August 22, 07 8:25 AM
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RE: Cakewalk TTS and Roland groove on Sonar Home Studio 6
August 22, 07 8:51 AM
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I have seen the light! Ok guys, as a beginner you have to forgive me. The problem is that I do not have an external midi keyboard controller and I believed the demo's on the system were actual midis you could use in your projects. You have to create your own midis, once the penny dropped and I went through tutorial 8 which I found in the folder already setup it all came clear. Many thanks for your support - especially mgh - you stuck with me. Now I can move on to my own life, and KevinM can start doing his own thing.
Ode to a rising rock star All of a sudden a new band "Since 1913" where he takes a major stand “KevinM†is my name My passion for my music is what I am South Africa Home of the brave