Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve

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2008/06/11 00:38:41 (permalink)

Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve

I know next to nothing about compression, EQing, or any of this technical stuff. All I do is hook up my keyboard and play straight into reason 4... So I doubt my songs are on par with many of yours. In fact, they're not. But I'd like to hear some criticism in order to learn how to improve.

My soundclick page can be found here:

"Another Unamed Song" Is the oldest one on there. The way I played the fake guitar, it might as well have been an organ

"Good Night" was made at 3 in the morning just to take my mind off of something... Kinda boring.

"Currently Untitled" Is my favorite of the three, but the drumming needs a lot of work. I accidentally put a drum loop in the wrong spot. You should be able to notice where this one part keeps on repeating...

I realize that a lot of my songs are a bit limited as I can only play by ear and have no further musical knowledge...

But I'd really like to hear your thoughts on what you think of the ideas, and how I can improve.

Thank you!

Edit: I forgot to mention, all three of these songs are meant for vocals. I just haven't gotten around to writing lyrics and singing yet... Nor do I have the quiet place to record, sadly.

Edit 2: Ignore Running out Of pain. That's just a rough copy of me playing a song from a band called 12 Stones.
post edited by Melee54 - 2008/06/11 19:51:47

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 01:35:24 (permalink)

    They are enjoyable, and sound pretty good.

    While a lot of people my not agree with me, I feel compression, EQing and other things are often over-rated and over used, particularly if you are using sampled instruments or loops as they have already been processed.

    Nothing comes for free. Compression can even things out, but at the cost of dynamic range. An EQ can modify a frequency, at the expense of also modifying other frequencies or harmonic qualities, etc.. I use them vary sparingly.

    They should be, IMO, used only to correct glaring problems, or with a specific intent to modify a particular instrument in a specific way. If the instrument has the sound you like, then really there is no need.

    Reading sheet music or having detailed knowledge of theory is not a prerequisite to make good music. It sounds to me like you have a good ear, and there has been many a great song created by ear alone.

    So, keep on doing what you are doing. It seems to be working.


    edit for typos
    post edited by foxwolfen - 2008/06/11 01:57:03

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 02:56:19 (permalink)
    "Another Unnamed Song"

    I really liked it. Good song and you have good song writing abilities

    My thoughts....

    1. The Fake Guitars - I understand that you are writing a "rock" song and you want guitars and play keys, but I think you need to rethink having the fake guitars for the sake of it.. What I mean by that is that I think the main theme with the arpeggios sounds really cool and fits in well. But when you change to what I'd describe as the chorus and you use the fake guitars as chords, it sounds really fake and it may sound better using a strings or pad patch.

    Also with the fake guitars I think it is important to consider the difference in playing technique between guitar & keys and write accordingly. It is hard/impossible to express bends, slurs and hammer ons of a guitar on keys so IMO stay clear of it and write in a more sympathetic way using legato runs etc.

    2. The kick drum - there is something weird happening with that kick drum. On its own it sounds OK but when it plays that fast combination it sounds strange. I t is too far forward in the mix and seems to make everything else drop out. Maybe it's a compression thing? Maybe needs better eq or simply dropped back in the mix? Another thing to think about with the drums is when you have a fast combination like that, on real drums the beats are not all the same impact or velocity so change the individual velocities of each strike. In real life the last strike is usually the hardest. This will humanize it.

    Only meant as constructive criticism. I really like the tune.

    By the way, you have a great ear and real songwriting skills. What is stopping you from gettin glessons on music theory and technique? It will expand a whole other opportunities for you. With your ear and ability I am sure you would be able to do it no problem.

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 02:59:55 (permalink)
    "good Night"

    You say it's boring. I say it is really cool nice tune,....but unfinished.

    You really do have a real nice phrasing and songwriting skills. This tune just needs new places to go and for the each phrase to be shorter.

    I know that you wanted advice on recording to improve, but have you ever considered collaborating with someone else with your songwriting? It has MANY positives in that often it is a sum greater than it's parts, you may get someone with different skills to add and redirect.

    When I listen to this and your other pieces that is the first thing I thought of.

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 03:10:55 (permalink)
    "Currently Untitled"

    This again shows your writing skills, you have a really nice ear for progressions. Overall this tune needs some light and shade and it is a bit repetitive which would be helped obviously when vocals are added etc.

    Otherwise cool. Although the drums seem a little jarring through out.

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 03:25:41 (permalink)
    I find the drums a little tool loud in currently untitled. I would cut them back a fair bit, maybe up to 6dB. As a few other people said, they definitely need a lot of humanising to make the sound more realistic, especially those snare rolls and the high hat.

    I would give the fake guitar a bit of eqing to get it to fit in the mix a bit more, I feel it kind of gets a bit burried. I would do that by bringing up the high end a little bit, though it fits quite nicely in the solo as is.

    Nice work though, it sounds really good. I think the fade out was a bit too sudden and not very smooth, but that's easily fixed.

    Main thing I would suggest would be to do lots of reading up on drum humanising, lots of work to get it sounding good, but it really pays off!
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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 14:31:39 (permalink)
    Thank you very much for the replies. So far you all have told me things I've never even considered before.

    Glennb, for some reason, I never considered "humanizing" the drums. One reason is.... I don't know how. I'll try and figure it out, though.

    I do agree that having the guitar play those chords sounded terrible during the chorus. As I'm not much of a guitarist, I can't really tell "Wow, I don't think a guitar can play like that."

    I have tried micing my guitar amp, but it somehow sounded more fake than my sampled guitars, lol.

    And as for why I never have had lessons... I'm not really sure. I just never had any interest in learning the "real" way of playing an instrument. I have confidence that I could teach myself most of what I need to know about that, but there's no interest. I can't explain why, really. Maybe there's a hidden desire to play just as well as other musicians who have had years of musical training without having to do what they did... Haha.

    I've always wanted to collaborate with someone else, but I've never found anyone who's willing...

    And Matt, thanks. I'll try EQing the guitar a bit. Although I don't even really know what that means, I'll just go turn a bunch of knobs and press buttons until it sounds different...
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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 14:39:00 (permalink)
    I listened to "Currently Untitled". I think it is very well arranged and thought out. I didn't think the drums needed much improvement. My only suggestion is that the drums and the keyboards sound like they are in two different spaces. This is just my taste but the drums could sit back further in the mix with the lushness of the keyboards filling all around that. I can't exactly say how to do that but that is the impression I get from this. There are parts with guitar sounds that are really great. As a guitar player I think more of that would help fill out the first half of the tune. The outro lead is awesome.....even more so if you did that with keyboards as I am thinking you did.

    Good job. I hope you get some more helpful advice than mine (I didn't read any of the posts). I'll try to sneak back and listen to the other two sometime soon.

    Oh, very nice keyboard playing too!

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 14:51:52 (permalink)
    Thank you, CreatingNoise. My friend who is also a guitarist said the same thing, but I thought he was just being nice. The whole "guitar solo" at the end of the song was improved on the spot, and I liked I kept it.

    I'll try and fix the drumming when I get around to redoing these songs. Thanks for the tips!
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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 15:07:23 (permalink)
    What you're doing so far sounds good.

    If you are creating your own drums here's a way to humanize them a bit....edit the loops. If you are making your drum loops, start with a measure....double it with copy & paste. In the second measure change a few instead of the snare on 2...make it a 32nd ahead of or behind the beat....variate a few things in that measure..just don't do to much...double it again and variate another measure in those 4, double it again and variate again....before long you will have enough measures for your song....with subtle differences in each one. (the key word is subtle) it to the music and add rolls into choruses and such.....

    OR..... buy a program like Jamstix that does all that and more for you automatically. download the free working demo, and play with it.

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 19:42:34 (permalink)
    I think Good Night is a wonderful composition. Has a haunting quality to it that I find fascinating....

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 19:51:27 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Melee54

    Glennb, for some reason, I never considered "humanizing" the drums. One reason is.... I don't know how. I'll try and figure it out, though.

    One way is to look in "piano roll view" and you should see the vertical lines next to each drum strike that shows the velocity of each strike. If you grab the top of these lines you should be able to reduce or increase the length of these lines, which adjusts the velocity ( or how hard) each strike is. Generally I'd reduce only not increase as it could then start to screw up your overall ability to control the mix. Les sis more and the changes only need to be subtle. on those kick drum "rolls" adjust the velocities and the last is usually the hardest.

    I do agree that having the guitar play those chords sounded terrible during the chorus. As I'm not much of a guitarist, I can't really tell "Wow, I don't think a guitar can play like that."

    I actually meant the opposite. There are some things on a guitar (bends, slides etc) that you can't do on keys. Well actually I know you can with pitch wheel etc but it never sounds like guitar, so my point was more to try and avoid these guitar elements.

    My point with the chorus was I think that it would sound better with something other than fake guitar (Strings, pad etc).

    And as for why I never have had lessons... I'm not really sure. I just never had any interest in learning the "real" way of playing an instrument. I have confidence that I could teach myself most of what I need to know about that, but there's no interest. I can't explain why, really. Maybe there's a hidden desire to play just as well as other musicians who have had years of musical training without having to do what they did... Haha.

    Mate, I was in exactly that same position years ago, even had myself convinced that the fact that I was self taught "gave me my own sound". In my case it was crap. My wife nagged me into getting lessons and literally a whole new world opened for me and my playing and musicianship expanded exponentially, to the point I was playing live a couple of times a week. I couldnt recommend taking the step highly enough...just do it!

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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/11 22:38:48 (permalink)
    Jacob, listened to ‘Currently Untitled’. For having a self-described lack of knowledge or training, you are awesome. You are obviously very talented with a natural ear for music. So give yourself an edge, look for a book on music theory, and one on audio mixing. Perhaps someone here will suggest something specific. I look forward to hearing these with lyrics and vocals.


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    RE: Three "new" songs, seeking advice on how to improve 2008/06/13 12:31:55 (permalink)
    Thanks for the replies guys. I'm afraid it will be awhile before I get anything with vocals. Summer break being at home again is somehow a lot more noisy than my dorm room...

    It really means a lot to hear that you guys like my music... I never thought I was any good. I'll continue to work on my songs, and maybe I'll make a new one today...
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