Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4

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September 29, 08 8:00 AM (permalink)

Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4

This may be a stupid question but I've read the manual a couple of times and I still can't figure it out. I'm using Sonar 4.0.4

I have my MIDI tracks done. I have the audio tracks done. Now I want to create a CD so I need to make a WAV file. No problem there.

The problem is I use an external synth (Alesis QSR) and the sound from the synth goes to a seperate mixer to powered speakers or my headphone amp. The output from the sound card goes to the mixer so I can hear everything at once.

How does the sound from the QSR get captured by Sonar? Right now all it has is the MIDI data that it sends to the QSR. Do I feed it back in somehow?

I very new to this so please bear with me! Thanks!


Intel Core 2 Quad 3.0 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Win XP Pro SP3
Sonar PE 8.5
Dual Acer 22" Monitors
Alesis QSR, E-MU Proteus 2000 & lots of guitars
Newnan, GA 30265

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 29, 08 8:12 AM (permalink)
    Yep. You need to route the audio outs of the Alesis into some inputs of your soundcard (what card are you using)? Then record the audio in as the project plays, the MIDI track triggering the QSR which sends the audio to an audio track in Sonar (make sure the proper inputs are selected)...
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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 29, 08 10:08 PM (permalink)

    I'm waiting on a Delta 1010LT so I'm using my sound card for now.

    Intel Core 2 Quad 3.0 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Win XP Pro SP3
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    Alesis QSR, E-MU Proteus 2000 & lots of guitars
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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 5:23 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: aoresteen


    I'm waiting on a Delta 1010LT so I'm using my sound card for now.

    Do you mean you're using the onboard chipset sound "card"? If so, you should definitely wait for the 1010 to arrive before transferring the audio from the Alesis into SONAR.

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 5:39 AM (permalink)
    Be sure to do each track separately. That is record each MIDI track to its own audio track. This will mean muting MIDI tracks that should not be recorded with another track. Then you will have a multi track audio project that can be mixed. Now it is a bit tedious but the results are worth the effort. To be very clear you will need to record each track by itself. This will require you to go back each time and record the next track. To avoid this you would need a synth with multi outs and a audio card with multi ins. But at some point you will run out of audio channels and will need to use this technique but with fewer passes. Now if you simply record the total MIDI file as a stereo track then there can be no mixing. You are stuck with that as a your unmixed stereo file. It can be mastered but it wont be worth doing that.

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 5:46 AM (permalink)
    Yeah, I should have mentioned that...Thanks for "taking up the slack" that I left out!

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 5:53 AM (permalink)
    Papa we have each others backs here you know!

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 7:44 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: John

    Papa we have each others backs here you know!

    This is one morning that I REAALLLY need that! Even a pot of coffee hasn't helped yet!

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    RE: Final Mix with external Synth? Sonar 4 September 30, 08 8:22 AM (permalink)

    What I'm working on is just practice with the software. I am waiting for the 1010 to do 'real' stuff.

    Intel Core 2 Quad 3.0 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Win XP Pro SP3
    Sonar PE 8.5
    Dual Acer 22" Monitors
    Alesis QSR, E-MU Proteus 2000 & lots of guitars
    Newnan, GA 30265
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