OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately?

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November 20, 08 12:31 AM (permalink)

OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately?

The forum has a feature that prevents posting too frequently. I imagine it was designed to keep automated spam servers from posting messages here, and we don't seem to get too many of them, so it seems to work well.

Most users are blissfully ignorant of this feature, but I find it annoying on those occasion when 2 topics come up in my reading sequence, and I have a little something to contribute to each.

When caught by this time, you're presented with a "gotcha" page informing you of this policy. Also on the gotcha page is a link for returning you to the forum. But if you click that link, you'll be logged out of the forum, your session data deleted, and you'll have to login to the forum once again.

I've found that the best way to deal with this page is to close it -- don't click the link.

If your browser supports tabs (multiple windows), it's a simple thing to close that tab, and continue working on another page. This way, you don't lose your cookie and won't have to login again.


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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 12:32 AM (permalink)
    CJay has found a way around it - I'm sure
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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 12:45 AM (permalink)
    which browser do you use? I use IE and if I just use the BACK button when the "gotcha" page pops up, then it still leaves me in the same thread with the same words I posted in the FAST REPLY (I rarely ever use the REPLY), then if I wait sufficient time, I just hit OK again and it will post.

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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 12:50 AM (permalink)
    Ha ha, I've been caught a few times trying to reply to different topics or even when editing my own to add something or correct some spelling misstake. Most of the time I can just push the back button (I use Firefox) but the most irritating thing is if I've written a long post it's all gone and I'll have to rewrite everything if I can remember it... (Always try to write everything in notepad first but forget about it sometimes )

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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 1:38 PM (permalink)
    I have gotten caught tons of times.

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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 1:46 PM (permalink)
    Yes, Back will work also -- just don't click that link!

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    RE: OT: The forum's multiple post timer - gotcha lately? November 20, 08 2:21 PM (permalink)
    Haha, yeah it gets me sometimes too. Usually first thing in the morning when I open about ten tabs worth of posts to skim. I usually dash off replies once for everything and then get to work. The timer always trips me up when I'm dispensing knowledge at a rapid clip.

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