I Think Cakewalk are taking the [EDITED by MODERATOR]

dredd i knight
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November 15, 08 3:43 PM (permalink)

I Think Cakewalk are taking the [EDITED by MODERATOR]

Is it right that Cakewalk can keep on releasing/ selling products that have serious issues.

1. I don't like the fact that they keep on advertising dim pro as software that can used at 96khz/24bit; there is a known bug (been verified and documented for over a year now). That means they've been advertising dim pro under false pretenses for over a year! Maybe thats against the law no?

2. i don't understand how they can keep upgrading sonar without fixing issues in previous versions ie: motorboating, external inserts. I don't mind a new version coming out, but why does that mean its right to STOP working on issues that were advertised previously, but are obviously broken? Its not right to expect people to pay for a new version to get what they thought they were paying for in the older...... and yet even in the new it doesn't work properly.

I do like sonar, but feel that they are taking the p!$$ with these problems. Personally I think there is a fundamental problem with the auido engine, and I have had problems since version 6. My Logic 5.5 plays more audio tracks with less problems than sonar 6,7 and 8, yet this is software that is what at least 10 years old now. I've I've tried everything to fix it. I've come to the conclusion that its a....wait for it a SONAR PROBLEM!

let the flames begin.

post edited by Marketing [Cakewalk] - November 20, 08 3:19 PM

AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 6:19 PM (permalink)
    ahh, so this is what started the fires in SoCal...


    Someone said:
    I've had more time to play with this, and am withdrawing the bug remarks.
    This appears to work as designed and is actually a pretty cool feature.
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 6:34 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dredd i knight

    Is it right that Cakewalk can keep on releasing/ selling products that have serious issues.

    1. I don't like the fact that they keep on advertising dim pro as software that can used at 96khz/24bit; there is a known bug (been verified and documented for over a year now). That means they've been advertising dim pro under false pretenses for over a year! Maybe thats against the law no?

    2. i don't understand how they can keep upgrading sonar without fixing issues in previous versions ie: motorboating, external inserts. I don't mind a new version coming out, but why does that mean its right to STOP working on issues that were advertised previously, but are obviously broken? Its not right to expect people to pay for a new version to get what they thought they were paying for in the older...... and yet even in the new it doesn't work properly.

    I do like sonar, but feel that they are taking the p!$$ with these problems. Personally I think there is a fundamental problem with the auido engine, and I have had problems since version 6. My Logic 5.5 plays more audio tracks with less problems than sonar 6,7 and 8, yet this is software that is what at least 10 years old now. I've I've tried everything to fix it. I've come to the conclusion that its a....wait for it a SONAR PROBLEM!

    let the flames begin.

    I agree with you, I like sonar but it seems like cakewalk has been stuck since version 4 or 5. I mean it's cool the extra synths and all but I don't think sonar is intuitive, I feel like I'm always fighting with the program. It crashes at the most opportune times (when I have clients) luckily for me my clients like my recording/ mixing enough to overlook a couple of crashes. I hope sonar steps it up in the next upgrade.
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 6:59 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dredd i knight

    Is it right that Cakewalk can keep on releasing/ selling products that have serious issues.

    1. I don't like the fact that they keep on advertising dim pro as software that can used at 96khz/24bit; there is a known bug (been verified and documented for over a year now). That means they've been advertising dim pro under false pretenses for over a year! Maybe thats against the law no?

    2. i don't understand how they can keep upgrading sonar without fixing issues in previous versions ie: motorboating, external inserts. I don't mind a new version coming out, but why does that mean its right to STOP working on issues that were advertised previously, but are obviously broken? Its not right to expect people to pay for a new version to get what they thought they were paying for in the older...... and yet even in the new it doesn't work properly.

    I do like sonar, but feel that they are taking the p!$$ with these problems. Personally I think there is a fundamental problem with the auido engine, and I have had problems since version 6. My Logic 5.5 plays more audio tracks with less problems than sonar 6,7 and 8, yet this is software that is what at least 10 years old now. I've I've tried everything to fix it. I've come to the conclusion that its a....wait for it a SONAR PROBLEM!

    let the flames begin.

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 9:08 PM (permalink)
    I think he's referring to the fires in America at the moment at a guess.. it's been mentioned on the news here.. maybe I'm wrong..

    but it may have a big effect on things like power for LA etc.

    It's mentioned on the London news also.
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 9:11 PM (permalink)
    let the flames begin.

    You said this. It led to a joke that you didn't get. Oh well. 'k.
    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 9:19 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: jinga8

    let the flames begin.

    You said this. It led to a joke that you didn't get. Oh well. 'k.

    i gathered it referred to something going on the us.

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 9:34 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dredd i knight

    ORIGINAL: jinga8

    let the flames begin.

    You said this. It led to a joke that you didn't get. Oh well. 'k.

    i gathered it referred to something going on the us.

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 9:43 PM (permalink)
    thing is Courtney, (as this could be seen as a flame if your in a certain frame of mind) logic as you said was 10 years old? remember it was built for that time.. a year is a long time with regards to computers, 10 is like 2 life times.. I've bought games that were of their time that needed a decent machine, now they don't even stress with every feature turned on (grand prix by geoff crammond comes to mind)

    as for your machine, maybe that's the problem, it's not even like older times (going back to 8 bit or 16 bit days where everyone had basically the same rigs.. and there's far more that comes into it)

    When I started with sonar, was v7 .. I had headaches, that was down to the sound card in my case and the lack of new drivers for it. When it was out it was a decent card, I still use it for midi only though.. I like the sounds on it. now I don't have issues after sorting out a better sound card, but in my case that was the specific issue even though the card was asio based etc.

    even with different versions of xp there are differences as I found out with mine.

    bounced / straight audio un-fx'd shouldn't push the cpu THAT much... even things like the mode a hard drive is in and how many drives.. even back then at work we'd STRONGLY recommend 2 drives.. same with people who wanted a machine for music or general use.. We had 1 customer who installed x-amount of cack on the machine that was net related, and it got shipped back to us after he'd really *coughed* with the music specific config.

    as much as I've got a nice heater in my car and radio , Lewis Hamilton and his mates in F1 don't have such functions as they are built for speed and not comfort.

    amd 64... remember the logic engine was probably built for 1 core at them times.. same goes with memory etc. and how audio is buffered... what mode your using for playback.. the whole balance of latency vs buffers. you don't say what spec of cpu it is.hhmm anything else .. since the FA is a firewire your using a Ti chipset? lots of factors. your running 7.02 etc.. using the same machine on the net? running things in the background (AV etc..) it all comes into the equation.

    am I a fan boy? hmm I use a number of things besides sonar.. so hopefully I'm objective and to me it's a choice of I like how things are in sonar.. I dislike them in something else and the other way around.

    regardless of the sequencer I use, it's reliant on the machine... sequencers don't know what specific hardware you have.. I doubt very few on here have the exact same rig for a start. if something runs pap in one thing.. it'll do the same in the other programs I use, I'm relating to that to more than one up to date program.
    post edited by Fog - November 15, 08 9:45 PM
    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 11:21 PM (permalink)
    true, and i have tried to sort the audio issues; changed drivers , latencies, buffers, aud ini stuff. no luck.
    and yeah i resembled that remark too

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 15, 08 11:46 PM (permalink)
    Sometimes creative people suffer from "artists block" and don't think clearly. (quilty) What seems a complex and exact examination of a situation turns out later to be nothing more than a misconception.

    Craig DuBuc
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 0:25 PM (permalink)
    Though I have no idea what "taking the P!$$" means, I do agree with OP in regard to a software company's responsibility to fix issues with features they sold me. It's even more irritating when those fixes become advertising fodder for a new version...if they get fixed at all. External Inserts is a good example.

    DB Music

    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 0:45 PM (permalink)

    Sometimes creative people suffer from "artists block" and don't think clearly. (quilty) What seems a complex and exact examination of a situation turns out later to be nothing more than a misconception.

    very clever.
    is it a misconception that dim pro doesn't work as advertised? ie at 96/24 bit?
    or that external inserts dont work either?
    no one who seems to disagree with my initial post has made any comment on these 2 facts....
    does it really not bother any of the naysayers that cakewalk do this?
    oh yeah and taking the p!$$ is similar to being a smartar$e; y'know like some of the people on this forum.
    eg if i were to sell you a mouse whose right button didnt work, then came back to you a year later, and sold u the same mouse but with new improved features, but the right button still didnt work, i'd be taking the p!$$ out of you. cakewalk have been doing this consistently for the last 2/3 versions of their flagship product, and those not affected like to come over all hostile if anyone raises an accusatory finger at them for being miffed about it. i love this forum. full of testosterone and intelligence; some have more of wun thane thee otter.
    post edited by dredd i knight - November 16, 08 0:46 PM

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 0:57 PM (permalink)
    Well you know bud, I try not to take any of this as a personal attack, even when it is. When you're sure of the reason why something doesn't work right, by all means, point the accusatory finger. But be real about it and put out some details rather than rants. And keep ya testosterone to ya self. I don't think it works here. Peace on ya.

    Craig DuBuc
    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 1:03 AM (permalink)

    Well you know bud, I try not to take any of this as a personal attack, even when it is. When you're sure of the reason why something doesn't work right, by all means, point the accusatory finger. But be real about it and put out some details rather than rants. And keep ya testosterone to ya self. I don't think it works here. Peace on ya.

    where did i attack ya bud?
    quote the bits you took personally and i'll see if i can make you feel better.
    and your testosterone seems to be in fine fettle at the moment.
    post edited by dredd i knight - November 16, 08 1:06 AM

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 1:11 AM (permalink)
    have anybody not had the pleasure of getting a jarring volume spike at 96/24 in dim pro? no? well plenty of others have; its well documented actually.
    and external inserts was such a bogus claim for sonar 7 that cake should have been embarassed to advertise it as a new feature. this isnt finger pointing; use the search function before you accuse me of anything other than having a valid point.

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 1:17 AM (permalink)
    Well you know bud, I try not to take any of this as a personal attack, even when it is. When you're sure of the reason why something doesn't work right, by all means, point the accusatory finger. But be real about it and put out some details rather than rants. And keep ya testosterone to ya self. I don't think it works here. Peace on ya.

    This is the kind of writing that made "Dude, Where's My Car?" such excellent piece of celluloid.
    dredd i knight
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 1:25 AM (permalink)
    and fog i dont take anything you said as a flame. you raised some good points, and i agree.
    i do have a ti chipset etc, and internet stuff is on a separate partition. i've tweaked and tweaked, and got a lot of very usefull info from "fanboys" through this forum.
    sometimes its a bit unsettling to read posts where people go off at others who have something negative to say about sonar is all. peace to YOU.

    AMD 64+, Windows XP SP2, Edirol FA66, Beringer Truth monitors, 2*Technics 1200's, Pioneer 909 dj mixer, Sonar 7, Stylus RMX, Guru, Dimension Pro, Rapture, P5v2.5, Trilogy, Battery 3, Atmosphere, Ableton live 5
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 2:06 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Oaf_Topik

    Well you know bud, I try not to take any of this as a personal attack, even when it is. When you're sure of the reason why something doesn't work right, by all means, point the accusatory finger. But be real about it and put out some details rather than rants. And keep ya testosterone to ya self. I don't think it works here. Peace on ya.

    This is the kind of writing that made "Dude, Where's My Car?" such excellent piece of celluloid.

    Anddd Theeeeen?

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 16, 08 2:27 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dredd i knight

    I have just as much ricght to air my views as any uptight fanboy does...

    'fanboy' ??? hahaha

    that made me laugh pretty hard for some reason

    btw SoCal = the cool way to say southern california

    ...and then my friend you die.
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 1:21 PM (permalink)
    If they would just make it , that it would work as good as cubase ,then alot of people would be happy!
    People not just record a one track guitar with a solo voice you know!!! lots of people work with ALOT of tracks ( 90-110) and these people CAN NOT HAVE THE FACT THAT IT SUMS THE audio LATENCY because of iNSRETING SOME PLUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT **** HAS TO COME IN TIME NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO PLEEEEEASE ! WE PAY! SO IF I PRESS MY MIDI KEYBOARDS KEY - THEN I WANNA HEAR SOUND IMMEDIATELY AND NOT 20MS after - CAPISH???????

    ORIGINAL: dredd i knight

    Is it right that Cakewalk can keep on releasing/ selling products that have serious issues.

    1. I don't like the fact that they keep on advertising dim pro as software that can used at 96khz/24bit; there is a known bug (been verified and documented for over a year now). That means they've been advertising dim pro under false pretenses for over a year! Maybe thats against the law no?

    2. i don't understand how they can keep upgrading sonar without fixing issues in previous versions ie: motorboating, external inserts. I don't mind a new version coming out, but why does that mean its right to STOP working on issues that were advertised previously, but are obviously broken? Its not right to expect people to pay for a new version to get what they thought they were paying for in the older...... and yet even in the new it doesn't work properly.

    I do like sonar, but feel that they are taking the p!$$ with these problems. Personally I think there is a fundamental problem with the auido engine, and I have had problems since version 6. My Logic 5.5 plays more audio tracks with less problems than sonar 6,7 and 8, yet this is software that is what at least 10 years old now. I've I've tried everything to fix it. I've come to the conclusion that its a....wait for it a SONAR PROBLEM!

    let the flames begin.

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 3:17 PM (permalink)

    If they would just make it , that it would work as good as cubase ,then alot of people would be happy!
    People not just record a one track guitar with a solo voice you know!!! lots of people work with ALOT of tracks ( 90-110) and these people CAN NOT HAVE THE FACT THAT IT SUMS THE audio LATENCY because of iNSRETING SOME PLUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT **** HAS TO COME IN TIME NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO PLEEEEEASE ! WE PAY! SO IF I PRESS MY MIDI KEYBOARDS KEY - THEN I WANNA HEAR SOUND IMMEDIATELY AND NOT 20MS after - CAPISH???????

    Must just be you. Others are running Sonar fine with large track count and low latency. I myself as one of them. Others have switched from Cubase.


    post edited by WDI - November 20, 08 3:21 PM

    Sonar 7 PE
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 3:26 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: cryptexmarble

    If they would just make it , that it would work as good as cubase ,then alot of people would be happy!
    People not just record a one track guitar with a solo voice you know!!! lots of people work with ALOT of tracks ( 90-110) and these people CAN NOT HAVE THE FACT THAT IT SUMS THE audio LATENCY because of iNSRETING SOME PLUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT **** HAS TO COME IN TIME NO MATTER WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOO PLEEEEEASE ! WE PAY! SO IF I PRESS MY MIDI KEYBOARDS KEY - THEN I WANNA HEAR SOUND IMMEDIATELY AND NOT 20MS after - CAPISH???????

    Yeah,and i bought a f***** car and the f***** wont drive me home or anywhere else!I have to drive IT? What is this???? I need this car to drive itself NOW at the speed of light......CAPISH????????????

    ........oh and be in-time for important meetings too!
    Marketing [Cakewalk]
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the [EDITED by MODERATOR] November 20, 08 3:28 PM (permalink)

    This thread got out of hand with the insults and antagonism towards each other. Please cut it out. I just cleaned up the offending posts. We try to keep things civil up here nand would appreciate it if you could be respectful towards each other.
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 3:55 PM (permalink)
    To nobody in particular:

    I run 7PE with no problems. High track counts & enough plugins (soft synths included) to suit the project. I use external inserts with no problems at all. My computer is by no means a screamer and, alas (), I'm still using the 32-bit XP Home OS platform. I suppose I should feel fortunate that I haven't experienced the problems that others have.

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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 5:20 PM (permalink)
    In a world with 100,000,000 possible combinations of hardware, software, service packs and patches:
    I'm surprised it works at all.

    I'll say this as one who's having to run Sonar 7.0.2 with multiprocessing off on an 8-core machine on which everything else works perfectly:
    Cake isn't perfect, but I definitely wouldn't say they are releasing crap... I just happen to have one of the possible combinations of stuff that wasn't tested, bugged and fixed.

    I have a Sonar issue, or everything else wouldn't work, but I don't get all riled at Cake for it.
    It's the reality of the Windows world.

    - zevo
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 6:39 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ronniebuss2
    OK, just to make my point once again. Yes I know, ad nauseum. I LOVE sonar. I really do. BUT....... why don't the bakers fix the known issues rather than toot the newest release every year.

    I'm all about NOT having yearly release cycles...

    Why do I still have to find a workaround when I select all the events in the track view and open up the PRV and they all are unselected again? Why does Sample Tank 2.5 make ALL my files open with an asterisk when inserted as a soft synth? Why is there no easy phone support?

    Well, one reason is because in the zillion configurations, your issue might not happen to everybody, or even a majority, or even a minority, of users.
    SampleTank 2.5, for example, works perfectly for me with 6.2.1 and 7.0.2.

    I have heard so many times that it would add so much to the cost of the software. BS!!! I have a Cad-Cam program I bought from Best Buy for my day job Kitchen/Bathroom remodeling company. It shall remain nameless but let's just say the initials are Punch Pro Platinum Edition. It costs a measly $99. $99 bucks for christsake. When I have glitches or questions, I have a phone number to call and a real human being is there to answer me. The longest I have ever waited on hold is 3 minutes. Yes that's right 3 minutes. This is not software with a huge user base that can afford this type of service. They just realize how loyal a happy, informed, question answered customer is.

    No reason it should remain nameless. Without knowing what software it is, it's difficult to explain what may or may not be different about it.
    But, as one who does software for a living, I see this complaint farely often, and in many cases its when people are comparing a "simple" application to a "complex" application. A word processor or email client, as extreme examples, doesn't even come close to the complexity of something like an audio/video editing application... it's night and day how different they are. Audio and video editing apps are far and away the most complicated consumer applications out there. Comparing them to almost anything else isn't fair.
    I'll agree that Cake's recent history where patching, testing and support on various levels needs improved, however...

    Hello Cakewalk!!! Anyone listening. There is an age old saying: a happy customer tells 1-2 people whereas an unhappy one tells at least 10-12. If the Bakers want to seriously compete with the other more recognized Daw's out there where a lot of clients ask for them by name before they will even book studio time, let's get on the ball. Spend some of that money Roland just infused you with and go for the jugular with CuBase, ProTools, Digital Performer, Reason, et al. OK, flame away!

    No flames here. But I will say this:
    I've used Cubase, and know all-to-well about Steinberg's support. No contest. Cake wins. Steinberg just plain sucks.
    ProTools, Avid and M-Audio... don't even get me started. 2 years for 64bit beta drivers for "top-notch" (supposedly) audio/midi interfaces. Whatever. They just plain suck too.
    Apple's Logic Pro... 3 years in development and still has EVERY bug it had 3 years ago, and in the case of one of the main ones (Core Audio Overload), it's actually much more frequent now than before. Logic 8 came out beside Sonar 7, and has been patched a mere 2 times since then, and neither patch took care of their 3-year-old issues, and that's on hardware that's significantly more controlled than in the Windows world.
    Adobe Suites... almost not patched, at this point... unbelievably overpriced... just now getting 64bit treatment (2 years one)... did I mention unbelievably overpriced.

    I know it's frustrating. I feel the pain.
    And I agree that Cake has some serious work to do to regain the position, for me, that they used to have.
    But the grass isn't really greener anywhere I see.

    - zevo
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    RE: I Think Cakewalk are taking the P!$$ November 20, 08 6:52 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ronniebuss2

    OK, just to make my point once again. Yes I know, ad nauseum. I LOVE sonar. I really do. BUT....... why don't the bakers fix the known issues rather than toot the newest release every year.

    I'm going to naively assume that the obvious answer to this question is that so many of you blindly purchase the upgrade annually.

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