Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info

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November 25, 08 5:23 PM (permalink)

Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info

Just found this and thought it was interesting. I had always been curious about the approximate number of employees and yearly revenue.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 5:31 PM (permalink)
    Roland , a longtime Twelve Tone partner, brought its ownership to 60% in 2008 when it added 45% to its previous stake.

    First time we saw that number (although it was speculated to be about that number)

    Yeah, the revenue and employee numbers were interesting.

    I worked in a ERP software development company with ~50 employees and our average revenue was $10M (a single site sale could be $2-3M and the sales cycle was about 18-30 months).

    TT's rev/emp numbers are okay, not earth shattering, but okay.

    post edited by bapu - November 25, 08 5:32 PM
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 6:53 PM (permalink)
    Yeah $200k per employee +/- is nothing to justify comments like "Cake thinks we are made of money"

    Figure salaries and burden (benefits, SS,...) probably cost Cake $75k/employee (1/2 of what the auto unions are making). You have computers to buy, ads to run, hardware to build, the expense of all the marketing trips...
    It aint gonna leave a ton left over for a few guys to get rich.

    Some people call me Maurice
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 7:23 PM (permalink)
    I think the most interesting data element is the competitor list. Apple, Yamaha... clearly reflecting thr 60% Roland role.


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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 7:30 PM (permalink)
    It aint gonna leave a ton left over for a few guys to get rich.

    My (previously unexpressed) thoughts exactly.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 7:33 PM (permalink)

    Maurice, this the second time you used "ton" today.

    You're a big thinker, I see.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 8:15 PM (permalink)
    64 Employees=64 bits

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 8:29 PM (permalink)
    Don. the more interesting thing for me was Pinnacle, who are owned by Avid. Pinnacle owned steinberg at one point if memory serves.

    it seems like yesterday..hehe
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 8:45 PM (permalink)
    64 full-time employees? I wouldn't think so, but if it is, that is way more than I thought.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 25, 08 11:34 PM (permalink)
    Because the company is not public, any information you read about them is speculation and probably somewhat inaccurate.

    From another similar site:

    Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.
    268 Summer Street
    Boston, MA 02210-1108

    wholesaler of computers/peripherals
    $10M - $25M in sales
    50 - 100 employees
    Companies like Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.:
    Avanade Inc - Up To Date Inc

    Wholesaler of computers and peripherals? OK, peripherals perhaps, if you want to count V-Studio as a peripheral.

    Here's another one:

    268 SUMMER ST
    BOSTON, MA 02210
    Phone: (617) 423-9004
    Industry: Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software
    Year Founded: 1997
    Sales Range: $1,000,000 to $4,999,999
    Employees: 10 to 20

    Founded 1997? Then who the heck did I buy a copy of Cakewalk 1.0 from in 1988? Come to think of it, he did look a little like Michael J Fox.

    All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 0:01 PM (permalink)
    I had always been curious about the approximate number of employees and yearly revenue.

    Wow! I had no idea they were so small. We have about 400 employees on one project (out of many) and burn through about $8 million per month in salaries alone. We have 4 times as many people verification testing a single project's SW as CW has in the entire company. That kind of puts it in perspective. Ironically, I bet the CW folks grind out 3 or 4 orders of magnitude more code as we do. The big difference is that people die if we make a mistake ... After reading those numbers I'm more of a CW "fan boy" than ever. The number of lines of code per engineer must be staggering.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 0:10 PM (permalink)
    Death is kind of a day wrecker. Take your time, and verify that code.
    Not sure what you do, but we may need it some day.

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 4:47 AM (permalink)
    Not huge turnover and a lot of people to pay.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 5:52 AM (permalink)
    Yamaha has a DAW out? I can't say the same for Roland now they have a stake. Apple while locked to other DAW programs is not a competitor as I see it. Maybe a future operating system. There's no mention of ProTools, Reaper, or any of the other DAW programs as competitors. The Yahoo article seems a little vague. Like a three Martini look at the DAW world.

    Craig DuBuc
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 6:00 AM (permalink)


    Yamaha has a DAW out?

    Yes, Cubase and Nuendo.

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 6:11 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: UnderTow


    Yamaha has a DAW out?

    Yes, Cubase and Nuendo.


    And Apple have Logic and Garage Band

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 7:59 AM (permalink)
    Death is kind of a day wrecker. Take your time, and verify that code.
    Not sure what you do, but we may need it some day.

    You need it almost every time you get on an airplane. If CW developed SW the same way we do SONAR would cost $3200 per upgrade.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 8:11 AM (permalink)
    Oops! I posted in the wrong thread.

    post edited by UnderTow - November 26, 08 8:12 AM
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 8:49 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: space_cowboy

    Yeah $200k per employee +/- is nothing to justify comments like "Cake thinks we are made of money"

    Figure salaries and burden (benefits, SS,...) probably cost Cake $75k/employee (1/2 of what the auto unions are making). You have computers to buy, ads to run, hardware to build, the expense of all the marketing trips...
    It aint gonna leave a ton left over for a few guys to get rich.

    Typically the burden you talk about is twice an employee's salary. That's irrespective of capital outlay (office supplies, computers, etc.).

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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 11:10 AM (permalink)

    There's no mention of ProTools, Reaper, or any of the other DAW programs as competitors.

    pro tools = digi design = owned by avid (so is m-audio + pinnacle)

    reaper. well maybe he hasn't floated the company, that's why their is no info. Justin is the sole owner I guess and he's loaded anyway.

    there are very few DAW companies now that aren't owned or funded partly fully by another company. I guess that's the way things have gone..

    Beagle you left it a bit late for your takeover of cakewalk, are your pockets deep enough to buy Roland ?

    that yahoo thing is a very rough guide though to things.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 11:31 AM (permalink)

    According to articles that I have read in the mainstream press in the past week, auto union employees earn about 50-60K per year. Workers in non-union plants make a little less. Again, according to what I have read, per recent contracts which have made concessions, new hires into the union make half of the above.

    It is a misconception that auto union members are extremely highly paid, although I guess that established members make above the national average.

    I am neither an auto union member or an auto employee.
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    RE: Intersting Twelve Tones Co. Info November 26, 08 1:35 PM (permalink)
    Beagle you left it a bit late for your takeover of cakewalk, are your pockets deep enough to buy Roland ?

    MAN! I knew I shoulda' bought cake before Roland did!
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
    Yamaha MOXF6, Hammond XK3c, other stuff.
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