Drumagog not working with BFD 2?

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December 15, 08 8:39 PM (permalink)

Drumagog not working with BFD 2?

Hi everyone. I have drumagog and can't get it to work with BFD2. I'm using sonar 7 producer. I followed the steps in the manual, open drumagog, open bfd, load a kit, and click the <bfd> from the drag down menu but I keep getting a <BFD not loaded> error. What am I doing wrong?

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    RE: Drumagog not working with BFD 2? December 16, 08 5:08 PM (permalink)
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    RE: Drumagog not working with BFD 2? December 16, 08 6:21 PM (permalink)
    open drumagog, open bfd, load a kit, and click the <bfd> from the drag down menu but I keep getting a <BFD not loaded> error. What am I doing wrong?

    did you open a program in BFD?? Does BFD play on its own?? Explain every step in detail that your doing. Just openning a program doesnt explain anything. Theres more to it than that

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    RE: Drumagog not working with BFD 2? December 16, 08 7:46 PM (permalink)
    You'll want to make sure you have the correct versions of each, as versions of BFD2 before a certain point didn't have Drumagog Platinum support (BFD 2.04 I believe was the first to add support).

    Otherwise, when Drumagog Platinum displays "BFD not loaded" it means the two plugins aren't finding each other in the project. BFD2's runtime logs might tell you the specific reason, but the most common reason is moving/renaming the Drumagog folder from it's default installation destination of Program Files\Drumagog40. There is a file in this folder that BFD needs access to, and if it's not where BFD expects it to be you'll receive this message.
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    RE: Drumagog not working with BFD 2? December 17, 08 4:39 PM (permalink)
    That is the name of the drumagog folder. I tried updating and now I am still getting a <bfd not loaded> but I can get the bass drum to play back. Advice?
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