I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2

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January 29, 14 11:46 AM (permalink)

I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2

1) I rarely use podfarm and lots of model packs as I have the version that needs my Kidney Bean connected to the computer for them to work.  As I now pick up my laptop and move to other parts of the house, I do not like my guitar effects turning off.
2) I use GR5 mostly, it has some very wild sounds and processing to it that I have been using quite a bit lately.  
I keep hearing that TH2 full has a very good straight rocking AMP sound and is worth it.....and I am thinking since it does not need a dongle, it would be a good 2nd guitar SIM to have.
What think you all....79 is tempting.

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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 12:00 AM (permalink)
    Personally I don't like TH2, but that's just me. GR5 is my go to and I have a couple demo sims that work. Usually you get the basic rock amp in the stripped down or free versions and pay more for all the bells and whistles. If you use the version included in Sonar and love it, then buy the full package. If you think the full package will be way better then you could be disappointed.

    Regards, John 
     I want to make it clear that I am an Eedjit. I have no direct, or indirect, knowledge of business, the music industry, forum threads or the meaning of life. I know about amps.
    WIN 10 Pro X64, I7-3770k 16 gigs, ASUS Z77 pro, AMD 7950 3 gig,  Steinberg UR44, A-Pro 500, Sonar Platinum, KRK Rokit 6 
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 12:16 AM (permalink)
    I use Pod Farm 2, GR4, Amplitube3 and Scuffham S-Gear.
    TH2 sounds good but Scuffham is my go to for guitar. I use all for various non-guitar effects when needed.
    Try before you buy....
    Try out Scuffham S-Gear for the same price...
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 12:24 AM (permalink)
    It's all Ice Cream flavors...

    They all do something that the others don't...but they all
    do basically the same thing.  It's a matter of personal preference...

    I'm a guitarist and I have A3, AmpLion Pro, G5, Kuassa Amplifikation, TH2, blah blah blah...

    The most pleasing to my ear was Scuffman.  Still don't have that one (yet).
    It's never a case of "do I need" as now, most DAW's come with an Amp Sim...
    it's a question of CAN AND WILL I USE IT.  

    The key word is DEMO.  Try before you buy.

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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 12:43 AM (permalink)
    You won't miss it if you don't buy it but I kinda buy them all - when cheap. If it's not breaking the bank then why not? I quite like the cleans but they all need some work which is generally the problem when it comes to guitar Vst.
    The money would either go on your partner or kids or both and that's just like burning it.
    I think you can sell their stuff once (obviously you would need to check their current policy) if you don't like it.
    Scuffham sounds great but is limited, as you would spot if you look into it. It does sound nice though.

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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 1:34 PM (permalink)
    thanks all, I will play with some demos.

    HP DV6T - 2670QM, 8 GB RAM,
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 2:37 PM (permalink)
    I have GR5, Podfarm Platinum, Scuffham and Revalver SE.  My go to has usually been GR5 but I purchased TH3 last night and am really surprised at how good it sounds.  It has a "bigger", "fuller" sound using just the basic amps to my ear.  I downloaded the demo and after going through all the presets I bought it.  The Randalls and Brunettis really blew me away.  TH2 looks like my new go to. 
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 3:43 PM (permalink)
    I use GR5, Amplitube, ReValver, and TH2 Full version. I have gravitated more towards TH2 since getting the full version. It is very versatile for my uses. Everyone has their own cup of tea. TH2 has filled the bill time and time again while the others couldn't.

    Sonar Platinum, Sonar X3e, Sonar X2a , Sonar X1 Expanded and 8.5.3 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 10 on a Toshiba P75-A7200 Laptop with i7 @ 2.4 quad and 8 gigs of RAM and secondary WD 1 Tb drive, Windows 10 desktop, Asus i5 @ 3.2 quad, 12 gigs RAM, 1 Tb drive, 1 500 gig drive, MOTU 24io, 2 Roland Studio Captures, Saffire 6 USB for laptop, Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 mixer, Alesis Monitor 2s, Event BAS 20/20s, Roland Micro-Monitor BA-8s, and 45 years worth of collecting FX, Mics, Amps, Guitars, and Keyboards!
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 5:55 PM (permalink)
    ccLarry said it best:
    They all do something that the others don't...but they all
    do basically the same thing.  It's a matter of personal preference...
    Another thing to consider is the kind of music you are playing. That might color your decision.
    I tend to like to start with good presets and that's why Scuffham gets more play than the others and also why Amplitube gets the least. Scuffham presets are like guitar tone lessons. Same for GR4. There are some great techniques to be gleaned from their setups.
    To be honest I like all of the ones I own I just gravitate to a few for ease of use and what I am playing.
    All of these programs also can double as effects plugins for non-guitar use. I find myself using Auto Pan from GR quite a bit or some delays and reverbs.
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    Re: I have PodFarm and GR5...do I Need TH2 January 29, 14 10:28 PM (permalink)
    I use GR5, TH2 (full version) and PodFarm. I like them all for different reasons. PodFarm is my goth for at least getting started on a piece. I also use a laptop. In my case I have a Line 6 KB37 which I'm very happy to carry with me from room to room if I'm not in my main studio area with full keyboards. Even though the KB37 is also an audio interface, I use a Focusrite Scarlett for my audio interface. It's all very portable and powerful.

    But I really like PodFarm. Very natural sounding like recording a real amp.

    Two internal 2TB SSDs laptop stuffed with Larry's deals and awesome tools. Studio One is the cat's meow as a DAW now that I've migrated off of Sonar. Using BandLab Cakewalk just to grab old files when migrating songs.
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