Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------------

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February 03, 09 10:58 AM (permalink)

Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------------


I'm new to midi but have put a good few hours in on it this past month.

I am using Sonar 5 Producer, an Edirol UA-25, and an EMU Xboard25. All is working fine. I haven't used the Xboard yet but I have tested it and it's ok.

What I am trying to achieve is good quality sounds from midi files which I create.
As an experiment, I have made a few up in Band-In-A-Box, brought them into Sonar and re hashed them there using their Synth TTS-1. Everything worked fine but I'm not happy with the sounds of TTS-1. Microsoft GS Wavetable is available in Track Options and used with Roland GS I get a good sound but it wont export as a .wav or .mp3.

I have 3 CDs of Sound Libraries from EMU Proteus X.. Planet Earth etc. and my question is... Can anyone tell me how I can install these into Sonar and access them there?
I have scanned with the vst wizard and proteus xle is showing up in the insert menu and track options but there are no banks of sounds and I can't get them in no matter what I try.. frustrating!! :-/

I suppose what I am really trying to achieve is, to get sounds into Sonar which are better than TTS1, I am only trying the Emu sound libraries because I have them and they are reputed to be very good.

Many thanks, John.

Sláinte, John

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 11:02 AM (permalink)
    John, ou have the proteus host VST ?

    you should be able to load them into that.. it comes as a stand alone?

    the free engine version I have, and you have to point it to the sound bank you want to use..

    as for what your saying regarding midi in general .. you have to bounce it down to audio and then export it.. much like I have to with my sw1000
    post edited by Fog - February 03, 09 11:06 AM
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 12:01 AM (permalink)
    Thanks for the reply Fog!

    I think I do have the host, but I'm not sure, not at my PC now to check, but I received all the Emu Proteus x stuff with the XBoard.. I've never tried to run it individually, only with sonar... I don't know what you mean by "free engine"... or "point it at bank"... how? where? Sorry!! :-) Novice!

    I tried bouncing to audio it wont do that either.. I was told it's because Wavetable isn't a soft synth...
    "The MS wave table is an "external" synth, wheras the TTS-1 would be an "internal" synth. The Export command "mixes down" any internal soft synths to "sound" when you export. It will not, however, include anything that has not been recorded yet-like an external keyboard connected via midi, or the MS wavetable (which is also an external synth connected via midi, in real terms.)"

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 12:21 AM (permalink)
    Hi again Fog.. it looks like I don't have the host.. the sound libraries wont open for me.. unknown program.. I know they can be used with sonar but I can't find out how anywhere.. it's so frustrating :-/
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 12:49 AM (permalink)
    I have been working, reading, writing about the emu thing for over a week now and no one seems to be able to solve it.. so how about forget that and go with.. "how can I get sounds/samples/banks/patches into Sonar which are of high quality... better than TTS1??
    Ta, John.
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 12:58 AM (permalink)
    John - is the proteus showing up as a VST in Sonar?

    What file format are the sound libaries in?

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 1:25 PM (permalink)
    Hi VJ, thanks for the reply!
    Yes, it is showing up as a vst.
    The files are .ebl or .ebx
    EMU Proteus X
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 2:08 PM (permalink)
    I'm hoping this is your problem.....

    When the Proteus is inserted as a VST no sounds are initially loaded.

    Instead, from the Proteus GUI choose File>Open> Proteus X composer

    OR open your sound bank files on your CDs from this location.


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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 2:21 PM (permalink)
    Sorry VJ but I don't know what the Proteus GUI is..? Or HTH..? I'm new to all this VJ, sorry I'm not more clued in to terminology etc and thanks for your time! J

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 2:34 PM (permalink)
    Sorry, it's easy to forget that not eveyone is familar with shorthand.

    HTH = Hope that helps

    GUI = Graphic User Interface.

    I'll rephrase.

    from Sonar choose insert>Soft synth - select Proteus.

    A new window should appear on your screen.
    Can you see a Blue rectangle in the middle somewhere with <None> written on it? You can't really miss it

    This is the proteus synth (it's GUI )

    If so, notice that this window has it's own toolbar. Choose FILE from this toolbar to locate your soundbanks.

    Does that make more sense?

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 2:45 PM (permalink)
    John do you have
    "E-MU's new Proteus X LE Desktop Sound Module with over 1000 sounds" installed? is that a VST-i that you can load in soundbanks into.

    there is proteus VX on the emu site.. not sure if that would work though.

    the module disks that you bought probably 90% DO need an emu host, they are just sound disks.

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 3:07 PM (permalink)
    Thanks VJ,
    It makes more sense to me alright :-) but the window that comes up when I insert>soft synth>proteus xle has no blue triangle.. it has


    I ticked ALL SYNTH AUDIO OUTPUT, SYNTH PROPERTY PAGE and SYNTH RACK VIEW and it inserted Proteus as a track and brought up a new window 'Proteus XLE' an interface.. I hit FILE>UPDATE LIBRARY, which brought up the 'Update Library' window, I added the EMU Folder as a location before I updated as all that was there was my C Drive, and then a new window immerged called 'Updating Library Index'... with an 'in progress' scroll on it which went through it's process.. when it was all finished I tried to locate the sounds/banks in sonar, but they still are not there..?

    Ta, J.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 3:09 PM (permalink)
    Sorry VJ... those itemes separate as below...




    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 3:17 PM (permalink)
    John - I think you're nearly there...

    brought up a new window 'Proteus XLE' an interface.. I hit FILE>UPDATE LIBRARY,

    Instead of update library, Select Open. Can you see a file called Proteus X composer ? Open this file. This will load a soundbank into the synth...

    After it has loaded, click the yellow folder called 'preset' - a list of sounds should visible.

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 3:29 PM (permalink)
    did all that VJ and it did exactly as you said.. I'm starting to feel excited :-) eh.. what next??
    Ta, J

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 3:34 PM (permalink)
    I'm not really sure Fog.. lame and all as that must sound :-/ I think you are right about the host but I have read somewhere that they can be used with sonar.. See I'm new to the whole midi thing and I don't even know if it's a vst-i, but I think it is.. sorry! :-) J

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 4:03 PM (permalink)
    Excellent - now it does get exciting......

    On the proteus interface can you see two red oval buttons.? one says single, one says 1-16. Click the one saying 1-16.

    This will display all 16 channels of the synth. You can load a different sound into each channel, but to keep this simple lets stick to one.
    (note if this view disappears, you can get it back by clicking the words Proteus X LE immediately above the Yellow Preset folder)

    By default, Channel One probably has been loaded with 'Dynamic Grand'. If it hasn't select channel One by clicking the number (they are a sort of yellow colour). Then Select a sound from the list on the left.....This will load the chosen sound onto the midi channel.

    Next, minimize the Proteus window to return to Sonar Track view.

    Because this synth can support 16 midi channels the routing is important.

    Under input choose Xboard midi omni
    The output should read Proteus XLE

    Under channel choose channel 1 from the list.

    Press a key on your keyboard. Are you getting sound?

    post edited by VinylJunkie - February 03, 09 4:07 PM

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 4:03 PM (permalink)
    I'm sorry folks I have to pop out for and hour or so, will check in later.. thanks, John.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 4:06 PM (permalink)
    You should also have a manual for this somewhere. It will be in pdf file format. Probably find it on one of your installation discs.

    Actually, on the proteus window, click help>help topics. This should open the pdf manual.

    I'll check back in here tomorrow to see how you are getting on.
    post edited by VinylJunkie - February 03, 09 4:25 PM

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 6:08 PM (permalink)
    Ok thanks VJ, I appreciate your help and time! I'll get stuck into the manual tomorrow and post my results back here.. talk to you then, John.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 03, 09 6:11 PM (permalink)
    Ooops, I didn't see your earlier post, sorry about that.. I'll check it all out in the morning (bedtime here in Ireland:-)) and I'll get back to you then.. nite, John.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 04, 09 6:41 AM (permalink)
    Morning VJ... I did all you said above and YES I have sound.. only thing is it's very low, not much volume in it.. I'm off to have a go at it now and find the manual.. I'll post back later with what happens.. thanks again!!! J.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 04, 09 11:32 AM (permalink)
    Hi VJ..
    I've spent a few hours on the manual and trying things out and the result is that I know my way around proteus on the surface pretty ok now.. I tried different sounds (presets) on different channels etc and that all worked out ok.. what I can't figure out is...
    In a track window in sonar where Proteus is inserted ie 'Output' & 'Midi Channel 1-16', that is fine but on TTS1 or any other synth you have 'Bank' & 'Patch', I can't work ou/see in the manual how to get my sounds in there in this way so they can be accessed in the same normal fashion as TTS1.
    Any info on this VJ??
    Thanks, John.

    Sláinte, John
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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 04, 09 12:06 AM (permalink)
    Hi John

    Glad to see you're making some headway !!

    I'm not sure about the bank / patch setup. I don't know if it's possible with this synth. (I'm guessing not - hopefully someone else can shed light on this) Whenever I've used it, I simple open the synth and select a sound from there...

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    RE: Emu Proteus x with Sonar 5 Producer--------------------------------------------------- February 04, 09 1:18 PM (permalink)
    Ah that's a pity.. you're probably right that it's not possible.. although I'm sure I've seen them configured like that before in Sonar.. unfortunately it's a couple of years ago and I don't remember where as I wasn't even into midi then :-/ I'll keep searching anyway, but at least I can get to the sounds now.. thanks for your help again VJ! Regards, John.

    Sláinte, John
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