Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin)

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2009/08/29 15:04:34 (permalink)

Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin)

Added some mandolin and harmonica to an old tune with a new mix…
It may need some tweaking before entering OurStage competition…
Any help on the mix will be appreciated… Thanks 
edit: Bumped up the Mandolin, and lowered the Kick... thanks...
“Deere Tractor”

post edited by notnat - 2009/08/30 19:35:26

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 17:42:50 (permalink)
    Hey, this is a different tune for you.  Man, I like it!  It's my wife's birthday so I have to go out.  I saw this as I was logging off.  Had to listen before we left.  Man, Frank, your changes are so good.  Your voice really sounds good on this.  I have no mix suggestions because it sounds great to me, like all of yours.  Instrumentally  another hit!   Wife waving at me, gotta go.  I love the changes in this.  The outro is phenomenal.  Later, buddy!

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 18:32:20 (permalink)
    Hey Frank this is an excellent song... if i was to crit .. it would be the Kick sounds too much like it`s from a metal song ..slighty too sub-bassy thumpy IMO for this style of song.


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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 19:23:15 (permalink)
    It does'nt sound like you need any help with the mix Frank as it sounds fantastic, well to my ears anyway.

    The guitars sound incredible and your slide playing is as impressive as ever.  I have to admit this is'nt really my sort of music, but that does'nt prevent me from realising what a superb piece of work this is.  Good one Frank.
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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 21:35:01 (permalink)
    I agree with blipp - sounds fantastic to my ears too.

    Did Warren Zevon ever cut an album in Nashville?  Because this cut would have been on it.

    Now I need to listen to the rest of your songs!

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 22:58:24 (permalink)
    Very cool. I am wondering about bringing that mandolin up a bit during the instrumental parts later in in the song (seems OK in the early going), and agree that the kick is a little bit thumpy for this genre.

    Nicely done!*SoundClick

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/29 23:01:45 (permalink)
    Yep, the mando definitely needs to shine a bit more. Otherwise this "Kick"s butt!

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/30 02:26:03 (permalink)
    Hi, Frank, this is pure country dynamite with a nice clean, full mix!  Great playing and vocals, as always.  I agree with Scotty and Tombo, I’d Bump up the mandolin a Db or 2.
    Excellent song!
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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/30 11:44:03 (permalink)
    Thanks everyone...
    Your feedback was very helpful...

    I brought up the Mandolin, and lowered the Kick a bit...
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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/30 11:57:40 (permalink)
    Love the intro. Nice play on words. I'm not sure if it's the slide, but I swear I could hear some fiddling at times. Excellent overall vibe. I guess this would be considered "popular country"?. I know you specified "Alternative country" but this is real easy listening. As stated above, the mandolin could come up a tad. Excellent playing btw. Excellent mix. Excellent production.

    You THE man Frank.

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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/30 19:31:49 (permalink)
    Thanks JC, you know  I never know what genre/catagory to put these things in... 
    Your feedback is always appreciated...
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    Re:Deere Tractor 2009/08/30 19:43:55 (permalink)
    Frank, this is really great - a nice change from you - very entertertaining.

    Very cool.

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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/30 20:26:37 (permalink)
    I have to agree with all the comments above.  This is a cool number.  The mix is great as is the performance/playing.  Your slide is very impressive indeed.
    Nicely done.
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/30 21:06:47 (permalink)
    Much better!!!!! I love the new mix!!!!!!!!!

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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/30 21:21:46 (permalink)
    Wow incredible tones and sweet mix. Didn't hear the previous mix but this sounds great! Maybe back off the mastering limiter just a tad to let some more of the dynamics come through?? But cool song that I imagine could really gather a large audience and excellent performances!
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/31 08:21:26 (permalink)
    This is excellent - love the vocals and lyrics

    Nice clear mix and brilliant instrumentation.
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/31 09:49:32 (permalink)
    Blimey, it's superb sounding tracks like this that make me think i should just stick to electronica and keep my guitars in their cases. Your guitars sound so professionally recorded.  I think you can guess that i think this sounds pretty awesome. Excellent work frank.  The playing is'nt too bad either.
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/31 16:51:13 (permalink)
    Dang Frank!  I'm currently in the market for a mandolin, I haven't had one in 30 years and now I'm hot for one.

    You have more instruments that one man deserves!, Except for you... and me of course!

    I like this a bunch, I knew I would.  I love the chords in the verse!
    Cute lyrics too.

    How did you record the mandolin? mic? what kind?  What mandolin do you have.  Sorry I'm currently shopping!

    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/31 19:48:43 (permalink)
    Thanks for the feedback Mark & Freddie… I’m glad you were entertained…
    Thanks for listening again Scotty
    Gary, you’re right… I’m thinking a little more dynamic range would be better…
    Jamie… Thanks for checking this tune out…
    Thank you Blipp… Your comments are always welcome…  
    Daryl, Thanks for the feedback… I’m using a cheap MXR condenser mic, but a really nice instrument…
    She’s a near mint 1914 Gibson F-2…

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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/08/31 21:44:05 (permalink)
    Great song, Frank. Love the lyrics. Man, there are almost too many great performances here...mandolin (great playing), dobro (love that sort of trill thing you do in the intro), slide guitar, steel guitar, harp, and your vocal, of course. Outstanding production/mix.  Excellent.


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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/09/01 10:56:01 (permalink)
    Jesus Frank - Do you own a music store?!  You seem to have a never ending source of vintage and vibe instruments!  If I didn't like you so much my envy could make me want to knock you over the head and steal your vintage stash.  Very impressive man!

    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/09/01 12:55:57 (permalink)
    Frank - did you add melodyne to your voice?

    The mix is very good. You seem to have really gotten the knack of it. I recall the earlier version of this.

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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/09/01 13:46:02 (permalink)
    Thank you Gary
    My friend Dr. Steve Stokes wrote the original lyrics for this tune…
    I had hoped you would like this one…
    I really appreciate your ears and words…
    Daryl… I won’t tell you where I live, in case you get any ideas…
    Check out my collection on MySpace…  I got it bad…
    Shad... No, I didn’t use Melodyne on the Vocal tracks, but I did use it to fix a few bad Mandolin notes..
    Thanks for listening… I’m liking your latest with Alan on vox… Very creative…  
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/09/01 16:22:30 (permalink)
    I've checked out your collection, that's what I mean.  I think the guitar police need to pay you a visit.  No one should have that many cool instruments if for no other reason than it makes guys like me feel inadequate.  I'm feeling really small here Frank.

    Like an idiot I sold all my vintage guitars over the years before they were worth the small fortune they are today.  My 52 Les Paul, the early Fender Esquire, the 65 Strat, the Melody Makers, the 54  Telecaster, The Ventures Mosrite, the Firebird 12 string (one of 272) the ES-150, the SG Custom, the 64 ES335, the 67 Epi Riviara... you get the idea.  

    That's why when I see your stash, I feel like such a failure.  Your what my daughter would call a DREAMCRUSHER.

    But other than that... Way Cool Man!!

    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:Deere Tractor (w/ more Mandolin) 2009/09/01 18:40:55 (permalink)
    Daryl, I've let several of these go recently, but the ones I let go before I started collecting I can't afford to replace now...'51 Nocaster, '54 Les Paul, '62 ES-345, 63 Strat ... Yeah I know what you mean about sellers remorse... 
    I really need to let more of these go before I cash out... I can't be buried with anything valuable cause I know some people that would dig me up for sure...
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