Question about latancy compensation in Sonar 8 Producer

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September 06, 09 7:28 AM (permalink)

Question about latancy compensation in Sonar 8 Producer

I am not wery experienced with DAWs but I have been using Sonar 8 Producer to record some simple tracks.  I think the ASIO was using  8ms latency.

I have used Native Instruments  Battery-3 for drums and created drumpattern with step sequencer.  Then recorded guitars,shaker and tamburine.  When I listen to the tracks it did not seems like the Battery drum's is in sync with the recorded audio tracks.  I have used no other plugins .  The drums do not fit my own tamburine and shaker recording (or it was easier to notice than the guitar tracks).   I had to move the Battery-3 MIDI track to -40 or -50 in time (samples?).   Then it sounds better.      

I guess ASIO latency of 8ms should not be noticed as rythm a bit out of sync and I guess Sonar also compensates the ASIO latancy automaticly ?

One reason could of course be that I am not as rythmic as I should be but I guess its most likely caused by delayed ;-)

I guess the problem is more likely related to latency of the Battery-3 plugin  but then again I can not understand if it sounds a bit off when I playback the tracks.

I add more tracks now with the MIDI timeoffset set to -50 then I guess I would have the same problem with the drums being a little late compared to the audio recorded track.


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