Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record

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January 02, 18 0:18 PM (permalink)

Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record

This is a tough one to describe and, IMHO, a very strange issue.
Recently, my previously smoothly working Sonar Platinum / Scarlett 18i20 (Ver 1) setup has developed a very irritating issue. Occasionally (not always, and not under predictable circumstances), when I press Play/Pause (from the control bar or space bar... any means of starting and stopping) and whether record is armed or not, Sonar will pause for maybe 1.5 seconds before the timeline begins to move... and there's no audio sent to the Scarlett interface.
Of course, I don't have any way to know where the data flow stops. But here's the VERY strange thing... if I switch to ANY other application -- let's say Windows Explorer -- then switch back to Sonar, there's a brief sound --often a reverb decay, but not limited to this -- and then Sonar works normally. That's all I have to do to break out is to focus another application.
In a few instances, Sonar has stopped a couple of seconds into playback. Sometime, it works properly for hours at a time, only to go through a period of bad behavior. Sometimes, it does this immediately after launch... new projects, old projects, simple projects, complex project, 24bit, 26bit, 441Hkz, 48KHz... I've tried all manner of configuration variants.
I've not ruled out an issue with Scarlett (ASIO) and Windows 10 (64bit Pro), but there's no reported driver crash and switching to the Scarlett MixControl is just like switching to any other app -- it restarts the connection.
So... I'm asking, does anyone have ANY ideas??? WTF???
Here's a brief summary of my computer setup:
OS Name    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro    
Version    10.0.14393 Build 14393    
System Type    x64-based PC    
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)    
BIOS Version/Date    American Megatrends Inc. 4.6.5, 10/16/2014    
SMBIOS Version    2.7    
BaseBoard Manufacturer    EVGA    
Platform Role    Desktop    
Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    16.0 GB    
Total Physical Memory    15.9 GB    
Available Physical Memory    11.3 GB    
Total Virtual Memory    31.9 GB    
Available Virtual Memory    26.0 GB    
Page File Space    16.0 GB    
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

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    Re: Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record January 02, 18 0:44 PM (permalink)
    I've had exactly this issue, and in every case it's been some other process taking up CPU.
    Common culprits were:
    • Windows Update
    • Windows Defender
    • Google Updater
    • Apple Updater
    • Misbehaving javascript on a webpage (if I had a browser open) - webpage ads are really bad for this
    These can of course be disabled, or put into manual update mode. However, major updates (i.e. Windows Creator Updates) have a nasty habit of re-enabling them again.
    It might be worth having task manager running with tasks ordered by CPU usage. When it happens, quickly switch to task manager and you'll more than likely see the culprit.
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    Re: Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record January 02, 18 10:11 PM (permalink)
    M... thanks for the thoughtful reply. Although I try to keep the environment pristine -- no updaters or other CPU or IRQ hogs -- that's always a possibility. However, in this case, task manager shows nothing.
    I moved the Scarlett 18i20 to another USB hub... it was in a USB3.0/2.0 tree. So far, so good, however part of the frustration of seeking a solution is that it is sporadic. I can't just test and say go or no go... you just have to continue working, wait and see. My thinking is that it shared the USB3.0/2.0 with a USB 3.0 drive. I don't know how Windows services the USB Read/Write, but possibly the hard drive was given precedence. Grasping at straws, but it seems to be working at the moment.
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    Re: Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record January 03, 18 0:26 PM (permalink)
    I've had this problem when switching between projects at a different sample rate.  
    Work on project A (48k), all is good.
    Open Project B (44.1k)...transport controls are way sluggish.
    The workaround is to close and reopen the project.  All seem to work fine after that...until you go back to a project at a different rate.  It was a pain, but I only had to get into my old 44.1 projects once in a blue moon.
    Note: this was happening with my MOTU Ultralite mk4 on a Win10 box.  I finally got fed up with various issues with the MOTU and shelled out for an RME UFX.  Why didn't I do it sooner?!  It's been rock solid...took a grand total of 7 minutes to get up and running, including a firmware update.  It's been running at 128 samples, like 6.4 RTL.  I just finished a project with 20 tracks, 12 TH3s, 5 software instruments, and all the assorted plugs...intentionally didn't "freeze" anything just to see.  Not a hiccup.
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    Re: Sonar Platinum - hesitation on playback or record January 03, 18 3:37 AM (permalink)
    I have had a few odd problems with Sonar. I have solved them by Rolling back my version and then putting it back to the version I had been using. This has always worked for me.
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