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The Matrix
Ok, For me beside wasting time with the matrix , has anyone used it in there production. I gave it a try again, using it for remixing. (not) maybe rearranging loops. but a waste, it all can be done in track view with media player,it's cool to slam down a few keys to activate loops but dam, what a waste of time and I think CW could of spent time developing something we could use, The Matrix In IMO is like there Boost , A marketing thing. Boost had this whole marketing thing behind it , Boost this boost that and the fact of the matter is its pretty bad compare to most limiters .CW should get rid of it or make it useful, show the wave , have transport control per cell, allow for more control integrate beatscape functions tools and other tools. add efx's banks per cell . The whole matrix thing needs to be looked at real close, using it as a marketing thing shows the mickey mouseness of sonar ,which it is not... but is bad marketing, Most users think it's like Abelton Live when they read about it , and in no way it is.. so many people are getting mixed idea's as to what it really is and can do.. Live situations , maybe for Bands playing off the master tempo, Dj's NO way... If someone use's it and swears by it , Please tell us how you use it ,maybe I not opening up my creativity , but like to hear what its being used for by Cakewalkers. or are you just wasting your time like me slamming down keys. as you can listen to your loops in media player and drag them around where you wanna start and end them.same as the Matrix. I mean no disrespect , but Cw needs to look into the matrix in an update or in SP 9. I say this because I was in Guitar center yesterday and over heard a salesperson trying to sell Sonar to a dj who was looking at Abelton and Traktor but wanted the option to produce music so he suggested either Ableton or Sonar, Traktor was a good exclusion, since it only for djing,Even the salespeople have no clue and are giving bad advice, but yeah I think he sold him a copy of Sonar..why do they think it's like abelton?
post edited by - November 28, 09 9:56 AM
Computer - Intel Q9550, Intel BX48bt2 MB, W8 64 bit. 8 gb Ram, SSD Hardware - Tascam Fw1884 Control surface only, Ni S49 Komplete Kontroll,Roland Quad Capture, Ni Machine,Kore, Focusrite A/D converter, Blue Mic, Roland Gaia, Akai Mpk49, Yamaha HS80 Monitors.Software - Sonar Platinum , Vengeance VPS bundle,Sugar Bytes Effectrix, Turnado, NI Komplete 10 Ultimate, Dune, Rob Papen Blade , Delay, Punch Evolved.