Reverb issue

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June 09, 10 9:49 PM (permalink)

Reverb issue

Hey All,

For some reason, when i play back my track, it has a reverb on it, although there is nothing in the FX bin. Also, when i put on the input echo, it echos back the reverb. But when i export the audio file, and i transfered it to my other computer, the audio was dry. I Like the sound of it with the reverb, and i want to keep it, but i need to remove it so i can apply a reverb effect properly.

SO IN SUMMARY: It records and playsback with reverb, but once exported, the audio is dry. How can i take the reverb out of the playback and recording, or how can I keep the reverb when i export?

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    Re:Reverb issue June 09, 10 10:43 PM (permalink)
    Which sound card are you using? Some sound cards have effects that are enabled on the inputs or outputs. That could be what you're hearing if you're sure you haven't applied any effects to the VST outputs or any other outputs in SONAR.

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    Re:Reverb issue June 10, 10 0:26 PM (permalink)
    It never did this before though.
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    Re:Reverb issue June 10, 10 1:05 PM (permalink)
    what sound card are you using? Those sound blaster gaming cards have effects on them and can change the sound your recording and playing back. Its best if you answer the questions asked of you. It makes troubleshooting Your errors easier.
    Sonar doesn't add reverb to your music. So its either your sound card or something outside of sonar doing it.

    To export with reverb, you need to make sure all your tracks go to the master bus and your master bus goes to your 1/2 main outs of your sound card. Then you select main outs as your export source... - A Professional Worldwide Audio Mixing & Mastering Studio, Providing Online And Attended Sessions. We also do TV commercials, Radio spots & spoken word books
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    Re:Reverb issue June 10, 10 1:58 PM (permalink)
    There are audio cards and audio interfaces that have hardware effects.

    And it is also that some of the hardware effects are recordable and some are not, no matter how you want to route them with Sonar.

    Those are good features that can be put to use when available.

    So you just need to figure out what it is that is happening, and enable them when you want to and disable them when you don't.

    You also would benefit from using software VST effects, many of which are excellent and even free.

    Hardware effects have the ability of freeing CPU, but may be a little obscure on their architecture, such as you hear them but can't record them.

    Software VST effects have the benefit of being much more advanced even just from the fact that they have dedicated developers, and also a much greater variety. The, also, they are more suitable for use by Sonar, than some hardware effects.

    So what you describe is just a matter of familiarity as to what is happening and where it is happening.
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