Re:Delay using Akai LPK25 and HS7XL
July 22, 10 10:06 PM
Basic computer specs, lap top/PC, OS, etc.
Are you using the built-in sound card?
I've had some success using the WASAPI driver mode on my Vista laptop.
Ultimately, a low latency sound card/interface designed for recording is the answer, especially working with soft synths in real time.
It's not the keyboard or SHS7, but the sound card that causes the delay(latency).
My Soundclick Page SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp
Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob