Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack

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August 20, 10 11:43 AM (permalink)

Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack

Long story short:  I'm going back and finishing a record that I labored over 10 years ago after recently discovering CD backups (moving can be great!).

I'm able to open them in Sonar 8, but all the envelopes are wack'd.  I do remember using Volume and Pan envelopes fairly extensively and they seem to be in here, but so are all a bunch of extraneous envelopes like Aux Send envelopes and Gain envelopes.  And often, Sonar won't respond to the Volume or Pan envelopes that are the correct ones.

Obviously, Cakewalk has changed the envelope algorithms over time and that is understandable, but is there any way to get Sonar to respond to the original Volume and Pan envelopes that I can see without having to painstakingly recreate every one?

I was really hoping to just open these up and finish mixing these, not to go back and redo all the extreme amount of work I did 10 years ago.


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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 5:28 PM (permalink)
    So does nobody know how Pro Audio 9 volume and pan envelopes translate to Sonar 8 and/or a method for getting them to work?
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 5:44 PM (permalink)
    I would delete them all and start over.

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 5:48 PM (permalink)

    I would delete them all and start over.

    Well that just ruined my year, haha.
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 5:52 PM (permalink)
    Let's put this another way:

    I can SEE the envelopes and Sonar is calling them Volume and Pan envelopes.  If I go into the even list, there are shape events in the appropriate places.

    So why is the volume and pan not responding to the Volume and Pan envelopes?
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 6:07 PM (permalink)
    While there may be a simple solution to your problem (tho I doubt it) I'm sure you understand just how big a leap Sonar 8 is over PA9.  Your asking an awful lot of "backwards compatibility".  I'm assuming that you'll be keeping your audio tracks (and whatever DXi, if any, instruments or effects) from your ten year old sessions.  Is that right?  If so...and you probably won't want to hear this...I'd suggest something similar to John.  Only more so.  Redo it all.  I've got songs that I'm working on for a current album project that are as old as yours and have been through countless re-arrangements and reproduction.  I've (mostly) bettered all of them and (more importantly) learned new tricks techniques and have vastly better instruments and tools to work with now.  If you're just trying to recreate this as exactly as possible by all means try to find an answer to your question and continue on.  I'm sure someone more knowledgable about envelopes back in PA9 here on the forum (or at Cake tech support) will help.  Just a thought.  Good luck. 
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 6:50 PM (permalink)
    How hard would it be to put in new envelopes after you delete the old ones? I've done and it was not all that hard.

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 7:14 PM (permalink)
    I never used PA9 but if the envelopes are getting brought in and showing up you would think that they are being interpreted as envelopes.  Maybe you can trick them into becoming active.

    A couple of things to try(if you haven't already) toggle the read enable button off and on and try that; next is right click on the envelope and select delete; hit play and let it play a bit of the clip, then rewind and hit the undo or Ctrl - Z to put the envelope back and see if it responds.  If no luck then right click envelope and click on Assign envelope and select one of the options BUT NOT MUTE, if you have a volume envelope assign it to pan hit play and see if the pan meter responds then repeat the process but assign it back to volume.  It may be a way to trick it into reactivating.

    If no success with that then try Options - Global - "Display envelopes on Pecentage scale"(about 1/3 down the page)  and check it, hit play and see if you get any action or if the envelopes change.  Then switch it back off.

    Worth a try anyways.  If it fails try contacting Support to see if there is a work around as has been mentioned already.
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 7:43 PM (permalink)
    Well, some of these files have a hundred tracks or so (like I said, I LABORED over these, haha!).  In other words, it would be a lot of work. 

    And the envelope automation work I did does not need to be redone, I like what I did with that.  I've just acquired better ears and can mix better and I just was hoping to eq and add some mild compression and do some minor leveling and ship it off for mastering (when I came across these backups, you can't possibly understand how happy I was, I thought I had lost this project FOREVER!).

    Redoing all of the envelopes will take weeks. 

    So, if everyone will indulge me, let's backtrack here.  Back in PA9, the volume envelopes were midi automation if I remember correctly.  7 was Volume, 10 was Pan.

    Sonar 8 is actually reading these somehow as envelopes but not using them.  So how is Sonar interpreting the old midi automation data that was used as volume and pan envelopes for tracks?

    I tried the other suggestions.  As track envelopes, Sonar isn't allowing me to assign them elsewhere and the other suggestions didn't work (thanks for those by the way). 

    What's that awful corporate term, "low hanging fruit"?  This project was supposed to be that.  Grrrrrr . . . .

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 7:54 PM (permalink)
    If these are MIDI tracks then yes its MIDI data the same as it is in Sonar 8. If these are audio tracks the envelopes are not MIDI events.

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 7:57 PM (permalink)
    Another quick try - Make sure you are not in offset mode Click on the letter "O" to toggle off or on.  Off is Envelope mode On is Offset mode.  You know you are in Offset mode if there is a "+" sign next to the volume value at the bottom of the volume fader.
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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 8:08 PM (permalink)
    Considering that automation was exclusively clip-based back then and that there were only 2 parameters available (volume-pan), it doesn't surprise me much if Sonar doesn't know how to react to those w/ the enormous quantity of automation parameters it offers.

    If you right click on the envelope, anything shows up? is it assigned to anything? Normally, you can re-assign envelopes.

    I guess you tried that, but just in case...

    EDIT - Nevermind, just saw your most recent post.
    post edited by Rain - August 20, 10 8:10 PM

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 20, 10 8:20 PM (permalink)

    So, if everyone will indulge me, let's backtrack here.  Back in PA9, the volume envelopes were midi automation if I remember correctly.  7 was Volume, 10 was Pan.

    Sonar 8 is actually reading these somehow as envelopes but not using them.  So how is Sonar interpreting the old midi automation data that was used as volume and pan envelopes for tracks?

    I tried the other suggestions.  As track envelopes, Sonar isn't allowing me to assign them elsewhere and the other suggestions didn't work (thanks for those by the way). 

    What's that awful corporate term, "low hanging fruit"?  This project was supposed to be that.  Grrrrrr . . . .
    Volume/Pan automation (on a clip level) was not midi data - otherwise I assume it wouldn't have been sample accurate but only as accurate as the highest midi resolution would allow you to go. 

    If you look in the event list, you'll see that curves are listed as special events, not midi.

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 21, 10 12:39 AM (permalink)
    These tracks are Audio tracks but back then, Pro Audio used the midi automation system for Volume and Pan automation.  I'm not sure how it worked, but the Track Volume and Track Pan controller info showed up in the Piano Roll.  Yes, for Audio tracks.

    When I right-click on the envelopes, the same info shows up as would be expected.  They are definitely being imported as Track Volume and Track Pan envelopes.  When you roll over them, they will say Volume or Pan.  When you right click on the clip, you have the option to "Show Track Envelope" and I can select Volume and Pan and make the disappear and reappear.  They also show up in the Event List.  I can add Nodes and do further editing.  Sonar just is not responding to them in playback. 

    I briefly mentioned above that Sonar was also creating other envelopes but let me elaborate:  Upon opening, there are four Aux buses (Pro Audio did not have buses).  Some tracks have Aux Send envelopes for some reason.  Also, some clips have a Gain envelope that is deriving information from somewhere but is not the Volume information.  Sonar is responding to the Gain envelope.  But all these extraneous envelopes are easy enough to get rid of.

    The only envelope I can reassign is the Clip Gain envelope.  None of Track envelopes (Volume, Pan, Aux Send) have an option for reassignment.

    Also, the tracks sometimes do some funny things.  For instance, I just opened up one of the files and the Bass Drum track starts off panned to the right but immediately upon playback goes all the way to the left.  There is no pan envelope nor is there any pan information in the Event List.  If I turn Automation Read off, it does not do it.  So where is it getting its automation information from?

    Anyway, I've been searching the forum for the last couple of days and I'm surprised that no one has been importing Pro Audio wrk's into Sonar or, at least, talking about the envelopes. 

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 21, 10 1:24 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, I remember that. And you'd edit mix automation in the controller pane... Ah the good old days. 

    Interesting that the midi automation is imported and converted into envelopes. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work as intended though... 

    Almost as if Sonar stopped halfway in terms of backwards compatibility - it imports the midi data, translates it into envelopes but from there, it's like it still consider these envelopes as midi data (controller 7 for Volume) and doesn't know how to handle them as part of audio tracks. 

    I'd be curious to see if this automation can be copied to a midi track and how it would react... 

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    Re:Importing PA9 wrk into Sonar 8 - Envelopes all out of wack August 21, 10 2:07 PM (permalink)

    Copying tracks does it!  It's responding to the envelopes!  You just saved me weeks of work!  I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH!
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