Re:Sonar 8 Studio versus Sonar Home Studio 6XL
September 11, 10 1:26 PM
Looks good to me, like Mystic, I will be in the learning curve again if I do it. One question tho:
I just went through a lot of heartache getting my existing system to work with my E-MU 0404 card............. Any ideas if upgrading to 8.5 will be easy or..........another pain in the rear?
WIndows 7/64 Home 70 GB Pentium 4 2.8 GHZ, 3 GB Ram
SONAR 8.5, EMU 0404, Soundcraft Compact 4, EDIROL PCR M50, Epi Semi Acoustic, Fender Bass, Breedlove Acoustic, Epi Les Paul.