USB Guitar Direct

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January 04, 09 6:33 PM (permalink)

USB Guitar Direct

Hey, so I've posted before and some people got a little frusturated with me!
Anyways. My latency issues are fine. Got that taken care of.

ive got a **** microphone right now, some day i will upgrade wen I get better at the software and mixing and all that stuff. I purchased a first act 222 usb guitar cable and i am going to try going direct tol just try something different. I can also run it through my am then into my computer.

However, I have it plugged from gutiar to computer usb port and i cant get sonar to read it properly. A few times ive tried to record the track but upon play back its sped up and distorted chipmunk style. othertimes it wont read it at all. The input is USB blah blah blah...outpout is master I believe....

this is all with guitar direct....

Ive recorded on other peoples computers and i would be ale to hear the guitar being recorded/played through my headphones. im not getting that either. Im not sure what im doing or what else needs to be done. Im guessing Sonar needs to recognize the USB as theinput? Under audio properties I have the USB for recording.

This is kind of jumbled. Basically Im not getting it to record using the USB port. Its not playing back properly if it does record, and Im not hearing the guitar through my headphones/or speakers as an mplifier for the sound.....

Ive had no problems using the mic input and micing my guitars to record...

Any help?

Thanks for your time.

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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 04, 09 9:25 PM (permalink)
    not sure about that device bdahlen.. only things like the stealth plug , is probably one of the better known things..

    now with usb device, much like my samson mic.. it SHOULD see it as an input device..

    heres the important thing to remember : any usb soundcard / mic etc is treated as a seperate device , so asio can't be used if you have that set for another card, unless they provide such drivers, but then also you only can use ONE source.

    but the hitch with that is you can't use asio mode with my mic , MME is the way to get it to work.. within sonar you'll see it listed in the input devices if it's there, and in MME mode you can enable it.. when you go to an audio track in sonar, you should be able to pick it as the input.. like on my samson, it comes up Samson (L)...

    post edited by Fog - January 04, 09 9:29 PM
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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 04, 09 10:18 PM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bdahlen21
    I purchased a first act 222 usb guitar cable and i am going to try going direct tol just try something different. I can also run it through my am then into my computer.
    Ive had no problems using the mic input and micing my guitars to record...

    I googled "first act 222 usb guitar cable". I am not sure what you are trying to achieve but I'd say stop wasting your time and go exchange it for a DI box.
    I mean there is no circuitry on that cable. How is that going to help you record a decent guitar sound?
    If you have a multi-effects pedal, use its output to go in your computer's sound card in. But still it won't make wonders. You need something in between to match impedance.
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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 04, 09 11:06 PM (permalink)
    Im really not trying to make the best sounding demo to get myself any attention, just am doing it for myself. So i just want to know how to run this thing direct through my USb. I cannot get Sonar to read it.

    I know I could invest in a pre amp, and a good mic and all the stuff, but im broke and right now have to worry about my career moreso than recording. Im just doing this for fun and i thought id give the direct shot a try\ for now
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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 05, 09 2:41 PM (permalink)

    just am doing it for myself

    Then you want ot get a cheap little maudio interface or something for $99. somthing that is proven to work and not some gimmick usb device. You'Ll spend all your time troubleshooting and not recording.
    you say you cant get sonar to read it, right? so what are the steps you have done to try and get sonar to read it?/ Have you read the manaul or help file in settign up sound cards with sonar?? It explains what you need to do. also, have you read their manual for this usb device? Does it give you instructions on what driver mode and how to download the driver and hook it up?? Read the getting started section in sonar's manual and you'll learn how to hook it up.
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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 05, 09 3:05 PM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: bdahlen21

    ive got a **** microphone right now, some day i will upgrade wen I get better at the software and mixing and all that stuff. I purchased a first act 222 usb guitar cable and i am going to try going direct tol just try something different. I can also run it through my am then into my computer.

    Thanks for your time.

    The "sound card in a cable" things are not good and no where near the level of hardware you should be using with a professional application like Sonar. For one thing you need to try to keep it down to one sound card if you can or you will have problems. For example if you use ASIO drivers you have to use only one driver and that cable counts as a second driver. If you use WDM or MME you could have more then one driver but it still won't work since there is no way to get sample rate clock from the cable to the sound card to sync them up. USB guitar cords, microphone, etc are a waste of time. You need to get one good sound card with the connections you need and use only that inteface with Sonar. Also make sure Windows is not trying to use that interface, your built in sound card makes a good decoy to keep Windows (and iTunes) happy so they keep their hands off your good sound card you use for Sonar. It's OK to use a USB one as long as it's good and has all the inputs and outputs you need so you can keep it down to one interface for everything. M-Audio has a good selection and do a good job of keeping drivers updated.
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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 05, 09 3:42 PM (permalink)
    Answers re: recording with this cable here.

    Looks like they're using Audacity to do what you're wanting......

    Maybe a workaround by exporting as wav. files into Sonar?

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    RE: USB Guitar Direct January 10, 09 6:24 PM (permalink)
    If you can find one - you should get the Line6 GearBox Gold Bundle.
    You get the DI and Gearbox VST plug-in plus free upgrade to POD Farm Platinum (MSRP of $299).

    Many places were blowing them out for under $100, such as AudioMidi
    A totally kick @ss deal, but most places have sold out.


    post edited by TheSteven - January 10, 09 6:28 PM

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    Re: RE: USB Guitar Direct September 25, 10 5:18 AM (permalink)
    I am 100% agree with your statement about it. Your information is very informative and very good. I hope this details information  helps to get good information, because of this I am very much appreciate to you, keep sharing.

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