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Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
It's possible I am an idiot...actually it's probable. With this said, I cannot figure out these smart tools, they seem to not crop a clip when I want or slip edit when I went....dont get me started on crossfades because that it pure voodoo at this point. It worked 1 time and then I sat there for 10 minutes playing with each tool and could not get another crossfade to happen (yes the crossfade option is checked) I don't blame the software, I have been doing things the old way and would 'love' to change to this new fangled idea, I just cant figure the darned thing out. Is there a "smart tools" for dummies manual comming out in the near future?
Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 7:46 PM
Mike, There's actually only one Smart Tool, which has a logo of a star. The rest of the tools are single mode tools for when you only want to do a specific action. For more, check out this video ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axHd4sntdJg
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 8:08 PM
Thanks Seth, I actually did watch the video several times and my confusion over the above topics still continues. It doesnt mention crossfades or grabbing any fades. I watched as he slip edited a clip but for me I dont always get that option. I'm sure it's complete user error and simple but I'm totally not getting the hang of it. Like the monkey who cannot let go of the cookie to get his hand out of the cookie jar, I am repeatedly running the smart tool over my clips ends going "why wont you slip edit?!" Then I go on to playing with the new compressor for a bit and say to myself "ooo this is neat".... Also, we used to be able to make the screen colors look like older versions of cakewalk...I dont mind the dark color so much but the dark meters are difficult to read. I like bright red lights in my "warning track" Is there a way to change that back?
Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 8:47 PM
When Slip Editing make sure you are using either the Smart Tool or the Edit tool. The other tools will only do their specific function and are not able to edit clips like that. When you put the Smart Tool on the edge of a clip you will see its icon change from one of the cross-hairs to a pretty obvious edit type icon. IIRC the colors of the meters can still be changed, but only the non-segmented meters. Having said that, I think the segmented meters a very easy to see and look great in all their bright green glory.
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 8:57 PM
Smart tools so far has not worked very well so far. Hopefully it's something I'm doing wrong
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Brandon Ryan [Roland]
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:00 PM
what is not working well?
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:04 PM
@cook dinner: lol, I'm just fixing that right now! The biggest thing is in order to get it to go to a tool you desire, seems to require quite a bit of effort to find exactly where to hover it. I'm probably not explaining it well.
i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:08 PM
Chris, The Smart Tool is context sensative, so rather than trying to think of it in terms of getting it to change modes, think of it in terms of finding the hotspot on the type of data you want to edit. For example, load AudioSnap on a track and open the Inline PRV in a MIDI track below it. Notice how when your mouse is over the AudioSnap clip the Smart Tool will edit the transient markers and nothing else. Then move your mouse down to the open Inline PRV and notice how the Smart Tool now edits MIDI data, etc.
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:11 PM
Kudos to Cake for being very proactive during this transition. I'm sure it'll be worth the effort but either way no-one can fault that these guys are right there anytime anyone has a question...
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:17 PM
Seth Perlstein [Cakewalk ] Chris, The Smart Tool is context sensative, so rather than trying to think of it in terms of getting it to change modes, think of it in terms of finding the hotspot on the type of data you want to edit. For example, load AudioSnap on a track and open the Inline PRV in a MIDI track below it. Notice how when your mouse is over the AudioSnap clip the Smart Tool will edit the transient markers and nothing else. Then move your mouse down to the open Inline PRV and notice how the Smart Tool now edits MIDI data, etc. I thank you very much for the tips!
i7 860/MSI mobo/8GB ram/win7x64ultimate/X2/profire 610/oxygen 61/running 48k currently.
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 08, 10 9:25 PM
VariousArtists is right, the help and effort is very much appreciated Thanks guys
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Re:Looking for "Idiots guide to smart tools"
December 09, 10 2:03 AM
I, too, would love an "idiot's guide", but for all of sonar, to be honest. I've been using it for 10 years but still feel like a newbie, since whatever habits I established 10 years ago with Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 I stuck with, and am just now finally learning how to use things like effects and soft synths. Is there a set of tutorials or something for "low adaptability" (routine oriented) people such as myself?
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