Re:Record from yamaha keyboard to GTP4
2011/03/28 15:00:29
It depends on what you set your track's output to. Midi data has no sound to it. In order to hear it you need to have something outputting the data it is fed. Currently you have it set to playback via your keyboard.
I'm not an expert here, but I do mess with MIDI to some extent
Unless you have a virtual instrument that sounds exactly like your keyboard you're not going to get that exact sound when recording via MIDI. If you want to continue to use MIDI and not have it output via your keyboard, you will need to setup a virtual instrument. GTP4 comes with 3 or 4 of them, depending on what sound you were trying to record these may or may not work for you. Native Instruments have about 100 or so sounds you can download for free which might help if you don't have anything other than what came with GTP4.
The easiest way to do this then is you add a virtual instrument track and then drag your midi clip down into it (or you can record it over again if you wish). Assuming the instrument track automatically set it's output to the same source as your audio tracks you will no longer hear the keyboard part coming out of your keyboard speakers.
Direct Recording:
If you don't have any sounds that you are looking for but your keyboard produces what you like, you can record directly but not via MIDI. You can connect to your audio interface inputs and your keyboard line out or headphones jack and record that way. Again you won't be able to edit your clips on the piano roll but it can be done.
Hope this helps